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Sunday - Nov. 25

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    Sunday - Nov. 25

    Hi Everyone: I'm feeling great after my first sober Thanksgiving. Today, we have a party in the afternoon. These particular friends of ours have this party every year the Sunday after Thanksgiving. There are nice things to eat & champagne. I'll drink soda & enjoy the party sober. Last year, I drank way too much & acted pretty bad. It was one of those parties that I felt guilty about afterwards. That will not be the case this year. I know what I have to do to stay sober, & I'll do it. Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Sunday - Nov. 25

    Hey Mary - We will be with you at the party in spirit - think of your MWO friends as your "bubbles". I love champagne myself - its a favorite, and last night we went to friends house where we would normally just catch up over some nibbles and some champagne - very sane, very close, BUT I drank my Lime soda water. Now I know it can be done. You are right about enjoying the company and feeling good about it afterwards....not letting old AL (Uncle Hall for me) get his 2 cents in and turn the whole nice event into a bad memory or a shame moment.

    "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"


      Sunday - Nov. 25

      Hi Mary & G2G!

      Mary~I look forward to making up for those "what the hell did I do" social moments. I know you'll do good.
      My moments were often with the phony-in-laws~bastards. They always talk nicey nice to your face but when your back is turned, watch out. So I know that those times they suspected I was drinking-I was the topic of discussion. Then God forbid I opened my mouth & proved I was drinking-ugh. But last Christmas I was sober & this Christmas I will be again. Put it this way-I used to sneak drinks because I hate being there! The icing on the cake was that one year I was talking to an aunt & my phony sis-in-law came over to us & whispers to my aunt (as if I can't hear) "do you want some wine-we have "x" wine, "x"wine ". The aunt says yes whatever. The wench did not offer me anything-not even water! I was pissed! OK-I'll save my hate for them later. Bunch of hypocritical phonies.

      We did get an invite to a Holiday party to hubby's cousin's between Christmas & New Year & I do not want to go. See-my hubby's family is weird. Now they are a cult. They really have no close friends besides themselves. It's bizarre to explain. So sis-in-law is best friends with cousin whose mom is best friends with mom-in-law. etc etc....So going to this party I'm third wheel-have no one to talk to & everyone has that BIG gobblet of wine in front of them. The only person I talk to is cousin-in-law's mom in-law who loves me (hubby's side does not like her). Go figure-I get along with people other than the phonies. I suppose I can go for a few hrs just to say "in your face" because for the past few years that I've been struggling with my sobriety I've avoided social situations & I know they are talking about me behind my back (she doesn't do family things). This I know because I witnessed the banshees one time when they attacked another person. I couldn't believe my ears. Then the next time they saw her-yup you guessed it-phony to her face.

      ok-enough bitching. I guess I have all this built up tension. LOL.

      Going to hairdresser to have kids get haircut today. I need to clean from all the Christmas decore I lugged out from storage but with everyone in the house-it's a pain. I'll wait till tomorrow when everyone is gone.

      Have a great AF day everyone Attached files [img]/converted_files/374227=2542-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/374227=1935-attachment.gif[/img]
      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


        Sunday - Nov. 25

        Parties, parties, parties! This is a whole new year. I know I can enjoy myself wo/booze. If my g-sons can do it, so can I. Mary
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          Sunday - Nov. 25

          That's it Mary-I see so many people who do it so why can't I. And they don't have a problem they just choose not to do it. And you think about it-how many conversations do you have at these social gatherings-many. When I used to drink, I'd forget half of them. Now tht I do it sober-I remember what each & every person is up to & is going to do & I don't have to look like a dunce when the next social event comes along & something comes along that was already repeated.
          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


            Sunday - Nov. 25

            Happy Sunday ABlanders far and wide.

            still AF and happy. Holidays are enough pain as it is...have no idea how I used to booze my way through these darn things...yikes. I'm lucky though as my family are great people and we have a lot of mutual respect on both my and Dx's side. boy did I luck out indeed
            Last night we saw a Ray Charles impersonator show called "Genius" and it was so much fun. I was clapping and standing up when everyone else did...I NEVER would have done that in my alcohol induced introverted state of mind that I used to suffer with.

            yes club soda is a great bubbly simulator....looks the same in the glass.
            Be well everyone
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              Sunday - Nov. 25

              That sounded awesome Deter! Glad you had a great time-I'm jealous!
              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                Sunday - Nov. 25

                Hi Mary, G2G, Breez, and Deter, and everyone else,

                I had a pretty quiet Thanksgiving with my family, and I drank some AF wine. This was my first sober Thanksgiving, and it felt pretty good. I think I am disappointing my BIL, though, who is having a hard time believing that I can enjoy myself drinking AF wine when he is drinking beer. Truth be told, I probably wouldn't enjoy it after a while, but I didn't when I was drinking either. He can get a bit rambunctuous when he's in his cups.

                Maddy did okay at her father's, and for that I am very grateful.

                Okay, enough of all that. I've got to go cook dinner for my mom.

                Hugs to all,:l

                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  Sunday - Nov. 25

                  This is such an upbeat thread today. I just got back from that champagne party, & I stayed AF just exactly the way I planned. The only moments that seemed slightly difficult was when I first walked in & saw all the bottles on the bar table. Once I took my first sip of selzer, I was fine. Our friends give this party every year on the Sun. following Thanksgiving. Last year, I got drunk, & we came out to a flat tire on our car. What a difference this year! I was the designated driver...I've been the DD lately anyway as my hubby is getting a cataract. I remember everything I said & did. I had a great time. Thank you MWO. Mary
                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    Sunday - Nov. 25

                    Way to go, Mary! Totally present.

                    "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"

