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Congratulations on 6mos. Finding My Self!!

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    Congratulations on 6mos. Finding My Self!!

    What an amazing accomplishment! You are a true inspiration to so many of us. Your postings are always filled with so much hope and delight. I am truly glad to have met you.

    Namaste, my friend.

    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.

    Congratulations on 6mos. Finding My Self!!

    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      Congratulations on 6mos. Finding My Self!!

      Yay! Double Yay! Yay squared! It's a Yay Parade!

      * * I love Determinator * *


        Congratulations on 6mos. Finding My Self!!

        Congrats there Finding my Self! You are a blessing to these boards. Keep up the good work!!


          Congratulations on 6mos. Finding My Self!!

          :banana: Yay for FMS....she lost her feet and found herself! :banana:

          I always love your posts, especially with the Cornish connection.....and your journey is inspiring to all of us. Keep up the good work :l

          Suze x
          Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


            Congratulations on 6mos. Finding My Self!!


            Attached files [img]/converted_files/374358=2546-attachment.jpg[/img]


              Congratulations on 6mos. Finding My Self!!

              Glad you are here FMS!!
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                Congratulations on 6mos. Finding My Self!!

                :blush: :blush: Oh wow! I am completely overawed by this, guys!! So touched...(.MM - thank you...what a 'thread starter'....eeek!) Couldn't believe it when I saw it!! :heart:

                But it's you guys who have become so special to me...WE did it...and I send a huge THANK YOU...

                With lots of love from a happy bod!
                FMS xxxx :h
                :heart: c: :heart:
                "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                  Congratulations on 6mos. Finding My Self!!

                  Congratulations, FMS; you make MWO a better place.


                  AF as of August 5th, 2012


                    Congratulations on 6mos. Finding My Self!!


                    I always find your posts filled with empathy and understanding. I think I remember several moths ago you were contemplating mods of some kind. Are you proud of the path you have chosen to remain AF? I certainly am proud of you.



                      Congratulations on 6mos. Finding My Self!!

                      Great Job FMS!!! 6 months.... How do you feel compared to 6 months ago? How do you think differently?

                      I'm happy for you. You must be proud of yourself, you should be. It's a pleasure to have you here. Thank You for all you've done for me..



                        Congratulations on 6mos. Finding My Self!!

                        July - I am just grateful! I feel so lucky...mods to me was always going to be 'just a glass or two'...but I just don't want it. You must know I am not truthfully totally AF...for a month or so I have had the occasional 'wine cordial' inch of wine topped right up with fizzy water...but I don't want any more. I don't like the feeling of going in the slightest bit 'woozy'...why do I have it then?...because (and this has taken me time to really think about) it puts me in a place of being someone who can 'drink' but chooses not to, rather than someone who can't/mustn't. We understand all the 'versions' here (I think!) but labels get banded around with those two choices by 'them that don't know'... I judge neither...just feel one of the luckiest people alive to have reached this place. I am deeply in awe of those who battle daily even after months and months...and for whom that one inch of wine would spell disaster.

                        I am in a place I dreamed of but never want to take for granted or lose focus on...never do I want to go back 'there'...where I frightened the **** out of myself and my loved ones...and to be frightened of that - I am sure - definite possibility is a fear I'll not mind too much...

                        But I guess I am just a little bit proud....pleased, grateful, contented and honoured anyway... If I am proud it makes the journey bigger than I would like and therefore also the initial I choose grateful in order to shrink the 'problem' down to an 'episode' and the memories down to manageable sizes! But thinking back 5-6 months...yes, it was hell. Hard b***** work! There were crises around drink early on... and crises to be handled sober and therefore differently. But thanks to MWO...I stuck it out...and am sooooh glad I did. That's why I wrote '6 months sober' on The Inn's Shoutout today... Sober and Happy!

                        I hope you understand,'ve helped me soooo much... I'd just so hate to ever say anything misleading; this place is so precious and everyone's journey so important to me...

                        Sorry to ramble on..but honesty is really important...

                        ....a bit more! Just seen your post, Chief...thanks too! Well, I feel so different...stronger, grounded, me, very OK (mostly!), more confident, aware, positive, open, honest - life without That Guilt is quite wonderful! And I think very differently...the main one at the moment is that I look after 'me' loads better...and that helps me be more genuine in looking out for others...(I hope!?!?) I've learnt just how badly things dan go wrong if I sweep things under the carpet in an effort to 'be nice' or 'it must be just me' or 'I deserve sh*t'...(big one that!) or "My needs aren't important". Now, it's worth listening to my inner voice and saying No and asking for support and getting to believe in myself and life....not doing that had truly awful more!!

                        Thanks again - I am really very moved by this means the world to me.

                        FMS xx :l :l
                        :heart: c: :heart:
                        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                          Congratulations on 6mos. Finding My Self!!

                          Finding! So proud of you!


                          So happy for you, you are a special lady and dear to all of our hearts.
                          The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                            Congratulations on 6mos. Finding My Self!!


                            Can I add my congratulations too please? :goodjob:

                            We couldn't have asked for better company on this journey.

                            Thanks for everything you do here! :thanks:

                            Love :l


                            "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                              Congratulations on 6mos. Finding My Self!!

                              Well Done and congratulations! FMS. Just love reading post like this.
                              family is everything to me

