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Monday November 26th at the INN

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    Monday November 26th at the INN

    Good Mornining INNmates!! Well, I have reall been hearing it from the house staff!! Seems that everyone must be holed up in their suites.

    Sven and Ivan think that we're all slipping out to MM's for our spa treatments, the kitchen staff is complaining that we are not having any of our sumptuous feasts, the new life guard is suffering from lack of attention and even Margaret is looking bored.

    Oh dear, what to do.

    I'll have to consult my Activities Director Manual.

    Check back later

    Love and Peace

    Monday November 26th at the INN

    I'm sitting here in the snug (the one with the log fire...mmmmm) all on my ownsome! :upset: Where are my Innies???

    Rob....could you ask the chef to up the licorice content of the food? I am on a licorice craving at the moment (it's keeping me off the chocolate :H ) I'd like licorice with everything. Liccy soup, liccy risotto, liccy pud. Ta!

    Al...if you're lurking....why don't you come into the snug? I've got a nice stick-shaped present for you, you horrible beast....... :bat

    Suze x
    Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


      Monday November 26th at the INN

      Morning Innies!

      Another cold and frozen morning here, Brrrr!!!!

      MM- Whine, Whine (Well, better than Wine, Wine!!!) I did send up Conseulo, head of "customer service" last night. Don't see either of you about this morning, hmmmmm.....

      Suze - Will this do? Anything to keep the Al - Mister at bay!!!!

      Rob - Looking forward to the "Activities"!!!!!!

      Well, off to work once again. Hope everybody has a good day!!! Attached files [img]/converted_files/374509=2122-attachment.gif[/img]
      The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


        Monday November 26th at the INN

        Hey all!! I'm under a bad dental cloud right now! Did the whole deep cleaning thing, did the whol crown prep thing and have an appt for Wed. to get the permenant put in on Thursday. Guess what? Stopped for lunch today and while munching on a piece of pizza I broke another tooth!! The dentist had just been saying on my last visit that the tooth would be needing a crown soon. So I go Wed to get to see the broken tooth seen to (it doesn't hurt) and Thrusday to get the perm. crown placed. Yipee skipee!!

        Well how about a Pajama Party tonight? We can watch really bad movies-. Eat loads of and toss loads of it at the screen when we see the zipper running up the monster's back. Of course, all attendees will recieve a complementary

        See y'all later
        Attached files [img]/converted_files/374689=2549-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/374689=2550-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/374689=2551-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/374689=2552-attachment.jpg[/img]


          Monday November 26th at the INN

          Oh and can't forget the


            Monday November 26th at the INN

            Rob - I'm with you in the dental zone....ouch! And what a s*d to break another tooth! At least it was pizza - I broke one a couple of years ago on ice-cream!!! Old? Me?.....HcHm!

            My wisdom tooth 'hole' is OK but the surrounding area/tongue is really sore and 'upset''er mind...this too shall long as it's not along the infection route!

            I hope your appointments go well - it's horrible having such invasion for such long appointments.... I'll be thinking of you!

            Grey, blah, mild, wet, damp today - it is really really noticeable to 'me' (my system) that on these days I am tired, lazy, unmotivated, ugh....and then the clouds part a bit and it's like a happy pill! Have to just accept it I guess! Hannah - or do what my aunt did 45 years ago and move to Toronto! Whenever she came 'home' she used to say how much she loved England but couldn't ever come home, "as even when the skies are blue they still so low compared to Canada - and if grey, it was like living in a 5 foot high room!" I so agree!

            But all well otherwise - just busy, busy...will catch up proeprly tomorrow.

            Thinking of everyone....and will just pop off and smile sweetly at Consuelo...yum!! Thanks Hannah!! I think he might just be a bit hot in that suit.....

            Love and hugs
            FMS xx
            :heart: c: :heart:
            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


              Monday November 26th at the INN


              Just a quick post to say hello. Hope you all have a good AF night.

              I'll shut the door and lock up.


              Day 123 AF


                Monday November 26th at the INN

                Rob!! You are such a trooper - I'm in for the PJ, but no party as i am POOPED!! I just got home and it is almost 9pm!! I had to train a new gal, and do my books.. so, afer I was the bigges WHINE BABY I am the biggest loser for not playing tonight.. Will you PLEASE accept a rain check???


                a very tired, MM
                Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.

