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Daily Thread Thurs. - Nov. 29

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    Daily Thread Thurs. - Nov. 29

    Hi 30 dayers: I'm doing well as the effects of all the drinking start to dissipate. After 55 days, I thought I'd be "cured," but alas such is not the case. For one thing, drinking really screwed w/my already defective sleep cycle (one of the reasons I started drinking in the first place was to fall asleep). Last night, I slept a solid 6 - 7 hours wo/waking up which is good for me. For all of you out there, our body clocks will catch up when we stop...but not right away. I definitely see a light at the end of the tunnel as far as sleep is concerned.

    Take care everyone...I'll check in later. Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Daily Thread Thurs. - Nov. 29


    You might want to read the PAWS thread and links I posted. It takes a long time to undo the damage to our brains we did by drinking.

    The good news is, the damage will get undone.

    I just joke that between PAWS and menopause, I figure I'll be a mess for a while. :H

    To all, happy to be sober yet one more day.

    Have a wonderful day, my friends.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Daily Thread Thurs. - Nov. 29

      Hi Mary and all to come

      Mary, glad that your sleep pattern is improving. It seems to be a problem for a lot of people on the site. I guess I am lucky I sleep well regardless. The only difference I notice is that I can remember my dreams now!! You are doing amazing, it's lovely to see people succeed.



        Daily Thread Thurs. - Nov. 29

        Hi Mary and all to come,

        Mary, I'm glad that your sleep is improving, slowly but surely.

        I've got an easier day today than usual, and I want to use it to get some cleaning done and tackle some work issues that I've been putting off. It's nice to get some time to do that. The good news is that I am very busy with my work and just need to stay on top of billing to make sure I'm getting paid for all of it!

        Slowly but surely, I've been learning to do things that I would refuse to deal with when I was drinking. I'm not always happy with what I've learned, but at least I have more choices and can say no to what I don't want.

        The short days are a bummer. Sometimes when I don't get home until 7 or 8 pm, all I can do is get a little something to eat and watch some TV. That's not my usual style. We're getting closer to the winter solstice and the shortest daylight of the year. Thank goodness the days will get longer after that!

        All for now--take care all!



        Hi Rustop and Cindi; we were all posting at the same time!
        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          Daily Thread Thurs. - Nov. 29

          Moning all-

          Just got bad news that an e-mail friend of mine notified me that her hubby is in the hospital due to spinal fusion & is now disabled & depressed. I met him 5 yrs ago in outpatient(the time when mods didn't work & I realized I needed to quit). The most wonderful person you could ever meet. I live far away but met his wife during "bring your significant other" day at outpatient & we exchanged e-mails & have kept in touch. She was hooked on pot & did AA to quit. That's how they met -at an AA meeting. He had an alcohol problem that would fuel his want to do coke, crack etc.... He was one of the reasons I wanted to quit. Him & I bonded & always sat next to each other at group. He is such a loving soul-only 5 years older than me but far wiser. I wish him speedy recovery. I know that after we had done our outpatient he was going onto doing the mentor program (when you first go into outpatient you meet with AA people & they guide you-he was getting taught that). Best people I ever met. Got me started on my way to living an AF life. Now I feel weird since I never really am in communication with him-only his wife. Gotta send a card.

          Anyway...Deter you made me laugh. Unfortunately I don't do raw food. And I don't want to be known to make food that make people sick. I can make dessert for my phony sis-in-law's X-mas day event & put in ExLax chocolate! So many desserts-who will know-oh I know-the ones in the bathroom!

          Have a greatAF day everyone!
          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


            Daily Thread Thurs. - Nov. 29

            Happy Thursday ABerooooos!

            big day...huff puff

            yes, good sleep is an absolute blessing for us AF'ers
            Breez, the exlax sounds like just what they need!

            ok, gotta go pack for my next trade show....zoooom

            be well everyone
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)

