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Friday, Nov 30 at the Inn

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    Friday, Nov 30 at the Inn

    Geez, where are you Aussies this day....I was shocked, no utterly amazed, that no Inn daily thread started when I came to the door. SO, I hope its ok I turn on the coffee pot for the thread, and put a log on the fire. Actually, I just put 2 logs in the old woodstove - getting quite cozy here on a brisk cold last day of November.

    I read posts and think so much more than I write back - but know you are all such an inspiration. And I feel, in some strange way, like I have a whole pack of strong characters for cyber friends - honest, head-on folk. Great to be in your company.

    Hope you all have a wondrous AF DAY!!!

    Go2Goal Attached files [img]/converted_files/14406=2586-attachment.jpg[/img]
    "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"

    Friday, Nov 30 at the Inn

    I am SO Inspired - just wanted you all to take a look over this Abstinence Forum - there are celebrations for 6 mos, 100 days, 30 days, 30 days, a "Life is Good" exclaim with AF since June.....What a great place to be! Add 'um up - we are doing this!

    I never expected I'd be in this boat with you all - didn't think I needed to be, but now that I am over the amazement of AF 21 days, I have to settle down and live this life. Slips and Blips don't really concern me because I am 'over' reaching for a 'perfect score'. Ironically, in the end, being 'over it', will probably take me there. Some days, seems life is just a brain game and that's all - its just what you are thinking about, and how you are thinking, that is your reality.

    So "Bottoms Up" on all the AF days in this Forum - must be thousands! :award:

    "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"


      Friday, Nov 30 at the Inn

      Well said go2 goal. I think a problem a lot of us have in the beginning is reaching for a perfect score and becoming discouraged when we dont achieve it. Going to take your advice regarding being 'over it'.

      Hope the inn staff have a nice log fire going. Am off to get my book and intend to relax in front of it.

      Have a great week-end everyone.



        Friday, Nov 30 at the Inn

        Well said Go2,and also Rustop,
        I am away for the weekend, family party, I will be ok.
        Hope you have a good weekend, back monday.
        Love and best wishes, Paula.xx
        Ps you are my lifeline.


          Friday, Nov 30 at the Inn

          All Inners,

          Let's enjoy a nice warm fire today and some good company.

          Paula - enjoy the family and take really good care of yourself. "See" you Monday!!

          AF April 9, 2016


            Friday, Nov 30 at the Inn

            Good Morning INNmates!! G2G, thanks for starting the coffee and the fire! Its a brisk morning here so they're much appreciated. I really love your thoughtful enthusiasm G2G. We can all get so caught up in our own issues that we forget to step back and see the big picture.

            Rus- Good morning!! You are so right. It is so hard not to get discouraged and just want to give up when you have a slip. The trick is to just keep trying, eventually something will click, especially if people keep hanging out at MWO. I've heard the same thing dozens of times and then someone says the same thing in a slightly different context and WHAM, I finally get it!! Its just amazing how that works.

            Rus, you keep this stuff up and we'll have to move you up to that mountain with July, few words, great wisdom.

            Paula- Have a great and safe weekend, with the holidays coming, the crazies are on the roads.

            Cindi- Hanging around the fire sounds great! Good company, good books, tea, coffee, conversation.

            Unfortunately, I have to head off to work here in a bit. Our census at the hospital has been very low consequently, I'm only getting 3-4 hours for the two days a week that I work, OUCH!! Many nurses are being called off or sent home, which is especially difficult this time of year, in particular for those who are single moms and have kids at home.

            Last year when the census was high and staffing low, I picked up a lot of extra time and put a chunk of it in savings so I'm not feeling the pinch, yet.

            Oh well, things have a way of working out.

            Everyone have great day.

            Love and Peace


              Friday, Nov 30 at the Inn

              Good morning Innsters-

              Great reading already! G2G, Rustop, Cindi, Rob, Paula - thanks for the warm fire and positive thoughts. The Inn is indeed very cozy, in every way :h :h :h .

              I had another restless night, but am in pretty good shape anyway. And feel I may be getting one of the bugs that's flying around. So, I'm taking it slow today and not over doing it. Plan on having a peaceful AF day.

              Off to do more reading. luv you guys-
              wonder xx


                Friday, Nov 30 at the Inn

                Hi everyone....oh, Wonder....hope I didn't send my bug to you...didn't mean to, honest! Not much improvement for me today, but maybe tomorrow! Doesn't help that I have to walk the dogs in about an hour and already the rain is tipping down - forecast is for it to rain all weekend :upset:

                SO.....I'm going to need that fire, tea and books when I get back in....keep me a seat on the sofa please! I think this might be day 50 for me.....:bonkers: That's nice


                Suze x
                Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                  Friday, Nov 30 at the Inn

                  I am so grateful for my INN-MATES!!!

                  G2G~ That was beautiful. Your words really touched me today. What an important message for everyone! I think you should post that on the "big" board. It was such an insightful statement. You GO, GO2GAL!! aka go2goal...

                  And THANK you for the fire.. I made a call and asked the front desk to "keep that fire burning".. I will need it tonight. It is only 6 DEGREES! Burrrr.. I plan to come home and spend a quiet night here with my MYO friends.. My housekeeper comes today, so I love my Friday Nights at home when DD is at her dads and I have a quiet clean house. I NEED IT after this week.. WHEW!

                  Well I have to run - I have a dentist appointment and they may have to PULL my tooth - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! Then an eye appointment - and THOSE stress me out even more - the ppressure.. "which one is better, number one or number two" - I hate that! They look the frickin' same to me!! Then off to the spa...

                  Rob, Thank you so much for starting my "30 day celebration" - your are so thoughtful!! I COULDN'T HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!:h :h :h

                  Rustop, Paula, Rob, Cindi, Wonder, Suze - love to see you all so bright and early this morning...And all to come HAVE A FANTASTIC FRIDAY!!


                  Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                    Friday, Nov 30 at the Inn

                    Grrr.... trying to post and it won't go!!!
                    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                      Friday, Nov 30 at the Inn

                      Welll, don't know what's going on! Try again!

                      Ready to enjoy the fire, guys, got my book and decaf..... Attached files [img]/converted_files/376684=2115-attachment.jpg[/img]
                      The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                        Friday, Nov 30 at the Inn

                        Go2, you sound on top of the world this morning. Isn't it amazing how those Af days feed on one another, and you continue to gather strength, and self confidence? It really is worth suffering through that first week os so, the rewards are so worth it. Thank you for your inspiring post.

                        Rustop, Paula, Cindi, Rob and all to come - hello. Rob, hope your job hours even out, but don't forget to stop and enjoy your down time too - it is also precious!

                        Wonder - alright, break out the echinacea, Vitamin C, chicken soup - I'm beginning to think we need to have the Inn fumigated or something - too many bugs floating around!

                        Suze - You snuggle right up there beside Wonder and share that nice warm comforter with her. Just don't "trade" bugs, now, here?

                        Hope you both feel better soon.

                        MM - congrats on your big day! Awesome! But going to the dentist/eye doc is not way to celebrate! No worries, we'll keep the fire burning, and have nice hot cup of cocoa waiting for you when you get back.
                        The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                          Friday, Nov 30 at the Inn

                          Hey, what say we decorate the Christmas tree today? Have some hot chocolate and cookies, and have a nice little tree decorating party - who's up for that?

                          Haul out your favorite ornaments, everyone!
                          The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                            Friday, Nov 30 at the Inn

                            Hello Everyone! Just checking in... you all sound wonderful...everybody just living life and enjoying the AF journey. I love to read posts from all the different people who are on different AF days. Good stuff...



                              Friday, Nov 30 at the Inn

                              Hello all!
                              Good to see you chief.
                              Hope everyone has had a good day. Mine was. I think it's not a bug, but a little of a sinus infection which I get from time to time. It's no biggie, I know how to take care of it. So thank you for all your care and concern! And no Suze - your buggie didn't fly through the screen!

                              It's 5:49 and I'm almost ready for bed! It was dark so early today, I feel like it's the middle of the night already. And I'm sleepy. Can I make my contribution to the Inn's Christmas tree tomorrow Hannah? Since it's Saturday, I'll have time to do something nice.

                              I'm going to have some tea and chill out.....

                              See you later, or more likely, tomorrow-
                              luv wonderXX

