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Friday, Nov 30 at the Inn

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    Friday, Nov 30 at the Inn

    It's a deal, Wonder. Hubby and I are headed to Edmonton early tomorrow morning, but will try to find time to contribute my decoration before I go. Have a good sleep, you pearly winged wonder!
    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


      Friday, Nov 30 at the Inn

      Hello! Tis me! Just popping in to say can I have a spot by that lovely fire.....sooooh wet and windy here and forecast for all weekend..... coffee, hot chocs, chats and comforters with friends around a log fire....and comfy bed and pools and massages....and....and...ooooh! Sounds such bliss.....!

      And the tree - oh yes!!! I'll get out or favourite decoration - one my parent's neighbour (as was then) gave to my eldest daughter in 1985 when EM was American family (so you guys'll know what I'm about probably!) were renting the house next door and we were invitedround 'to see the tree' was the first time we'd seen one of the lovely 'non-drop' spruces (or whatev er they are!!) which they had had shipped from the States - they'd had to cut the top out as it was so tall! The lady took us through every ornament on it as she had made nearly all of them and bought some - one each year for each of her 5 children from when they were tiny...they were grown up by then so the tree had to be huge to take them all - and it was still laden! Emma really took a fancy to a little half walnut which the lady had made into a tiny bed with a seed for a mouse's head and tiny whiskers and 'asleep' markings on its face.... She gave it ot EM and we get it out every year and remember that stunning 'family tradition' tree and her kindness....wonder where she is now? I hope she 'knows' how much we cherish the little mouse! We've continued the theme - and our tree has to be pretty big now!!! (Only I haven;t made many of them; there are such stunning ones to buy!!)

      Hope you enjoyed the story!!

      Love all round - this has posted before I was finished!!! Quick edit!!! Hope it makes sense!!
      FMS xx
      :heart: c: :heart:
      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


        Friday, Nov 30 at the Inn

        Hello Inn friends,

        We have Christmas trees by the mile around here. A couple dozen 100 year old plus Eastern Hemlocks are right out the door. They tower over everything. And the spruce, pine and fir trees smell, well like Christmas.

        Hannah the tree decorating sounds delightful.

        Hope you all have a safe AF night.


        Day 127 AF


          Friday, Nov 30 at the Inn

          Finding, what a nice story to share.

          July - wow, must be nice to have all those trees around. There was one year hubby and I decided we would cut our own - and drove for miles and miles, and the only Christmas type trees were the ones people had obviously planted - nothing wild! So our "real" trees had to be bought - and we just bit the bullet about ten years ago and went artificial - but our trees are still beautiful - love them - hate to take them down in January.

          When my son and I were little, we made bread dough ornaments, and shelaked (sp?) them, and they lasted for about 15 years before they started to crumble - loved putting them on the tree every year! What memories!
          The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


            Friday, Nov 30 at the Inn

            Christmas Tree stories always remind me of my last year in Colorado.

            I was working in Little Rock, AK and my son and his wife had moved back into our house with us, so we had my hubby, my daughter, my son, his wife, their baby, and on weekends, myself.

            Hubby charged my son with purchasing the Christmas Tree for the holiday and gave him $50.00 and the Suburban to do it.

            I get this rather sarcastic e-mail that begins:

            I should have known better than to get Jay to buy the Christmas Tree. You know what a wheeler dealer he is. Apparently the Rockefeller Center had already bought theirs...

            Jay had purchased a tree that would no where near fit into our living room. Which is pretty amazing because the living room ceiling was two stories high, so roughly 20 feet tall!!

            Apparently they had to cut off 4 feet of tree base just to get the tree to fit into the room without hitting the ceiling.

            My daughter washed her hands of the whole affair because at 5'3", she felt she would not be able to decorate more than the bottom quarter of the tree at best.

            It was quite a challenge. We placed the tree near the stair case and had guy wires everywhere to insure the tree did not topple. It truly was a big sucker!!

            We ended up using all kinds of inventive ways to decorate near the top.

            However, when all was said and done, it was the most beautiful tree we ever had and a magnificent Christmas with our firstborn grandson.

            AF April 9, 2016

