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DAILY THREAD-Sat. Nov. 30th

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    DAILY THREAD-Sat. Nov. 30th

    crap-I have to re-write this again. My living hell. I wrote & tried to submit a pretty picture & bombed.

    Ok-this morning I was informed that I slept walked. Never in my life. I have seen college friends do it- and it is scary. But last night I went upstairs at 10:30ish and hubby(who was downstairs watching a sports thingy) said that at 11:30 I walked downstairs-unlocked a bolted front door & cried out for our daughter(of course awakening her but she's a heavy sleeper she didn't remember). I vaguely remeber having a dream about her. What the heck-I could of killed myself down the stairs, unlocked our front door.....all sober-I can see this happning if I were drunk-what the f? It's bothering me. I did take some sinus meds (which I've done before) and heck...heck...heck...

    wanted to share this with you from the wife of my friend in hospital.

    On November 16th I celebrated my 11th Year of Sobriety. I don't talk about it much, because the most important day, is JUST FOR TODAY. I am powerless over the pain, he is in, but as his life partner, I have to stay strong. I have been taking it, one minute at a time, the last few days, but whatever it takes. I appreciate the kind words. Stay Strong and enjoy the family on the Holidays, I am leaving work early every day to be with him at the hospital. Take Care!


    Have a great AF day everyone!
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

    DAILY THREAD-Sat. Nov. 30th

    Breez: What a wonderful reminder from your friend that people go through all sorts of crises sober. For years, I drank through even little disappointments & conflicts. It got to the point where I felt I couldn't get through anything wo/a drink in hand. I know now that I can, because I've been doing it for 56 days.

    Sleepwalking? Wow, I've never seen that at all. Perhaps your sleep cycle is trying to regulate itself in some way. It might be interesting to do a little computer search about it. Have a great day. Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012


      DAILY THREAD-Sat. Nov. 30th

      Mary in the "almost " AF year -I've done my son's birthday (phony laws included), my daughter's Communion (again with the phony in laws-they are my biggest trigger), my dad being in the hospital for emergency surgury -all within weeks of (or days of) each other & I knew (and grew~ha I rhyme)from being AF. You definately need to see oneself without that "alcoholic crutch". I know I can do I know I can sleep walk-ouch. Just kidding. I'm taking all that I've learned this past year & realize that I don't need a drink in my hand to make me.

      ps. computer research on the way! Still is puzzling how I walked down a flight of stairs with no bruises-yet in my old ways I could not roll out of bed & walk 5 steps into the bathroom without killing myself. Bruises to show. Bizarre.
      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


        DAILY THREAD-Sat. Nov. 30th

        heyo AF friends!

        wow Breez, interesting. I used to do strange things like that when I drank a ton years ago but not lately. Glad you are ok and bruise free.
        56 Days is awesome Mary!
        I had a great workout last night...a little sore now and it feels great. Exercise in wintertime is great...never get so overheated and you can just keep going.
        off to work for garlic breath...
        Be well friends
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          DAILY THREAD-Sat. Nov. 30th

          Breez the sleep walking incident also threw you a day off. It is Friday M'dear. You had me thinking I just sent my kid to school on a Saturday. Even though you have never done it before you must have been in such a deep REM sleep and having such an intense dream that your body needed to get up moving. Very scary though. Glad you did not fall down the stairs.

          Happy day to all the rest of you absters!! Have a great weekend.
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            DAILY THREAD-Sat. Nov. 30th

            Breez: I love the "alcoholic crutch." I won't use it, because I don't need it. Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              DAILY THREAD-Sat. Nov. 30th

              Lushy- in deed I thought. Good thought. I doo have intense dreams sometimes. But it still puzzles me-how the hell can I crawl out of bed-walk to the hallway & down a flight of stairs. Hubby said I was talking nonsense back up the stairs. He didn't want wake me & put me right to bed. Now that's some serious REM!

              What kills me was when I drank I coudn't make it to the bathroom(literally rolling over onto the floor and crawling 5 steps into the bathroom). Anal retentive me counted 12 steps to stairs from bed & then 13 down the stairs & move back 3 steps to open front door. But in a drunken stupor (which I said I can crawl too)I remember going to the bathroom getting wedged between the wall and commode.-.laugh now wasn't funny-not a pleasant sight to see & a scar & bruise to prove it. So to walk in my sleep-this is bizarre.

              I guess my warning to take things easy. I easily wear my emotions on my sleeve. ...and in my dreams:H

              Mary I'll take your words-I'm again putting too much on my plate & will give it a rest. Thought you guys might laugh at my expense! I guess Lushy is right-I might have had too much going on & went to sleep with so m uch on my mind. Guess that left over brain cell was in over-load last night:H !
              Attached files [img]/converted_files/376592=2593-attachment.gif[/img]
              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                DAILY THREAD-Sat. Nov. 30th

                Hi everyone!

                Happy Friday! TGIF here for sure.

                Breez, that is scary how you got up and down the stairs. Glad Mr. Breez was around in case you walked OUT the front door. Yikes!

                Mary, congratulations on 56 days - that is awesome. And I love the discussion about how we really do NOT "need" alcohol to get us through stress (or joy, etc. etc.) situations. Never drinkers and ex-drinkers manage to get through all aspects of life without alcohol. Breez, your friend sounds like a remarkable person.

                *waving* to Deter and *bowing* to Queen Lushy.

                Day 2 AF is moving along fine. It's 1:30PM here, but feels later as I'm going through that "can't sleep" phase so have been up since midnight. (it's OK - figure skating from Japan was being broadcast over the internet) There are such a range of "witching hours." For me, if I get past lunch (and eat, which I have) then I really can make it through dinner. At that point if I start craving, off to bed I go with a book or a movie.

                Needless to say I've been reading lots and lots and lots (and utilizing that F-bomb thread) over the last few days and really considering where I am in this journey. I simply cannot afford to drink, ever. That's just the way it is for me. I wish I could entertain thoughts of "slipping up and getting right back on the wagon" but the last 30 years of drinking have proven to me that 1) getting ON the wagon to begin with is not something I readily do. I can go YEARS without doing it. 2) On two recent occassions I thought I'd "have a couple" and it led straight back to problem drinking. So...I can't afford to be soft on myself WRT my view of slipping - of course that's just for me.

                Anywho, I share that so all of you can jump in an give me tough love if you see that I might be headed in a bad direction. I make this promise to myself - I WILL NOT ever pour a drink -no matter how much I might want to - until I've posted here and waited at least an hour. That aughta help.

                You all are the best. Thanks for welcoming me back again and again.

                Day 2 AF
                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  DAILY THREAD-Sat. Nov. 30th

                  yeah! Doggy Girl is back XXXXX missed you sweetie.
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    DAILY THREAD-Sat. Nov. 30th

                    DG: I like your idea of not pouring a drink until you come here first. Yes, that ought to extinguish the craving. Mary
                    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                    October 3, 2012


                      DAILY THREAD-Sat. Nov. 30th

                      I really like that idea of coming here before pouring - great idea. You will be waking up to Day 3 tomorrow, DogGirl. Before you know it, and maybe xome toughness thrown in, you will be many days AF and feeling like there is no turning back!

                      "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"


                        DAILY THREAD-Sat. Nov. 30th

                        O.K., DG, Here's a little tough love you asked for....

                        Here's what you wrote: " I make this promise to myself-I WILL NOT ever pour a drink- no matter how much I might want to-until I've posted here and waited at least an hour."

                        I know your intentions were good but this was written by The Beast. He has you contemplating pouring a drink. Instead of "I WILL NOT ever pour a drink." period, The Beast has ever so subtlety laid out conditions in which you CAN pour a drink. All you have to do is wait until the appropriate time, when the cravings are bad, and simply post, wait an hour, and pour the drink!

                        I'm not trying to split hairs here, but I think it's important in the early stages to really listen to the wording of the thoughts you have. The Beast is a cunning bastard and will plant the seed any way he can.

                        Just something to think about...



                          DAILY THREAD-Sat. Nov. 30th

                          Chief is a wise man......
                          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                            DAILY THREAD-Sat. Nov. 30th

                            Thanks for the kind words Deter, Mary, go2goal, Chief and lushy!

                            Chief, you are right. In addition to this being "beast talk" I think it's also a bit "pop psych" talk where excuses are easily made and punishments are often softer than they should be. I just can't afford to buy into the "a little slip is OK" mentality - AT ALL. That just won't work for me.

                            So. Here I am and I'm not going to pour any alcoholic drink. Thank you for your tough love and as I asked before, please NEVER hesitate to give it to me when I need it.

                            Happy Saturday all! LOL BB - you started us with a 1 for 2 yesterday!! My sleep schedule is still all whacked out, but that's OK. I went to bed at around 5PM yesterday, and got up at 1AM this morning to watch figure skating on-line. We're between events right now.

                            Saturday is always a day requiring a solid plan as it's dog training day here. I have already talked to Mr. Doggy and I will simply not be participating today. Somebody else will need to do the organizing of the people, etc. that I normally do. And I will be holed up either here or in our bedroom with a book or movie when the "afterglow" (aka guys drinking a few beers) begins. I'm not a beer drinker, so there is no danger of me drinking that. And there is no Vodka in the house (or wine). Those are my drugs of choice. So...all will be OK. Getting up at this strange hour should work in my favor as I shall be ready for a nap this afternoon at the witching hour!

                            I also plan to go to Curves and work out this morning - that makes me feel really good. Then I'm going to get dinner going in the crock pot so it can cook while dog training is going on.

                            Sorry for boring you with the day plan babble - it helps me to write this stuff out. Thanks everyone for your support!!

                            Day 3 AF
                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.

