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The Inn for Satuday December 1st

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    The Inn for Satuday December 1st

    Guess I'm "it" !

    Good morning everyone! Just a quick hello before I trudge off to the gym. Promised myself I would go this morning. My ankle is still bothering me so I need to go get some cardio that's low impact on the joints - i.e. elliptical.

    See you after! Hope everyone is having a fine AF morning/day/evening whatever time zone you're in!

    luv wonder xx

    The Inn for Satuday December 1st

    oops! spelled saturday wrong on the thread title! Great - I get to look at it all day! keeping me humble...... luv you guys xoxox


      The Inn for Satuday December 1st

      OOPS Sorry wonder, Starting threads at the same time-have fun at the gym, careful on that ankle.


        The Inn for Satuday December 1st


        Morning Wonder, Rob, and all to follow!

        Gonna do this at lightening speed - hauled out some of my fav ornaments - you may pick and choose, and do haul out some of your own!

        My #1 son (and only son) and I made bread dough ornaments many years ago, and shellacked them (just don't know how to spell that word, sorry) ..... they lasted about 15 years before they just crumbled, but loved them, so gotta have some of those.....

        And, you know, just some of your basics.......

        Either a star or an angel for the tree top - although Rob, your tree top may be sort of appropriate - he can join Chief and Max in partoling the Inn - he does look like the sort that wouldn't mind....Or perhaps Wonder will let us borrow her avator.....

        Let's see, of yeah, maybe some candy canes and general stuff.....

        Ok guys, have fun, looking forward to seeing the tree all decorated when I get back .... have a cup of hot chocolate on me!

        Running out the door now, hubby standing there tapping his to Edmonton! Have a great weekend everybody!
        The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


          The Inn for Satuday December 1st

          Good morning my little INNies... Or do you have an outie?? hee-hee. I'm definately an innie..could lose an arm chair in mine - KIDDING!

          Hope you are all enjoying your early Saturday morning! I have to work today. I do have to get my tooth pulled, but I scheduled it for January 4th. I just can't take any time off before that. I am completely booked all the way through December - very fortunate problem to have!!

          I have an

          Let's have EVERYONE help to decorate the OFFICIAL INN CHRISTMAS TREE! Let's post a picture of a beautiful tree on the main board, then have everyone put one ornament on. That way we can have everyone's personal touch, then we can enjoy it until Christmas. If each person puts up something that is special to them, it should really have a wonderful feel to it - Then right before x-mas, maybe we could get RJ to put up the star on the top.. what do you think? ME LIKES IT!

          Rob or Hanna, can one of you start the threat on the General board with a pretty graphic.. I would, but I don't know how to make the big pretty ones like you guys...

          a very excited, MM
          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


            The Inn for Satuday December 1st

            Good Morning InnFolk -

            I want Wonder's avatar to top My tree - hehe - great idea. I like the idea of decorating a tree, but not sure how it will work, so I'm glad there are such graphic savvy folk as Hannah & Rob to guide the way.

            Actually, going with fam to get our tree in a few minutes - but it's cold - brrr.

            Made it through last night - phew - new me.

            Happy Trails, Go2Goal Attached files [img]/converted_files/377157=2600-attachment.gif[/img]
            "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"


              The Inn for Satuday December 1st

              i think that everyone could display an ornament graphic.. does that make sense?

              Am I too goofy?

              Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                The Inn for Satuday December 1st

                Hi Innmates,

                I like the holiday spirit here today!!! Put's me in the mood to get some holiday chores done. I have to take my mother out today to visit some relatives we have not seen in a while. My mother is a lovely lady but at this stage (she has some senile dementia and was always very stubborn and manipulative) driving for two hours in each direction with her in the car could be difficult. If I arrive back this evening with any teeth left (because I will be grinding them the whole ride) it will be a miracle.
                I know my husband wants to go out tonight and normally after a tense day I would look foward to it as the wine would relax me........NOT TONIGHT. I will somehow deal with it AF.....I PROMISE. I'm bad at keeping promises to myself but to you great folks I will not break my promise. Tomorrow will find me here on day six and grateful

                Have a great Sat all and if I can't check in this evening I'll be here tomorrow with bells on, ready to decorate!!



                  The Inn for Satuday December 1st

                  Here's one just for you MM -

                  Attached files [img]/converted_files/377177=2603-attachment.jpg[/img]
                  "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"


                    The Inn for Satuday December 1st

                    MM-I love the Idea. Just not sure of the logistics as we're limited as to the number of attatchments that we can put in any post.

                    I'll talk to Hannah when she gets back. I know that RJ is busy right now but may be able to get in touch with one of her techno folks.

                    I've started a folder in my picture file so I'll be collecting ornaments there.

                    Let's just keep going have fun and see where this goes.

                    Love and Peace


                      The Inn for Satuday December 1st

                      Great idea! If we all just post one picture at a time, is that different to you brilliant 'picture post-ers' now?? (Techno-duh-brain here!)

                      Looking forwards to hearing ....

                      Good Luck Janet and well done Go2!!!

                      Fms xx
                      :heart: c: :heart:
                      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                        The Inn for Satuday December 1st

                        Thanks, G2G!!!!!!! Love it!!!
                        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                          The Inn for Satuday December 1st

                          Hi to all at the Inn.

                          MM I love your Christmas tree idea! And Hannah the ornaments you posted today are such a nice start. Wow - 15 years for the shellacked (I can't spell it either ) cookies - that's a long time.

                          Wonder it's good as always to see you and that angel of yours. I hope your workout went well and your ankle is holding up.

                          Rob, you do such a wonderful job project managing stuff around here!

                          Vino, congrats on Day 5!! Oh man I feel your relative pain. I LOVE my relatives but sometimes the holiday obligations can get really really stressful. Over the years I've come to enjoy my relatives a lot more during months OTHER than December. I think part of it is the anticipation that an event will be stressful - whether it actually ends up being stressful or not. Sending you great postive AF and stress free vibes for an enjoyable afternoon of driving and visiting and being kind to your teeth!

                          Hi FMS! and G2G have fun getting your tree today. We're not putting up a tree this year, but I got that fake snow stuff this morning and will set up my Christmas Village tomorrow. It has grown over the years to a pretty big town and I'm not sure where I'm going to even put it all!

                          Anyway, just sayin' hi. Thankfully dog training is over a little earlier than usual. Now if the last of the beer drinkers would just leave. I finally had to bow out of the "after glow" (it was easier to bow out in warm weather when the "glow" was outside on the deck!) Oh well - I gotta do what I gotta do.

                          See ya later!

                          Day 3 AF
                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            The Inn for Satuday December 1st

                            Heyyo!!! I too am glad to see all the holiday spirit at the inn!!
                            And of course - anyone is welcome to 'borrow' my avatar whenever they want. And of course YOU can Hannah !! you GAVE me my Angel! And he is doing a very good job of watching over me.

                            Here is my first contribution to our tree-

                            Janet - I'm thinking of you and sending you positive relaxing thoughts. Sounds like you really have your hands full today.

                            Luv to all -
                            wonder xx Attached files [img]/converted_files/377288=2609-attachment.jpg[/img]


                              The Inn for Satuday December 1st

                              Doggygirl;231997 wrote: I think part of it is the anticipation that an event will be stressful - whether it actually ends up being stressful or not.
                              Hi Doggy - I SOOOO agree with you on that. And it really helps me calm down to remember this phenomenon. I'm pretty much ALWAYS fine, once the event is actually happening - it's the anticipation of it that gets me tweaked.

                              Ankle held up great at the gym, thank you. I would LIKE to do some Christmas decorating, but everything is buried in the garage and it's so cold, I just can't get myself out there today. Maybe tomorrow?
                              wonder xx

