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The Inn for Satuday December 1st

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    The Inn for Satuday December 1st

    Well Done DG!!!! Proud of you!

    Well, here....= "One Of Those Days"!.....Help! You know? Nothing goes right? Feel blah and so do something to lift the old spririts and that doesn't you feel more BLAH!! Culminating tonight in starting cooking and trying to do it wearing my glasses - not a good idea + hormones/start of a cold?/tired - poo sleep last night = so poor 'vision'...stir fry chicken....cook up the chicken (from yesterdays roast), put on plate on side before it disintegrates completely, start veggies....go to pick up plate of chicken....catch edge in 'focus-crack' of glass's edge...chicken face down on floor!!! Throw glasses one way and spatula into bowl in sink - which slops water all down my front (some might remember my sink - the shallow, tiny, cheap thing that slops water all over the floor/you as soon as you put a teaspoon in it!!) Bowl cops it as I grab it - it splits (cost ?1 (50c?) from the 'we-make-them-cheap-but-small' shop!) Water slops everywhere!! Go to chicken on floor and pick what I can up - there's nothing else!!! Go get towel and crawl on hands and knees on floor to dry it up and remove incriminating evidence!! 'Put' bowl outside in the garden.... :blush: :H ..................hmmm. (Well, it went firmly towards the bin! Crazy!!) Put chicken in another pan to fry to a crisp and kill any floor bugs!! Sit down to eat - unsuspecting daughter#2 loved it...I kinda didn't finish mine; my heart wasn't quite in it!!

    Well, 'nobody died' (yet!) and...................but, I'd do anything to hear I'm not the only wally to have chucked things around the kitchen like a two year old!! (Well, my glasses and a spatula!!)

    And does anyone else have days when their vision just seems not to be working - I feel really quite panicky when I just can't seem to see properly! It's like it's all gone two-dimensional and I can't judge distance - hence the knocked plate.....?

    And do you think I've poisoned us?!?!? (well, my poor daughter as she ate it all!! You know, how you say, "Oh come on, worse things happen at sea...!" and then doubt yourself when it's too late!!!)

    Such a baby here!! Thanks for listening!

    I hope everyone's doing fact, much better than that!!! Sorry to rain on the Saturday Parade!! I so often seem to 'be all needy' at the weekend?!?! (My Mum rang again just 'before'...and I just can't bring myself to talk to then I feel guilty...tense...can't see...hey ho)

    Right, will take a piccy of our favourite decoration in case of being able to use it to decorate The Inn's tree!!!

    Love to all - thanks for letting me ramble!
    FMS xx
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


      The Inn for Satuday December 1st

      Hi FMS!--

      I am at times, clumsy, blind, befuddled in general. I broke one of my very favorite bowls this week in the kitchen. No, you are not alone! And as much as I love the weekends, sometimes I get "'lost" in the unstructured days somehow. As far as the sight - I don't know what's happening, but my reading/up close vision seems to be declining at a RAPID pace! I noticed it again this morning. As I am a visual artist, I had a flash of - "how am I going to make art, with all the detail work, if I'm blind ?!?! I would be miserable!"

      Anyway - just wanted to send a big hug from across the sea :l . And I always love your "rambles" - I feel like I'm right there listening. To a very REAL and lovely human being.
      luv wonder xx


        The Inn for Satuday December 1st

        Aw Wonder!!! Tanx!! :upset:

        It's scary isn't it - the ol' sight thing.... I want to do a course next year with a (not-met-yet-but) colleague from NZ coz I did a day course and didn't have to wear my glasses for about 5 weeks....I know it works.... It's to do, I think, with the fact that as our sight naturally slightyl deteriorates, we 'stop looking' precisely and our visual cortex consequently stops 'seeing' we get glasses and the eyes and brain stop bothering to 'see' and it all gets worse and worse....till we get stronger and stronger glasses..... I don't wantto do that...I find them so restricting - al the stuff out in the peripheral vision mucked up by 'the edge' and contact are a no, no for me....

        In case it's of interest.... Eyebody - The Art of Integrating Eye, Brain and Body I am currently trying the pin hole glasses...takes a while and is really odd at first but after ten minutes of them, I can see really clearly forabout a quarter of an hour.... so if I get to the half-an-hour a day thing....should be cooking on gas!!!! (No! I wasn't wearing them whilst cooking!! Mind you, wouldn't have made much difference I don't think!! AND I've just slopped my pudding all down my front!!! Time for an early bed and a new day I think!!!!!)

        Thanks so much Wonder - I feel very hugged! You're lovely!
        :heart: c: :heart:
        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


          The Inn for Satuday December 1st

          Wonder - I found this on the site just now....sums it up for me...why I knock things over....glasses are mucking up my peripheral vision... does it make any sense for you too?

          The effect of prescription glasses or contact lenses
          Prescription glasses or contact lenses are designed so that the maximum light reaches the fovea centralis, for clear sight.

          But because the light is 'bundled' to stimulate only a very small area within the retina (around 5% of all photo-receptors) the peripheral areas of the retina and visual cortex are not being used. Nor does the eye have to move or do any 'work'. Further weakening of eyes often follows, with stronger prescriptions needed."

          I see Peter dose courses in the US now...but next year's programme isn't up yet....I am 'saving' the ?300 I'd have to pay for new prescription glasses to put to the course in Wales (UK)....would seem better value...(if I can find the balance! But I know I'd not regret it!)

          I feel for you with your art....I don't know if I could even do the detailed surface decoration (of bisque) that I did only 2 years ago.... Hope you're doing OK

          FMS xx
          :heart: c: :heart:
          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


            The Inn for Satuday December 1st

            Finding...I'm really interested in this idea and the course in Wales...but I looked on the site and didn't see any dates for next year in the you know when the next course is???

            SUze x
            Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


              The Inn for Satuday December 1st

              Hi Suze - I very much imagine it'll be August has been for the last several years...I'll be keeping my eye but but I'll get a 'flyer' nearer the time anyways...looks good doesn't it!!

              Hey, you feeling better? - I dooooooo hope so!! Poor you!
              :heart: c: :heart:
              "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                The Inn for Satuday December 1st

                Thanks Finding.....I've added his page to my favourites, but would you be kind enough to let me know when you get the flyer? And would you mind if I went to the course...what wiv being an MWOer and all that?

                I have started to feel a bit better this evening......haven't had to get to bed at 8.30 :H Fingers crossed I've turned the corner!

                Suze x
                Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                  The Inn for Satuday December 1st

                  Suze - it'd be FAB!

                  And glad you're feeling better.
                  :heart: c: :heart:
                  "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                    The Inn for Satuday December 1st

                    Evening, Mates!

                    Quick check in to see if anyone is still up..

                    Had a great day. Just cooked and napped all day! i needed that. It felt so frickin' good I may do it again tomorrow!

                    Gonna go do some reading.. back in a few!

                    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                      The Inn for Satuday December 1st

                      Wow FMS -
                      Good info! I've heard of the thing with the exercises and the eyes getting "lazy" from using stronger and stronger glasses - but it was before my eyes started to "go". I'm going to look into the stuff you mentioned tomorrow. I have a feeling that doing all the detail work has contributed to the problem and always thought there must be some way to manage the situation better - to preserve my eyes for as long as possible. So, I'm very glad you brought it up! MWO just keeps giving and giving.

                      Happy that you're feeling better Suze! Will be great to see you in good health and feeling strong.

                      Hi MM! I like the sound of your day. I'm going to try to replicate it tomorrow.

                      Luv to all. Oh...... and one more ornament before I turn in.....

                      I think he goes well with you-know-who! One blonde, one brunette!

                      Sweet dreams everyone-
                      wonder xx


                        The Inn for Satuday December 1st

                        Here is my contribution to the tree:

                        Enjoy the season! Attached files [img]/converted_files/377419=2614-attachment.jpg[/img]


                          The Inn for Satuday December 1st

                          Thanks ducky, why am I not surprised?

