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The Inn for Sunday December 2nd

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    The Inn for Sunday December 2nd

    Good Evening INNmates!! Time to get the feast set up!!

    I thought that we'd do Italian comfort food tonight!

    We'll start with antipasto and a nice salad

    Then soma Lasagna-- and for the vegetarians some veggie lasagna

    Boy, this table is getting really full and there's more!!
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      The Inn for Sunday December 2nd

      Of course we cannot have all of this food without fresh bread

      And for dessert, some Cannaloni!!

      Enjoy, but don't forget, hot chocolate and apple cider by the fire later!
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        The Inn for Sunday December 2nd

        Hello everybody at the Inn,
        I am still feeling pretty under the weather and much worse at night. I forgot that I didn't have my credit cards(wallet was stolen this past week) and made a list and was half way to the grocery store after having cleaned the snow off the car when I remembered...duhhh? At least I hadn't driven all the way there. I just wish I could afford some cold medicine besides ibuprofen and tea to clear my head up. Hope it goes away soon...I've been turning the heat up and down all day and putting on and taking off my sweat jacket and nothing tastes like anything...wahhh wahhh....ok enough of my snivelling.

        I am feeling sad because today I found that I had a voice mail on my cell phone from my mom asking me to turn around if I hadn't driven too far yet. For anyone who doesn't know what I am talking about I was in Kentucky last week and supposed to stay till Christmas but things took a turn for the worst and now I am back home. Anyway...Christmas will be a real bummer now for me. Naturally it never occurred to me to check the cell phone that night.
        I hope everyone has a happy holiday and is feeling better than I am. On the 4th I will have 90 days AF. I'm happy about it but I feel pretty depressed right now. It is going to be a blue Christmas for me.
        So long for now....


          The Inn for Sunday December 2nd

          Ok guys, after dinner, lets huddle around the fire.

          I've made up some spiced apple cider

          And some hot chocolate

          And you guys are gonna love these little mice!!

          Gotta run for now. Will join you by the fire later and catch up.

          Love and Peace
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            The Inn for Sunday December 2nd

            OHMIGOD Rob! I have been so HUNGRY all day. And it's not that I haven't eaten. Just the cold dark weather and wanting comfort food I think. I want to stuff my face with all of your pictures!!! (but the real thing. PLEASE!!!!)

            Hi Indigo -
            Sounds like you're really having a rough time. I keep thinking, about your mom, that at least she called. That would make me feel a LITTLE better anyway. I've been in rough siutations with my family in past years, including right on actual Christmas, and it was a huge heartbreak. Maybe when you feel better physically, you can make some plans for the holiday that will bring you some comfort. May not be perfect, but something to make you feel good. If you stay on track, and it sounds like you will, next year this time will look a whole lot different. That's for sure!

            In the meantime, spend it here with us!

            Sending you a big hug:l :l


              The Inn for Sunday December 2nd

              Evening, maties!!

              Indigo - I am so sorry about all of your sorrows. Please remember that you have us here for Christmas - you will not be alone. We all care very deeply for you and you are truly loved. Stay close and cozy here at the Inn...

              Well, I will head down to the dinner, then I am off to a movie with my man for the night!!

              Thanks for arranging such a lovely spread, Rob!!!

              Have a wonderful evening all!!


              Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                The Inn for Sunday December 2nd

                That all looks just yummy!!! 'fraid it's gone midnight here though and time for kip not grub!! (!)

                Sooooh windy here....noisy!! Hope everyone else isn't blowing away - west coast States sounds as bad....west coasts everywhere?

                Wonderful sing tonight in our cathedral....I just happened to sit in the 'right' place to be surrounded by the cathedral choir and some members of our choir who were in the congregation and a big carol with BIG organ music = wonderful feeling!!! V lucky! Lifts the ol' spirits a good sing does...!!

                Happy evening you'all!! Leave me zzzzing in the corner near the fire and put that comfy comforter around me please? I'll sleep really well hearing you all chattering away gently around me.......!!!

                See you tomorrow.

                Love FMS xx :l :h
                :heart: c: :heart:
                "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                  The Inn for Sunday December 2nd

                  A quick Good Evening All!!!
                  Weekends can indeed be tough!!!! We had dinner out last night with some friends who are also wine lovers. I'm glad I didn't know ahead of time because I might have fretted over it and eventually caved, Instead I ordered non-alcholic beer and was fine. As so many of you have wisely pointed out it's only the first few minutes which are tough. As soon as i ordered my AF beer I knew I would be fine. There is no doubt. though, that I'm less "social". I wanted to go home as soon as the meal was done. My pajamas were calling my name from afar!!! If I'd been drinking I would have sat for hours yapping away. Of course, I probably wouldn't have remembered much the next day.
                  This morning I felt great.
                  I'm looking foward to day seven tomorrow and being able to address you all.
                  I'm sorry Indigo, that things turned out so badly in Ky. Have you spoken to your mother after receiving her telephone msg? I'm thinking of you.



                    The Inn for Sunday December 2nd

                    Evening All, finally winding down for the day.

                    Tkeene- Count anyway you want, just let us know when you get to thirty so we can have a party!! Just keep kickin old Als butt!! BTW love your doggies, really sweet.

                    Wonder- You were quite the early bird today. If I could teleport that lucious food to you I certainly would!!

                    Suze- Glad you're on the mend. How did the decorating go? I loved your cheer, wish I could figure out how to add some pom-poms to your dancing chocolate!!

                    DG- Hey you made it through dog training day YAY!! That was quite an accomplishment! Today was an excellent day to be lazy, hope you enjoyed.

                    MM- Did you get the foot of snow? How did the furniture assembly go? Have fun at dinner?

                    Cindi- Hope you liked dinner and saved room for cookies and hot chocolate!!

                    G2G - Those holiday expectations can do you in every time if you're not careful. Hope being AF helps you get a different persepctive on the season. Believe it or not Sprite is surprisingly good with Brie.

                    FMS- Gosh, I'd forgotten about advent. I may even have an advent wreath around here somewhere. It sounds as if you had a lovely, if weather gloomy day.

                    You may want to check with Hannah about the missing brain and eyes, she may be planning another auction.

                    Bak310 - Absolutely, join in the craziness!! We're all about Kickin Al's butt!

                    July - This Christmas season must have special meaning for you. With your months of sobriety, you must be seeing things so much differntly than you did even two months ago. I imagine that the kids enjoyed setting up the tree with a sober dad.

                    Enjoy your birthday on Wed.

                    Indigo - I am so sorry that you have not been able to reconnect with your family. I hope your cold passes soon and that things start to turn around for you soon. Just remember that we are here and we do care about you.

                    FMS-Nighty,night Sweety, one angel down comforter coming right up.

                    Sweet Dreams All

                    Love and Peace

