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mighty monday at the inn

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    mighty monday at the inn

    Summer is here! chuck on the bathers and jump in the pool! whos up for a couple of laps?got the start of another good run of af days under my belt, will shout out on sunday. got my breathalyser on the weekend, I feel that it has made it easier for me already. I tested myself when I got home from work tonight (0% bac of course) and then showed the reading to my wife. I got a big smile and "good boy!" which made me feel even better. dont know if I have told you guys we are selling the business, had a third interview today for one job. also selling the house. looking forward to getting a real life back again. I have been ok since losing it a couple of weeks ago. good to be back here. have a good monday, got steak for dinner!

    "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson

    mighty monday at the inn

    Yay Maxman!
    Today is day 3 AF for me (beginning again) but feeling very positive this time and stronger for all i have learned by last months slipups!
    Raining here, so just came back from a run in the rain. Haven't felt so good in ages.
    It's good night from me and wishing all the rest of you Abbers a Wonderful Monday morning!


      mighty monday at the inn

      Cool and sunny here...great for the dogs (and me!). Still totally knackered from the ole bug but on the mend.....will try to take it easy today and heal up properly, but it's so difficult with Life banging at the door and demanding things lol

      Have a lovely day, Innies, and stay strong and focussed....we want December to be sweet and joyful, not hungover! Al....stay AWAY from us!

      Suze x
      Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


        mighty monday at the inn

        fickle , Whats going on? every time I slip up you do it the next day! I have 4 days! Im gunna be strong for the both of us and I want you to stay only one day behind, lets put an end to it with the help of all of the innies. good to hear you are feeling better suzie, we had a bug through the family over the weekend got all of the kids, my mum who babysat on friday me and my wife and her dad who came over on saturday night, luckily for us it was just a 24 hr thing we are all ok now..

        message for al; cya wouldnt wanna be ya!
        "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


          mighty monday at the inn

          Hey Max - glad you are all better..........erm...I know it's me and my phobia...but how do - even loving family members - go round to each other's 'When theres a bug about'??? (I'm presuming the stomach variety...) Eeeeek!! I've gone all cold here just reading about it......

          If it was the (non-stomach) flu....I'd be there helping out...what is it with me?!?!?


          Anyways, have a great Monday you'all!! Bright and breezy here (gales!) and I'm clearing up (moving things around and putting them back where they were coz there's nowhere else!!!!!) and finding out what's in all the carrier bags of early-bought Crimbo prezzies....?!?!?

          Love to all
          FMS xx
          :heart: c: :heart:
          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


            mighty monday at the inn

            Hi all! Maxman, fingers are crossed for your possible job where you've had 3 interviews! And I'm pea green that you are heading into summer just as I am heading into winter. We had our first yuk winter day on Saturday - windy, snow, then ice rain. Sounds like you are making lots of positive changes.

            Congratulations Fickle in 3 days! You sound great. Running in the rain???? Hmmmm....

            Suze, I thought of you about 385638 times yesterday afternoon. I was watching figure skating from Japan, and in the "Kiss and Cry" area (where the skaters wait for their scores) they had a bunch of stuffed animals of that thing in your avatar. I don't know what that guy really is, but he looks like the Mad Chocolate Monster to me. Glad you are on the mend!

            FMS - sounds like you are going through things at your house? I was thinking this morning about some drawers I need to go through, and a few other projects like that. Need to just get motivated! I read your story yesterday morning about bumping and dropping your chicken, etc. in the kitchen. I was laughing because I am prone to stuff like that - and it doesn't require al!

            I am grateful to be here on Day 5! If feels so good to wake up and feel good - not hungover. And of course I always get up earlier when I'm sober which gets me an early start on the day, and that feels really good too. I slept good last night!! I thank Hannah forever for the Valerian Root tip as that really does work well for me, where melatonin does not for some reason.

            Happy AF day everyone!

            ETA: From yesterdays thread - a big hug to Indigosky. As MM said, you will not be alone at Christmas as you have all of us. Congratulations on your almost 90 days! That is huge, and is such a great positive step forward in life. Also contratulations to bak310 on 2 weeks of not smoking! (I finally quit last February, and I know it ain't easy) And welcome to the Inn. And hello to everyone else who posted after I did yesterday!

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              mighty monday at the inn

              Mornin' sunshines!

              Well, actually, no sunshine here.. We have had snow for the past few days. Last night we got about 4 inches and it is supposed to snow all day for a total of about a foot! it looks like it will keep up all week...Yeah! I love it!

              Max, you sound so good and happy! Keep up the good work and hold your wife's smile deep in your heart. You are doing this for you, but it is afecting your family in such a positive way. I am really sending you my strongest vibes to get some real good AF days behind you now~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

              Fickle - Congrats on day 3! Getting to day three is always a toughie after a slip, so good on you! Stay right on Max's tail - you Aussies need to stay together!! You can do it this time!!

              Suze~ good to hear you are on the mend. man, it has been a rough year for the sickies!! Hope you can get out with the doggies and enjoy the sunshine. That is the best for getting over the yuckies!

              Finding - You crack me up!!
              "what's in all the carrier bags of early-bought Crimbo prezzies....?!?!?" If I could understand what you said I would respond, but I have no idea what any of that means!! I am going to have to come visit you and get quick emmersion in the language.. I just love you!!

              DG~ CONGRATS ON DAY 5, SISTER!!!!!! You got through the dreaded day 4, well for me that is the toughie! But you know, lately, I have had some tough days. I think Ihave been taking some things for granted and rushing around too much. I need to slow down before I get myself into trouble! We can never, ever take it for an easy ride, right?! Glad you got some sleep!!

              tkeene~ YEAH on entering Week #2!!!!!!!! And what a fantastic thing that your Hubby is going to join you. That is goiing to be so wonderful for both of you. Having the support of one another will no doubt bring you closer together. I am just thrilled!

              Well, I am off to finish putting together my daughter's bedroom set. Yes, I bought her a dresser, night stand and canopy bed that all needed to be assembled! My dear Hubby has been working 7 days a week, 12 hours a day, so I decided to do this myself. I have to do it today so I can lock it in one of the spare bedrooms before my daughter gets home from her dads! it has been kind of fun, very slow and mindful. Good thing I had these few days off!

              Enjoy your day everyone, and best to all that come in to the INN to check in after..


              Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                mighty monday at the inn

                LightBulb moment

                Hello Monday AFers -

                Good Job! to all of you who are getting 'back on the horse' - that can be sooo hard. Don't do mindwars about 'slips, blips', and whatever labels come up - no failure thoughts allowed on recovery road - just know where you are going and stay the course. We know its a process and every road has something to say.

                I had a little lightbulb this morning :wow: I made it through a challenge last night and a new thought came this morning...a thought that would NOT have come, had I followed the beast.

                One of the things I love most in life is sitting around a dinner table, in my home, or friends' home, sharing a meal with candles glowing and some lovely wine. Sitting, talking, and remaining gathered at the table for some time. When I decided to 'try' AF 22 days ago, I could NOT even think about never enjoying that scene again, and I have just ignored any thoughts in that direction. Well, last night, after getting Xmas trees with our very best long time friends, we found ourselves around our table sharing a candlelit meal - argh! They brought Sauvignon Blanc and I had still 3 lovely bottles in my pantry. Well, I knew I just would not cave before 30 days, but it was hard. I actually went into the pantry and put my hand on the each of the 3 bottles to see what it was I actually had in there. I decided not to open them because I knew I wanted to drink some of them and if I opened a bottle, it would be no good down the road, or So, I poured my lime spritzer and pretty soon we were just sitting around the table and it didn't matter. Just like everyone here has said, - 'its just the first few minutes'.......Wow - surprise...but that isn't the lightbulb...

                The lightbulb came on this morning as I was putting away the wine glasses I used to handle daily and haven't touched in 3 weeks: I realized it won't be the bottle of wine at dinner, shared with friends, that will be the problem for me - it will be the bottle I don't share and consume by myself some night alone.
                That doesn't give me permission, but really takes some pressure off. If, when, I ever enjoy that again - it will have to stop right at that table. So, I won't think about it anymore again, but for some reason there is a little relief.

                Happy Trails,
                Go2Goal Attached files [img]/converted_files/378181=2670-attachment.gif[/img]
                "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"


                  mighty monday at the inn

                  Good for you G2G!!!! Keep those lightbulb moments close to you!

                  Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                    mighty monday at the inn

                    MM! You crack me up too!!! Right, translation.....! "what's in all the carrier bags of early-bought Crimbo prezzies....?!?! = Checking through what presents are in the shopping bags of good things I've been buying over the last few weeks so as to spread the cost and be ready for Christmas...!!! Got that?!?!??! :l

                    ME FED UP - (see my comforter/duvet thread.) Would be grateful for any advice (but very grateful for what I have had!!) before I get to go to bed.... I am sleeping so badly - going off like a baby but then being all rigid and tense all night and feeling like I am sleeping on a runway in the cold....well, I'll paste it across - not fair to send you all over the boards!!!...

                    "I am sooooh p'd off.....I bought a duck down duvet (comforter?) 6 hours help in the store (M&S - normally very good quality) as it's Christmas and everyone was serving giftware....but I took ages and checked and cross-checked, felt, lifted, squeezed the demo ones....and got it home and laid it out to 'puff-up' AND IT ISN'T?!?!?! How long should it take? I've got the cover on - thrown it around the room, tussled with it....and it still feels as thin (2cm at most - No... Just checked, ONE cm!?!?) as a 4.5 Tog and it's a 10.5 Tog...s'posedly...(about 5cm in the shop). I got under it ...AND IT'S NOT HEAVY!!! OR COSY!!! I could cry - I am crying! ?65 ($100) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And you can't return them....

                    Maybe it takes a bit of 'use' or something?..I haven't had feather for years...only polyester.....Sorry - don't know what to do know what it's like taking something back they say you can't - especially at Christmas (I mean, I wont take it back after sleeping in it but I guess many would...) - sigh."

                    Any advice....I am despondent now....hardly important in the light of so many things in this world...but.

                    Hope your day is being just grand....I guess for many it is only midday (or tomorrow!) Off singing soon... but if there is one more mention of tummy bugs I am going to go mad too....sorry Max - it's me, not you!!! But it's being talked about round here too - eeeek!

                    I'll stop being blah now and see you later!
                    FMS xx
                    :heart: c: :heart:
                    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                      mighty monday at the inn

                      OK, FMS.. I also like the heaviness of something on top of me (no jokes, girls), so here is a little trick I like. Take another heavy blanket, doesn't have to be expensive and pin it to each corner of your new down duvet, so now you have two blankets. Put both of them inside a duvet cover. if you want, you can get two blankets.. Also, get yourself some Calmes Forte, you can order it online.. Here is where I buy mine, but you may have to look online over there: Organic Pharmacy >> SEARCH PAGE It relaxes you for the evening and is all natural. These two things together and you shouls sleep like a baby.. if not, let me know and I will sing to you...


                      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                        mighty monday at the inn

                        Good afternoon INNmates!!
                        I started off at a dead run this am. First a trip to the docs to check on my progress with the topo and antidepressants (wonderful), actually my blood pressure is in the normal range and I've lost 5 pounds. Then to Curves, thank you Hannah and DG, I love it. Then to the electronics place to by a plasma TV which is what my husband and I decided we would get each other for Christmas. Then to Bob Evans for breakfast one of those gut buster things with sausage, eggs, grits and biscuts (so much for the 5lb wt loss)

                        Once I got home I had to arrange with the cable company to swap out the box before the TV is delivered and call my husband and tell him how much he loves me because I saved him the trouble of a trip to the store to buy the TV. Finally, I got to sit down and read what you all have been up to this am and I must say its been mighty fine reading!!

                        Max-Great goin' buddy!! Keep that wife smiling!! You're heading for a lot a big changes in your life, just keep your goals in mind and don't let yourself get overwelmed!! Good luck with the interview. That must be an international bug, its been zipping around here also.

                        Fickle- Just stay the course, let those days keep piling up. I have quite a time trying to wrap my head around hot weather in December!! We're having snow flurries here today.

                        Suze - Glad you're feeling better, we need to get you some super duper mega ginormous power vitamins and pump you up girlie!!

                        FMS- You sound as if you share my organizanation technique. Unfortunately, I get so fascinated by what I find in the bags, boxes, bins that a fifteen minute job takes me hours, LOL. Here's a duvet tip- If you have a dryer with an air only setting toss that puppy in there for a few minutes and see if that helps.

                        Doggie- Congrats on Day 5- Glad to hear the the Valerian is working for you!! Every time you talk about ice skating I think about dancing with the stars. I am just so cheesed that Hielo won!! But I'd love to see one of those Chocolate Monsters!!

                        MM- You absolutely must post a pic of your daughters furniture when you get it put together! Not that I'm one to talk, but please watch that taking on too much overdoing it thing. Its one of Al's favorite traps this time of year. Just a little something to calm yourself down

                        G2G- Don't ya just love those revelations? Especially those that come in the morning when our brains are fresh and accepting. Anytime we can take the pressure off ourselves we are doing ourselves a huge favor.

                        Well guys gotta get movin again, feel a carb crash coming on. Check back later.

                        Love and Peace
                        Attached files [img]/converted_files/378254=3698-attachment.gif[/img]


                          mighty monday at the inn

                          Afternoon All-

                          And happy Monday. Glad to see all my innmates up and about. Have had a really productive morning. Off the the post office to mail bills (arg - but at least they're paid!) and sending advent calendars to my niece and nephew. Today is my Sister's b'day, and had a nice long chat with her on the phone. Thank God for therapy (mine) and alanon. Despite all the troubles we have had, both separately and together, it feels so good to have at least SOME connection to her, and the ability to "talk about the weather", and a little bit of personal stuff, in a friendly way. I take it for what it is and am deeply grateful. There were many years I feared that I had lost her for good. These (not so) little things make my holidays so much more meaningful.

                          Love to all - hope it's a good AF day for everyone!

                          wonder xx


                            mighty monday at the inn

                            Hi all-

                            Just had to barge in. G2G, I REALLY enjoyed reading your post. Very insightful and very inspiring.



                              mighty monday at the inn

                              12 Many Avatar

                              12 - I have not seen that avatar before, but as one who is holding strong to my Penguin - I love it!

                              Go2Goal, sometimes on thin ice Attached files [img]/converted_files/378274=2674-attachment.jpg[/img]
                              "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"

