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mighty monday at the inn

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    mighty monday at the inn

    Evening All,
    Just when I get the weekend under my belt my husband is pestering me to go out to this Italian restaurant where I know I will be tempted by the wine. I know I could go and not drink but ,selfishly speaking, I don't want to keep walking on the temptation road nightly. As the AA saying goes " If you walk on a slippery road you will eventually slip"
    Oh the mountains I can make out of molehills!!!!!!

    I will not drink tonight.

    Sorry my posts have been so me,me,me,. Thanks for the support you all give.
    Have a great evening



      mighty monday at the inn

      Janet, It is all about you right now, as it should be.


        mighty monday at the inn


        I agree w/ Chief it is all about you at this point. Well done on week one AF. And, to decline the restaurant at this time is just smart. I avoided going out w/ a few of my closest friends for three months because I not only did'nt want to be tested. I also did'nt want the emotional drain of thinking about being tested.

        Wonder, great avatar.

        G2G, the light bulb moments: I like that. You are thinking differently now. It is a great way to live, isn't it?

        I hope all of you, us have an AF night to be inspired by.


        Day 130 AF

