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Tuesday December 4th at the INN

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    Tuesday December 4th at the INN

    Good Morninin INNmates!!

    Another frosty morning here today. Just a quick check in to get the thread started. Will stop back a little later when I have a little more coffee in me and the brain is working a bit better.

    Love and Peace

    Tuesday December 4th at the INN

    Just to say Hi, Lunchtime here, reminds me I must eat.......
    In life we can live out our dreams its true
    the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.


      Tuesday December 4th at the INN

      Good morning Rob and Eastender and all -

      Nothing huge to report on my end today. Got a pretty restful night's sleep, thankfully. I really needed it. Hope that all the innmates are well today. I have a pretty busy day planned. If I can ever step away from the computer......

      Hugs to all-
      wonder xx


        Tuesday December 4th at the INN

        ALL GOOD HERE~!
        "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


          Tuesday December 4th at the INN

          A quiet day at the Inn!!!
          I'm happily on day 8 today after some real temptation last night. I was so happy I didn't give in last night as my 17 year old middle son, who could make a saint sin ( and I'm certainly no saint) was especially testy this morning. I was as calm, cool and collected as can be where normally I might have snapped right back and escalated the tension. There are times when I think I would prefer to have bamboo shoots inserted under my fingernails than to deal with my testy teenagers!!
          I also participated a two hour spin-a-thon at the gym. I would not have ben happy spinning for 2 hours with a hangover, as I was barely hanging on AF. It's over now and I do feel great. I know I'll sleep well tonight.
          I'm feeling quite strong and committed right now although I am very aware that one minute I can be fine and the next weak.

          Have a great night all. Thanks for all your support.



            Tuesday December 4th at the INN

            Hmmm...we must all be out Christmas quiet here!

            I'm having a few strong cravings over the last few days.....but I think it's connected with my sugar binge when I had the flu hopefully it will pass off as I get un-sugared again! :H

            Just made some soup for lunch tomorrow....could eat it all up right now!

            Hope everyone is well and ok and getting the festive spirit!

            Suze x
            Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


              Tuesday December 4th at the INN

              Evenin' All, Back from work. Wow it has been a quiet day at the INN. Could be shopping or could be hibernating!!

              Eastender good to see you!! Hope you enjoyed your lunch!

              Wonder- Love your new avatar. At first I thought the baby was doing the shush thing, then I realized he was picking is nose!!

              Max- Thanks for checking in no matter how briefly. How did the interview go?

              Veno-Yack!! Testy teens--Lord help us all!! I remember that well and do not miss it at all. Good for you for staying calm and rational, especially first thing in the morning. Two hours of spinning, and you could still walk, what a woman!! A good way to relieve tension though.

              Suze- Sorry about the cravings, loading up on sugar will do that for you. If you've got some kudzu or l-glut, that may help. Just grab some of your sticks and start swinging girl, you know how tough you are!!

              Well, I've gotta call my sis and wish here a happy birthday, I'll stop back later. Hope Hannah's doing ok and didn't get caught in any nasty weather.

              Love and Peace


                Tuesday December 4th at the INN

                rob;234133 wrote:
                Wonder- Love your new avatar. At first I thought the baby was doing the shush thing, then I realized he was picking is nose!!
                "HE" ?!?!?! Rob, I'm a girl!!!

                It's been shopping for me today. left the house at 10, got back at 5. Need I say more?

                Janet - we're on the same day AF. We'll keep an eye on each other, okay? And do it together.

                Suze - More Sticks!!! I'm so glad your health is better. sneaky creep, that AL!!!

                Hi Max!

                luv to all,
                wonder xx


                  Tuesday December 4th at the INN

                  It is quiet!!! So I'll just pop in to SAY HELLO!!

                  All well here too....windy and really mild. Drumming was absolutely fantastic...last one tonight until January....10 weeks to a new addiction!! A very healthy one....I thoroughly recommend it if you get the chance.....Google Djembe or African Drumming; there's bound to be something around you wherever you are....and it is so good for relaxation, confidence, brain waves and FUN!!! Even if it's just a half day workshop! BoumBoum Drum Workshops for my lot but it's got loads of info and videos etc.....

                  I've tumble 'dried' the new duvet and it's a lot 'fatter' so I'll report back in the morning!!! Not a long sleep anyway as daughter #2 is off to London tomorrow at 7am for her Uni interview and drama course workshop....she's really nervous - she discovered just how much it means to her!! Then back on the midnight sleeper (train)....

                  So, nght all - or have a good evening...well, afternoon and evening! Suze, I'm glad you're on the mend!

                  Remember - Al deserves NOTHING!! (but contempt!)

                  Love FMS xx
                  :heart: c: :heart:
                  "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                    Tuesday December 4th at the INN

                    Hello, my friends.. Well I'm afraid it is going to be quick-draw, Mama again this week. I am absolutley slammed this week and have to work this weekend.. Man, I have to stay focused to get through this month. It is going to be toughie. I am so thankful I have such a great hubby and staff!!

                    I am going to check in each night before I drive home so I can stay in check - AL likes to hide in my head when I am busy, so I have to get him out here before I drive home... I too have been having some unpleasant thoughts about drinking the past few days.. I need to slow down, meditate and eat right - and check in here EVERY day...

                    OK, I'm good - I will head home to my warm house with my little darling and hubby waiting.. It feels good to write to you, my friends after a day like today! A day in which I WILL NOT DRINK!

                    Take care everyone...


                    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                      Tuesday December 4th at the INN

                      Hello Inn Guests,

                      Just a quick good night from my end of the Inn. Remain AF!


                      Day 131 AF


                        Tuesday December 4th at the INN

                        Morning all,

                        In a rush checking in to say Hi - errands to run this morning will read up later. Have a great AF day!
                        In life we can live out our dreams its true
                        the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.


                          Tuesday December 4th at the INN

                          just smashed af #$@#$&*
                          "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


                            Tuesday December 4th at the INN

                            Hi Rob
                            Lunch was great yesterday, todays about to begin!

                            WW. love the new pic was my youngests favorite pastime!

                            Vino. well done on your eight days. Those bamboo shoots sound possibly enticing when it comes to teenagers, and Pseudo- ones that act it when they are in their twenties!

                            Suze. Think youre right,Certainly my last trip out the whole world was out Xmas Shopping and in the same queue as me!

                            FMS. what is it about duvets that they never want to go in the cover?

                            MM. Busy is the word that keeps us off the beast.

                            July. 131 days af FANTASTIC!!!!!!

                            Max. Was that another slang phrase?
                            In life we can live out our dreams its true
                            the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.

