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Tue. - Dec. 4

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    Tue. - Dec. 4

    Hi Everyone: Well, I reached the 60 AF day mark today. While I'm very happy, I'm also cautious. The last time I reached 60+ AF days (back in Sept.), I had a slip. I was absolutely devastated. It's good for me to recall how awful I felt about it. I will guard my sobriety w/my life. Wild horses will not force me to drink. I've been feeling so great about myself...dealing w/difficult situations wo/a single thought of dulling the stress w/booze.

    When I slipped back in Sept. (& Oct.), I had been thinking about drinking as a possibility for myself. Now, I know I don't need alcohol or want it. It doesn't add a single benefit to my life. I don't let those thoughts even enter my head anymore.

    Take care of your abs or mod (whichever you choose). I'm w/you in spirit. Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Tue. - Dec. 4


    Awww. :l and Congratulations on 60 days AF!!

    Dwelling on the positives of being AF is so giving from you for all of us. Thank you.

    Like you, I cannot even begin to consider the option of drinking again. In my case, I realized that I was fooling myself into thinking I could never do something to hurt others with my drinking. What an idiot I was!!

    AF is the life for me and it is a cheerful, rosy, happy life.

    Glad to be there with you, Mary!!

    AF April 9, 2016


      Tue. - Dec. 4

      Mary - congratulations on 60 days (again!).

      If you add in the AF days before the last "detour" - that is quite an impressive tally!

      Cindi - yep the AF life IS a happy one once we get it into our heads that it is the way forward.

      Well done

      Keep up the good work - I am looking forward to a happy AF Christmas!
      My first one for more than 20 years!



      "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


        Tue. - Dec. 4

        Mary that is Great, 60 Days!!. And Cindy and Satori, you both too. Me I'm on AF 2. Had 34 waaaaay back in June so here I go again. You guys are inspirational. Wish our Broncos were, eh Cindy? :H


          Tue. - Dec. 4

          CONGRATULATIONS Mary :goodjob: on 60 Days. You have been inspirational and it has been a pleasure to share the journey with you.



            Tue. - Dec. 4

            Thanks everyone. Satori: I too want to have a completely AF Christmas. I can't remember the last time that happened. I know I will, because I'm committed to it. Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              Tue. - Dec. 4

              Sometimes I think that there is something good about those slips because they can be devastating. If I hadn't fallen from grace several times, I don't think I would really understand what I have accomplished now. It is so easy to have a few drinks one time, then a few drinks a week later, only to find yourself drinking daily yet again a few weeks after that. At this point, I am fairly certain where I would likely end up if I even have one drink, and that is surely a gift.

              :goodjob: Mary on reaching 60 days! Your tenacity is an inspiration.

              Cindy, Satori, Hart, Rustop and everyone else, you have all been terrific companions on this journey.

              Likely this will be the first holiday season for many of us to be AF in many years. I'm no longer frightened but I do have my guard up. There will be many temptations in the coming weeks, and I really want to rise above them, while enjoying the holidays.

              I hope this is a blessed season for all of us.


              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                Tue. - Dec. 4


                I cannot agree more about how valuable the information we have learned from our slips are. They have taught me that I must stay ever vigilant because it is too easy to get complacent about Al the Beast AND whenever I let Al back into my life, life takes a huge turn for the worse. Whatever pleasure Al affords me (let's get real, he does afford pleasure) but it is certainly not worth the tremendous pain he gives me.

                Luckily, I cannot draw the same conclusions about my husband, which is why I stay married to him. :H

                I am actually grateful to be sober today and married to a man who has put up with being married to a woman who has not been sober for 30+ years except when pregnant or going through surgery. I would offer him up for sainthood but he is really does have his faults, too....

                But, speaking of an AF Holiday Season. I am going to build a Gingerbread House with the grandkids this weekend (okay, by the end I may desperately wish I was drunk but I will NEVER ADMIT IT) and we will also make cookie ornaments and come up with a Chrismas menu and and a Christmas Eve Menu.

                The concept of spending time with my absolutely beautiful, perfect, wonderful grandkids sober even if they aren't perfect is electrifying. It is worth every second of every day I have on this planet. They deserve it. I can give it and I have lots of love and time to give.

                AF April 9, 2016


                  Tue. - Dec. 4

                  Congratulations Mary on 60 days!
                  You are truly an inspiration.


                    Tue. - Dec. 4

                    whew! finally a chance to check in. Mary 60 days is a fantastic accomplishment hoooray!
                    I had a very difficult night in a very crowded room with a bunch of very heavy drinkers. the smell finally got the better of me and I had "loverly" paper cup of wine....arg! I went back to my room quite dejected and guilty. At least I didn't go bonkers and get wasted...still not really happy. Dx gave me the idea to try taking some super strong breath mints so hopefully it will mask the booze oders...worth a try.
                    ok, I'm supposeded to be working,
                    Be well friends!
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      Tue. - Dec. 4

                      Thanks everyone on the congrats. If I can do it you can too. M
                      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                      October 3, 2012


                        Tue. - Dec. 4

                        Congrats Mary on your 60 days!

                        I do believe that if you can do it I can too even though I have never made it to 60 days before.

                        You are a great example and it is really wonderful to have you here!

                        You make this group a better place just by being here.

