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Day 24, struggling.....will pass

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    Day 24, struggling.....will pass

    I should introduce myself. I have done MWO before for about six months in 2006. Struggled at the beginning of course...... then did got control. I left for a year, quit smoking and drank in moderation (some days more then moderation should of been) until my oldest dog past and my kids went back to school in early September, something just snapped in me and I started smoking and drinking like a fish again. This went on until the end of October when my hubby and kids said that was ENOUGH!

    I knew that was it so I set dates (I have to do it that way). Nov. 11 for drinking and Nov. 15 for smoking. I got my MWO book back out and ordered new supps and here I am...I did have to set up a new screen name and get use to a new forum..anyway, enough with that.

    My problem, I always seem to struggle around this time...I am at day 24 right now and can almost taste the booze! I know I won't cave in but I sure would like too. I put up my Christmas decorations yesturday and that is a major trigger for me. That is done today but that really got me thinking about drinking and now I can't stop thinking about it.

    Thanks for listening....guess I just need someone to complain to today before I pull all my hair out!

    Finding ME / ....................ttfme
    "Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

    Day 24, struggling.....will pass


    I know decorating for the holidays set me off because I always drank while decorating before so I associated that with it....and you know it was hard to decorate this year also, without that "creative boost", lol. It was another milestone/day passed without drinking so all is well.

    I am just not sure how to fill that empty void inside, almost a mourning feeling for the way I use to feel when drinking, the relaxed feeling I guess. Hard to explain.

    ...and your right this is just one of those bad days and I guess I am just feeling sorry for myself! Thanks anyways!

    ~~Finding ME
    "Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase." -- Martin Luther King Jr.


      Day 24, struggling.....will pass


      I am on day 24 too, if you count today!

      The supps you ordered should be to you by Friday or Sat if you ordered them Yesterday or today, Atleast mine did.

      The Kuzdu really helps. I also take the L-glut and Gaba together twice a day. Just hang on your supps will be there soon!

      Strong pleasant smells seem to help. How about buying yourself a nice scented candle or incence with a nice Holiday scent?

      Another thing that helps me is that I am only doing this for 100 days.

      Can you set some kind of temporary limit on this?

      That doesn't mean you have to drink when the time frame is over, but you can't drink till it is. Like 30, 60, 90, or 100 days?

      Well, hang in there, this will pass and we are all here for you and rooting for you!

      YOU CAN DO THIS!!!


        Day 24, struggling.....will pass

        Hey FM,

        I, too ,have discovered that holiday decorating is a huge trigger. I used to love sippiong away at wine while I put up garland and lights. I'd put some Christmas special on tv and then twirl away while I threw lights and garland hither and thither.
        Now, I have decided that the decorating must be done before 2pm. The Christmas tree will get put up early next week and that will be a challenge but if I have to get up at 5am and start at that hour so be it.
        Great going on 24 days!!!
        Good luck. You can do it!!


          Day 24, struggling.....will pass

          Janet, could you imagine what the poor tree would look like if you did decorate it at 5:00am, lol, yikes! Good luck on your decorating. Next the wrapping of the presents........that will be with coffee in the morning! Tis the Season.

          Rosalind, Congrats on your 24 days also! I like your idea of looking at small accomplishments instead of the big picture. The big picture can get overwhelming sometimes.
          "Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase." -- Martin Luther King Jr.


            Day 24, struggling.....will pass

            Nice to meet you, FM. I worry about getting along all fine and dandy and then one day....wham.....straight back in on the bottle! I think this is day 54 for me....and I'm feeling a bit worried......must stay strong! :H

            I totally agree with the sense of mourning...and missing the relaxation. Scented candles or bodyoil in the shower do give me a sort of relaxation, maybe you've tried that? Other than that I find the only thing to do with the cravings is to say NO in my head and immediately go and DO something else.

            Good luck back on the wagon......this is a great supportive place to do it!:h

            Suze x
            Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


              Day 24, struggling.....will pass

              Hi, Finding Me, and :welcome: !

              I wish I had some magic words of wisdom for you, but the battle against alcohol is won one day at a time. You are welcome to come here and complain all you like though. It's better than drinking and we're here to listen.

              Congrats on 24 days!


              AF as of August 5th, 2012

