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Tuesday~December 5th

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    Tuesday~December 5th

    Hi All,

    Today is the 2nd anniversary of my joining MWO. After a lot of ups and downs, and good times along the way with all of you, I'm nearly six months AF. I owe it all to the inspiration and support that I've found here and of course, to RJ, who thought this whole glorious thing up! So thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

    It's also snowing here, and even at 52, I look at snow with the eyes of a child. It is a symbol of peace and beauty to me. When it snows, all seems right with the world. I know, easy for me to say when my office is just a few miles from my home!

    Anyway, I'm looking forward to a happy AF day.

    Love to all,:heart:

    AF as of August 5th, 2012

    Tuesday~December 5th

    Congrats Kathy!

    You have come along way in two years and made some wonderful friends along the way. Look at what you accomplished! Congrats on your almost 6 months AF free!


    ps....AF day 25 for me after almost two years on and off
    "Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase." -- Martin Luther King Jr.


      Tuesday~December 5th

      Hi Kathy, Finding and all to come

      Congratulations Kathy, thanks for posting that. I have been around a year and a half with some success 37 Days AF at the moment with other 30 day stints at times. Sometimes feel disappointed in myself that I did not achieve being AF straight away but reading your post gives me hope.

      Have a great AF Wednesday everyone.



        Tuesday~December 5th

        Kathy congrads you sweetheart!!

        doing well here in the lions den (stole that term from Go2goal)
        eating too many carbs tho...arg.
        I'm at work as usual so gotta run,
        be well my friends
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Tuesday~December 5th

          Wow, I'm aggravated; I wrote a post acknowledging everyone's responses earlier, and now it's not here! POO!

          Thanks for your support. I wouldn't have made it without you guys.

          Tammie, 25 days is great!:goodjob: Keep it up, and you'll be surprised how quickly the days build up.

          It was the same for me, Rustop. I had periods of 3-4 weeks AF, and then BOOM! back to the beginning again. Keep on trucking, and you"ll get there.:thumbs:

          Deter, you are becoming a whiz at those conventions of yours. Too many carbs is a small price to pay for not drinking, though. You rock, my man!:wd:

          Anyway, it's beddie-bye time for me. Now that feels good...

          We had about 5" of snow today! Yay!


          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            Tuesday~December 5th

            Kathy, I am so stinking proud of you!!!! Congrats on almost six months. That is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              Tuesday~December 5th

              Wow Kathy! To think we joined around the same time! Congratulations on your 6 months AF! and Happy Anniversary!! I fell out of the loop for a while but am sooooo glad to be back.. making new friends and having good AF periods.. which I know will build until I am successful once again as I want to be.
              Much love & thanks,


                Tuesday~December 5th

       wonderful....and how inspiring for the rest of us!

                Thank you!!!:h

                Suze x
                Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                  Tuesday~December 5th

                  Thank you for the acknowledgement, ladies. Lushy, it's nice that you read over here. Now I know why you have so many posts; you're all over the place offering support, as well as humor, to our members.

                  MFM Suze, we've known each other a long time, haven't we? I'm glad you are back, too. I miss you when you're not around. :-(

                  Chocolate Suze, now that I know what your avatar represents, it doesn't scare me like it used to. I'm glad you feel inspired. There are many here who make me feel inspired too.
                  AF as of August 5th, 2012


                    Tuesday~December 5th

                    Hi Kathy, I'm sorry I missed this thread earlier.. Congratulations on your anniversary and your AF run! I look forward to your posts. You always seem so grounded and level headed. I'm glad you're a part of the MWO family...


