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Saturday December 8th at the INN

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    Saturday December 8th at the INN

    Good Mornin INNmates!!
    Well I hope this works! I Wrote a nice long response last night and twice got THIS WEB PAGE CANNOT BE FOUND when trying to post, so we'll see.

    Not feeling so great this am woke up with a run of tachycardia (fast heartbeat) which is wierd as I always associated this with drinking. So I'll stop back later.

    Everyone have a great day.

    Love and Peace

    Saturday December 8th at the INN

    HI Rob, Hope you're feeling better and the heart has slowed down. Have you had this checked out? It could be stress related...that time of year. Get to a doctor or ER if it doesn't calm down....we don't want anything to happen to you.

    Hope everyone is doing well and is enjoying all the pre-holiday shopping, stress, crowds, demands on your time, and general good will displayed this time of year (?).

    Don't forget our buddy AL just thrives on all this.....don't let him fool you.

    Have a good day all..



      Saturday December 8th at the INN

      Afternoon Rob , Chief and all to come,
      Hope you feel better when you read this Rob, Could be as chief says stress, That time of year for us women!
      Just thought I would check in and say Hi
      In life we can live out our dreams its true
      the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.


        Saturday December 8th at the INN

        Hi all. Rob, hope your o.k. Yes this is a stressful time. I wake up stressed and the day hasn't even begun yet!
        Now that I'm not drinking, I'm starting to wonder if I suffer from anxiety that I have masked all these years with alcohol. I seriously wake up every morning feeling anxious. Has anyone else experienced increased anxiety after quitting drinking?
        Went to in-laws last night. Surrounded by bottles of wine. Everyone was drinking. The beast was arguing with me the whole night. I held off til the end of the night then had one very small one. Stopped at one, thank God. No buzz, no enjoyment.
        We all have to be extra-vigilant this time of year. The beast is just under the surface waiting to take over.
        Hope you all have a wonderful Saturday. Lets all try and do something nice for ourselves today, even if its just taking a quiet break away from all the hustle and bustle. Luv you.


          Saturday December 8th at the INN

          Good Morning Innfolk - We are in the midst of the time of year that people love and hate. Its a conflicted time that might weaken our resolve, so if you are 'on a plan' of some sort, stay strong - you build confidence by following through. If you are taking it all ODAT, then no concerns about 'slipping' off plan - moments are enjoyed in the 'now' anyway.

          Rob, we worry about our Innkeeper, please take good care. Check out those hormones & thyroid, etc - its all very intricate you know.

          When I went to refill my coffee, it was rather quiet this morning, so I managed to arrange for some help while you are taking care of yourself. So don't be surprised when you come downstairs today.

          I hope everyone enjoys the day. Me, I have been spending so much wonderful time here at the Inn lately, that I really need to get some Christmas going around my place.
          Catch y'all later,
          Go2Goal Attached files [img]/converted_files/384054=2778-attachment.jpg[/img]
          "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"


            Saturday December 8th at the INN

            Hi Chief, Eastender,lauranne, Gotogoand all to come,
            I certainly hope you feel better Rob. A racing heart can be scary. It's probably stress but if it continues check it out. We worry about our Innkeeper. Now that I'm firmly established in middle age if there is any health issue I run to the dr. I do not want to wake up at 2am and needlessly worry about something that the dr could have given me a reasonable explication for a 2pm. My motto "when in doubt check it out" . There are enough other things to worry about at 2am.

            Saturdays evenings are always the toughest time for me to remain AF. I haven't quite made a AF plan yet as I don't know what we are doing. I'm going to put up the (darned) Christmas tree and make a strategy for tonight.
            What are you all doing to guarantee an AF night?
            Will check back later.


              Saturday December 8th at the INN

              Hey my friends, thank you all for your concern. I'm feeling better now. It probably was stress related as my sister had a lump removed from her breast (sorry guys) yesterday and our mother died of breast cancer. Everything turned out just fine, but I think the stress just may have creeped up on me during the night.

              This morning I got an e-mail from a friend who lives in Kenai Alaska. We've known each other since grade school. She has a tumor on her kidney and monday she has to have surgery to remove the kidney. Guess who wants to be on the next flight screaming out of Port Columbus and heading for Ancorage? Not doable at this point. Its even too early to call her right now.

              Ok, sorry to dump and run, I'm going to go get Barb on a few more prayer lists as she's a big believer in the power of prayer.

              As to dealing with holiday stress. I think if we could each take a few minutes a day to focus on another theme of the season which is PEACE AND JOY AND LOVE, it may go a long way to releaving some of the stress.

              Love and Peace


                Saturday December 8th at the INN

                Hi Janet -- To guarantee an AF night I'm going to TAKE IT EASY!! Stay in, watch a movie, have a simple dinner and be kind to myself. Saturdays can be hard. Good for you for thinking about having a plan in place. You can do it!



                  Saturday December 8th at the INN

                  testing.... I can't seem to post on this thread today??? curious...
                  Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                    Saturday December 8th at the INN

                    Well, I guess it worked, so I will try again.

                    Rob, I am so sorry to hear about yoru sister. it sounds like she is doing fine, but what a stess for you. And your friend, I will defiantely pray for her. Please take care of yourself and know that we are all here.

                    to everyone else, I will post a bit later. I am off to finish decorating w/ my little darling. I had a big post typed out, but it just wont post...
                    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                      Saturday December 8th at the INN

                      Rob - thinking of you.....muchly.

                      Hello all - a much better day today...thanks again. And the duvet is cosy and warm and snuggy and not-terribly-heavy-but-fine!

                      I had a lovely afternoon shopping with daughter #2...lots of lovely Crimbo things (we adore decorations....the oldy sort of things but still suckers for gazing at the tack too!!)

                      But tonight she seems to be going down with tonsillitis AGAIN....#5 in a month.... they'll have to come out and that's expensive and the timing is so cr*p with all her singing engagements...can you cross any spare fingers for her tonight....? Thanx so much.

                      Right, off under the snuggy-thing....hotty-botty' n me....aaah!

                      Have a lovely Saturday evening.... AL? Who? Bluagghh!!!!!!

                      Love FMS xx
                      :heart: c: :heart:
                      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                        Saturday December 8th at the INN

                        Hello All-

                        I've had problems sending pm's today. Maybe something's going on with the site.

                        So glad to hear you are feeling better Rob. Please take good care of yourself.

                        I'm not going to invest too much time in this post, til I know all systems are 'go'.
                        And all is well with me -


                          Saturday December 8th at the INN

                          Just checking in again, too... Also had problems posting today... Overload of MYOers? That would be a good thing!

                          Feeling so much better today! You know, the weirdest thing.. I was taking a new GENERIC version prescription of Ambien (sleeping aid) for the past three weeks. I normally take Melatonin, but I got into a bad pattern of sleep and then just started waking up really, tired and couldn't shake it. . So it was more coffee, couldn't sleep... circle, circle, circle.. I have in the past taken REGULAR Ambien, but my insurance won't pay for the real stuff now and only will pay for the generic, so I thought, no difference. Anyway, I was talking to my friend and she said that she was taking Ambien and had switched over to the generic and it made her really really weird. So much so that she went and talked to her doctor. It made her feel depresed and completely off, she said. This makes me very angry. Could this been the precursor to my spiral and crash?? I was so tired and just out of sorts and just felt like I couldn't come out.. hmmmm. Well, it's back to the natural stuff for me. I took Melatonin last night and I slept an extra 3 hours this morning, woke up feeling fantastic!! Crazy to think about...

                          Sorry for the long story, just thought it was a very interesting coincidence...

                          a Natural Nighty Night to all..

                          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                            Saturday December 8th at the INN

                            Hello Inn Friends,

                            Rob, Be careful w/ a racing heart. We can't have our Keeper at Large incapacitated.

                            Janet, my best approach to an AF night is simple. Plan and eat dinner at a reasonable time (don't skip a meal b/c of kid duties). And, second, know what you want to do first thing Sunday morning and visualize how it will be better w/ an AF night under your belt.

                            I like to run w/ a few friends on Sunday morning. After a few weeks AF I could feel a small change, nothing big but progress. A few weeks later an objective change was confirmed by my friends with comments like: Have you lost weight? Have you been lifting? Are you doing something different w/ your training? I didn't really want to get into the whole AF decision so I just said I'm paying attention to my diet better. This continued progress, an attainment of greater and measurable physical strength has me sold as another benefit to remaining AF. My decision to become AF was for all the reasons we read here. But the physical confirmation helps me to stay committed. And, I have shared w/ a few of the guys my decision to be AF. And, for drinkers, some fairly heavy ones I am pleased to say they respond to this with a grunt and just keep running: no big deal.

                            Have a peaceful AF Saturday friends.


                            Day 135 AF


                              Saturday December 8th at the INN

                              going good so far, sunday arvo here still af!
                              "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson

