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Daily Thread-Dec.9

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    Daily Thread-Dec.9

    Morning All-

    Just a quiet Sunday. We're epecting a big ice storm for tomorrow. Great-I have to drive my daughter to the Dr. tomorrow for an annual check-up. I guarantee that the kids won't have school.

    Well I finally got MY laptop up & running & won't have to fight the kids for the ancient one. One more to go.

    Have a great AF day everyone.

    p.s. anyone else starting to dread those holiday get togethers? We have one next Sat (phony-in-law). It'll just be the phony sis-in-law's family, hubby's grandmother & of course the social queen herslf-mother-in-law. She does this family dinner in order to exchange presents early so that when we do the BIG x-mas day party we won't be bothered with presents. I'll go into details further but this little gathering bothers me because it's so intimate & they know of my drinking yet they go & sip their wine & comment how good it at the table. Talk about putting salt on wounds.
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

    Daily Thread-Dec.9

    Breez-- your looking a little feverish. Maybe you should skip the party so you don't pass it on to the others!


      Daily Thread-Dec.9

      top of the Sunday ABerooonies!

      heya Breez, Laura Anne and all to join (we know you're out there

      sleepy day here as well...I hate driving in ice and there's plenty of it on the ground here. be super careful Breez.
      I get a bit anxious about the 'heavy drinking' parties this time of year although from a positive perspective it's a great way to flex some new coping skills "muscles".
      be well friends...
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        Daily Thread-Dec.9

        Hi All: I just got back from shopping. The liquor stores open at 12 noon here on Sun. As I was passing one at about noon, I noticed a few people walking in. It brought back memories of waiting (sometimes in the parking lot even) for the liquor store to open & then being one of the first customers in. Sunday was a big drinking day...hubby ensconsed in front of football games, me getting drunk in another room. I haven't done that in a good long while thank God.

        We have a holiday party to go to later on. I'll be on my guard. Mary
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          Daily Thread-Dec.9

          Once again Mary, I relate to what you recall - me in another room with my wine. Glad that's not been the scene of late. You'll be fine at that party.

          "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"


            Daily Thread-Dec.9

            Hi All,

            I just put up my Christmas tree. Fortunately, it didn't bring back drunk memories because for the last 10 years, I have always travelled to see my family for Christmas. This year, Maddy and I are staying home, and my sister is coming down for Christmas. At any rate, I enjoyed it sober, and I'm quite satisfied with the results.

            Breez, I hope everything goes okay for you tomorrow. Please be safe. As for your phony in-laws, well, that I don't know. I don't think it is very kind of them to drink in front of you and expecially to go on about how tasty it is.

            Fortunately, I don't have to deal with BIG holiday parties. They are mostly smaller affairs with close friends and family. AF wine has kept me safe so far.

            Good luck with your party, Mary. You're probably there right now, so I hope you are having a good, sober time.


            AF as of August 5th, 2012


              Daily Thread-Dec.9

              Breez, I wish I could offer some advice. I know you are obligated to go to these things. Personally, I wouldn't if they were being rude. Your husband must know that this causes a great deal of stress for you?

              My only suggestion is to keep us close to your heart in these situations. We think you are fantastic, and know how some people can be so cruel. Don't let them bring you down.


                Daily Thread-Dec.9

                Oh, and hello to the rest of you Abbers!


                  Daily Thread-Dec.9

                  Breez, Listen, don't take any shit off those in-laws. You are to be commended for stepping up and taking care of your drinking problem. Make damn sure everyone knows you have quit drinking BEFORE they open the wine. And if they still sip it in front of you and say how good it is just look at them like you can't believe someone could do such a classless thing. You could even give a little sarcastic chuckle and say " Thanks a lot for all your support".

                  Don't let the bastards get you down.You have more backbone than all of them...



                    Daily Thread-Dec.9

                    Everyone: I'm just back from the party & am 100% sober. There was plenty of booze out on the kitchen counter, including bourbon for the egg nogg. I remember last year's debacle...all I could think of was: "How much can I get away w/drinking wo/being noticed." M
                    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                    October 3, 2012


                      Daily Thread-Dec.9

                      That is so Awesome Mary. Such difficult temptation - you must feel a sense of victory, especially if it was a not so victorious scene in the past. PLEASE keep posting - you are so transparent with all this and it is very inspiring and realistic.

                      "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"


                        Daily Thread-Dec.9

                        Wonderful Job, Mary. You must be so proud of yourself. I'm really proud of you.:award:

                        Breez, since AFM sort of brought it up, I have sometimes wondered why you have to attend all of these family functions? I don't know why your husband doesn't give you a pass, sometimes. Is he afraid of their gossip? I don't want to sound critical of you. I guess that is one of the joys of living close to them, eh? I've just wondered. Anyway, you can always come back here and talk to us!

                        Nite from me, too!


                        AF as of August 5th, 2012


                          Daily Thread-Dec.9

                          Right on Mary!!
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            Daily Thread-Dec.9

                            Hubby only has his sis & mom (dad died from diabetes complications stemming from-drinking!). They are just classless people who think their poop doesn't stink. Kind to your face-stab you in the back. And trust me I have skipped soo many (most due to hang overs in the past) and have shown up to more than one under the influence. So now that I'm sober I can of need to make up for those times. I think that the longer I stay stronger the more I'll feel comfortable. I'm still at that stage where I watch as people hold their drinks, how much they are drinking etc. But you see-my mother-in-law does not drink. I rarely see her do it-probably because her husband drank & she began to hate it. A couple of times she asked hubby when I didn't show up-"is everything ok?" I just feel soooo labeled when I go to their functions and it sucks.

                            Thanks for letting me vent.

                            p.s. Mary- Our state does not have package stores open on Sunday but remember driving 45+ mintutes over the border to the next state. Yup-there by 12 telling hubby I was going shopping-sneaking the booze into the house.
                            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

