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Tues. - Dec. 11

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    Tues. - Dec. 11

    Hi Everyone: Every day feels like such a gift since I've become AF. After 67 days, I think the alcohol is finally out of my body which is starting to rebound from the years of drinking. My thinking is clearing up as residual guilt, no obsessing. I couldn't be more grateful for my new-found sanity.

    How did I do it? How did I drink so much & still remain somewhat functional? I now realize that I was just barely getting by. I was doing the absolute minimum. My life is fairly complicated (like most people's lives), & after all the work of the day was done, there was absolutely nothing left over for me. I fancied that the drinking was for me, but of course, that's just a lie that the addiction sells to us.

    I hope all of you here at 30 day abs are doing well w/whatever your goal. I know, for sure, that I need to guard my complete sobriety. There is no middle ground for me. My personality is just too compulsive to indulge in any kind of fantasy of moderation. Take care of yourselves. Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Tues. - Dec. 11

    tk: Thank you for your kind words. You help me as much as I help you. I tried & tried doing this alone (to no avail). I really feel that wo/a community...especially one as available as the nearest computer...I would not be able to recover. I so appreciate the fact that I can enjoy my whole life 100% clearly...that includes my doggie. I assume your avatar is a photo of your furry babies. M
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012


      Tues. - Dec. 11

      Morning Mary & All to come:

      How did I get by! In all that fog I let soo much time pass me by. And at times I'm shocked that my body has endured so much. After 2 weeks of binging I'd have to throw all the empty bottles away and what I consumed in 2 weeks a "normal person would have probably consumed in a year!

      And I'm so happy being AF during the holiday season~no more "buzz" shopping, no more hiding or putting away gifts only to forget about them or not remember where I put them and no more waking hang overs only to realize I have so much to do that day!

      Had a scare yesterday-took daughter to the Dr. for her annual appt. Well the night before she had insomnia & didn't feel well(sniffles). So I'm in the room, son on lap & daughter is getting her finger pricked. Her face turned white from fright (I hate those finger pricks, they hurt!). So then dr. gives her the booster shot in arm. Not bad. She looked like she didn't like it. So then Dr. & I are talking and daughter starts to step down onthe stepping stool off table & then begins to what looks like go on her knees. I'm like "what the hell is she doing?" Then I got that mother gut feeling something was wrong because I realized-SHE"S GOING DOWN! I pushed my son forward & barely grabbed her head before-bang-there head hit the floor. It was like in one big second from table to floor but as a mom it was slow motion. She fainted. Dr takes her legs up & asks "do you know how you got down here?" At first she looked around, smiled & then the horror look on her face. Afterward she told me that the last thing she remembered was sitting on the table. I'll tell you, I've seen those funny videos of people fainting & my daughter gets an Oscar. That was the most graceful faint I had ever seen. Dr. said must be the gymnist in her. She said she did not step down or even try to get down. Dr said he's seen most just fall off the table! She was lucky.

      Well off to pick up those picture x-mas cards. I remember the days you just sent plain cards-now every year I have to spend an hour trying to get "that" shot of my kids with the whining & yelling just to send as x-mas cards. And they cost $.

      Have a great AF day everyone!
      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


        Tues. - Dec. 11

        Good Morning,

        Thanks Mary for starting us off on Day 2 for our AF Christmas Holiday Season. Kudos :kudos: to you and your inspiration to us all.

        Breez, I'm so glad your daughter is OK after that fall. That sure is a scary thing. I know what you mean about hiding gifts then forgetting where you hid them. I would do that with my Christmas shopping money.....hide it...then forget where my new hiding place was....ugh....Not this year.

        Take care everyone, and have a great day today.
        Miss October :blinkylove:


          Tues. - Dec. 11

          top of the Tuesday ABlanders!

          another beautiful sunny day on the snow in the high desert. Feeling good, strong and clear
          yes Mary, we tortured ourselves beyond belief, good thing us humans are built tough.

          be well back after some of that darn work
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Tues. - Dec. 11

            Hi All. Guess what I did? I was totally committed (well maybe should be ) to going AF last nite and Joe calls and asks "is it okay if I bring beer home, I'm really down". So I say sure, he says "I don't have to bring urs." I say, "no, go ahead".

            But Guess what? I only drank 4! Now maybe that seems a lot and to the average person it is but me, I drink upwards of 12 usually if I drink at all. So I'm pretty dang proud of myself!!!! Yea me!:goodjob:


              Tues. - Dec. 11

              Good job Hart. I understand, I am one of those that drinks whatever is the refrigerator, 6 beers, 12...well not 18 recently anyway.
              Four does not seem so much to drinkers like me. Good luck on your goals.
              Love and Peace,

              Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


                Tues. - Dec. 11

                I think that is good, hart. Way to go!

                Nice to see you Phil.

                Breez, glad your daughter is OK. It must of been scary for you, and her.

                Hello to all you other abbers. Have a great day!

