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The Inn for Tuesday Dec. 11

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    The Inn for Tuesday Dec. 11

    Good morning friends-

    A quick hello and good morning. I have a busy day ahead but wanted to check in.
    I'm sore from exercising too much and not enough sleep - oh well.

    Hugs to all :l :l :l
    luv, wonder xx

    The Inn for Tuesday Dec. 11

    Good Morning Wonder and All to come!

    Icey morning - taking it slow - will be late for school and work. But, we need that in this western whirlwind we call life. Human Doings, we certainly are.

    Making it quick, so I can read a bit more - good day,

    Still AF
    "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"


      The Inn for Tuesday Dec. 11

      Hello all! Icy here too this morning - but SUN!!!!!! Yea! And no wind....and a walk on the cliff with my 'neighbour' in my choir.....a new friend....lovely. Told her about my DUI...she was OK and wont 'gossip'...(she wondered whether I wanted to buy her old car...knowing I always get a lift home from choir!)

      It was so strange talk to a new friend 'face to face', dare I say it but I can see a new strength to MWO in that you are all so special to me, dear friends indeed, but this place allows us to build our relationships in healthy friendships gently and gradually....not getting over-stimulated for instance? Allowing a new self-confidence to emerge....each time today I felt a bit (almost) panicky at the speed of the conversation and the amount of new information, I thought of you guys and that, 'I can do this thing; I am OK', thank you again....

      Wow, each and everyday I am surprised by my discoveries about just how scared I am by this thing called life and 'why' I drank for 'Dutch Courage' so often!! Funnily enough, not at parties - enough people to hide behind at those, but in daft situations like one-on-one settings where there was no-one else to hide behind....even though, as you might gather (!), I was always the one who talked the most...hiding behind the sounds/words!!! (And it wasn't/isn't drink-led chatter either...)

      Anyone else feel this ever?

      Hope your Tuesday is a goodun.... catch you all later!
      FMS xx
      :heart: c: :heart:
      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


        The Inn for Tuesday Dec. 11

        Hello Lovely Innmates!!

        I wish I were at the Inn with you guys.

        This hotel does have a spa with wonderful sounding massages and facials but nothing less than a couple hundred bucks. Our Inn is much cheaper and friendlier!!

        Rob, I hope you are reading this. I am sending :l your way and prayers for your friend. My mom had a tumor on her kidney back in the 1970s. It was removed and she is doing fine today at 83!!

        Everyone else, please have a wonderful, relaxing, enjoyable day.

        AF April 9, 2016


          The Inn for Tuesday Dec. 11

          Good Day Innies! The Inn is a little quiet without our beloved Rob and MM, ( sending you hugs and best wishes, if kyou are reading) - but glad to see you Wonder, Go2, FMS and Cindi. Everybody else must be out Christmas shopping!

          The realtors chased me out of the house this morning for a "Realtor's walk through" - this just familiarizes all the realtors with our place, so they can better "pitch" it, I guess. So I went and did a little Christmas shopping, and got one overseas pkg in the mail, so feel like I accomplished something.

          It was good to get up this morning, feeling good because of no hangover, and not rushed because of retired! So much different than last December! That passed as mostly an exhausted blurr, with too much wine and too little sleep. Am gearing up for this year - Have found that I reallly don't care for most soda pops or juices, doen't like anything very sweet (to drink, anyhow) - but bottled sparkling water sure fits the bill. With or without a squeeze of lemon or lime - yum! As a bonus for you ladies, most sparkling waters have a little calcium in them - and since I can "put away" almost a 2 litre bottle in a day, it adds up to 16% of the daily RDA, or 160 mg. With no calories, sodium, or artificial sweeteners. Hard to beat that.

          We need to plan something to spice it up around here. Mayabe a cyber fondue party?Anybody fondue? We are big fondue(ers) in our house. We actually only fondue a few times a year, every New Years we get together with another couple, (for about 25 years now!) take turns hosting it, and spend the whole evening fondueing. We do the meat, cheese AND chocolate fondue. Lots of fun, lots of food, and a great way to ring in the New Year without getting blotto.

          Hubby wants to have a fondue office Christmas party this year - not a big group, as Christmas partys go, but about 20 odd people. So we are going to clean up the garage, haul in tables, etc. and hold it there. Lots of room, Less worry about spills, etc. too. We will need a few extra fondue pots, and couldn't find any electric ones in town anywhere, so ended up ordering through who else but the good ol' Sears Chrstmas Wish Book.

          Anyways, if you are looking for a fun, sober way to have a party, this could be it. If anyone wants recipes, let me know. I could do this with my eyes closed now!

          Well, think I will go to Curves this aft, and then have an appt to get my hair cut tonight. Will be checking in and out. Have a great day, everybody!
          The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


            The Inn for Tuesday Dec. 11

            Hugs for Indigosky


            I just read your post on yesterday's Inn thread.

            I am so sorry you are having a tough time right now. I can only imagine how you feel.

            I am also happy your neighbor invited you to spend Christmas with them. It won't be perfect but it will be much better than being alone. :l

            I hope you feel better, soon. You are doing so well with staying AF and you need to stick with it because of your daughter.

            Hang in there, Indigo.

            AF April 9, 2016


              The Inn for Tuesday Dec. 11

              Evening has been a busy day and still not quite finished so just a quick note from me - still have to sort stuff for a busy day tomorrow but I needed a break so this is the best place to come!

              Finding...I am SO with you on what you said about drinking in one-to-one situations. Sometimes even with someone I knew just popping into my house to drop something off I would have a gin before they arrived and put one up in the bathroom for later in case they stayed longer than anticipated. I am blushing to remember it. I am basically a very shy person but always cover it up...and the booze helped no end

              Talking of shy....I can do this here cos you can't see me going pink.....this is day 62 for I am over 2 months old now! :thumbsup Look at me blowing my own trumpet lol

              Gotta go now, sorry.......this time of year is busy anyway and I've got loads of work in hand so it's frantic. I need a drink. TEA!!!!!


              Suze x
              Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                The Inn for Tuesday Dec. 11

                Thanks, thought I'd be a weird minority but as I would never consider you a weird anything I feel very comforted! Funny isn't it?!?! It's like when I sang I would always rather sing to a huge hall than a few people.... something about safety in numbers....oppostie to so many!

                AND HEY!!!! 62 days!! WELL DONE YOU!!! And I hope the busy-ness is going ok.

                Hannah - I ma so glad you are having a good so deserve it....and you sound The Fondue Queen!! You know I have never had one/been to one....I'll hop on a plane!!!

                Indigo - I am so glad aobut your neighbour...and hope you get to hear that your daughter got her prezzies...

                Cindi - feel better soon.

                MM and Rob - if you catch this....really thinking of you both...and your friend too, Rob...

                Wonder and Go2 - hello there!

                Hello to all later visitors....July, adding your always lovely postscript....

                Love and hugs
                FMS xxxx
                :heart: c: :heart:
                "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                  The Inn for Tuesday Dec. 11

                  A quick Good Evening.

                  Everyone seems to be so busy that the Inn seems a bit vacant but I'm sure we're all here in spirit. At this point I really wish I had more time to go through posts because there is something so nuturing about slowly reading and digesting the wise words of others.
                  I'm hanging in there keeping Al at bay but trying to do it "just for today" If I think about some of the social obligations coming up I'll get overwhelmed and drink just so that I don't have to feel the pressure of trying not to drink at a particular function in one week. Completely stupid I know. I feel a very early bedtime is fitting for me tonight as I'm fretting over things that are beyond my control . When that happens it's time to put the monster to bed. Besides I'm jut plain tired.
                  Hopefully there will be more action at the Inn tomorrow.

                  Good Night All!!!



                    The Inn for Tuesday Dec. 11

                    Hello InnFriends,

                    A quiet day at the Inn can only mean a busy day in life for our guests. That is a good thing as we all go about our preparations for the holidays. It is remarkable how similar the stressors at Christmas are to us here whether we are from the UK, Australia or the States.

                    I read and see a bit of myself in many of the posts here and on the other threads accross MWO. We all have had pain at times and difficulties with family over the years. As a rascal friend of mine used to say: you can enjoy family over the holidays without alcohol, but why take that unnecessary risk.

                    Nonetheless, this year I'm looking forward to that risk and even the tedium that will come from situations we would all rather skip. I can tell from the growth from my experiences here that I can handle it. I really am looking forward to a completely different kind of holiday AF. I hope each of you are too.

                    Good night.


                    Day 138 Af

