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Fri. - Dec. 14

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    Fri. - Dec. 14

    Hi Everybody: I've just hit day 70AF today. That has a nice ring to it I think. I know I'll never be "in the clear" as far as my drinking is concerned. I'll always be on my guard, because I know that it would be very easy to convince myself that drinking is "OK." I know that some of us don't really like AA, but I do take some of their ideas to heart. They say in AA that the farther you are from your last drink, the closer you are to your next drink. I guess the theory is that we get complacent w/our sobriety & start to convince ourselves that we can drink normally. I think that's what happened to my brother-in-law who drank again after more than a year sober.

    Anyhow, I know that normal drinking is not for me. As Kathy said yesterday, there are some folks who can stem the downward spiral & normalize their drinking. I know I can't as evidenced by my last slip. I drank so much I got violently ill. Good luck everyone in attaining your goals (mod or abs). Love, Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Fri. - Dec. 14

    Mary -

    A great achievement! And thank you for your consistent posts reminding us that AL is lurking in the shadows waiting to pounce, especially when we are feeling successful! For those like me, who are having a pretty good first AF run, it is a good reminder that there is this still unknown arena of 'normal drinking' that may not be for us. Keeping these thoughts 'on the table' will help us not to be blind-sided by Al, or Uncle Hall, as he is called at my house.

    Now that I have been fully trained on the 'Use of Sticks', I will be sure to always wield a big stick. I used to know a man with that nickname, "the Big Stick" - pretty funny.

    "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"


      Fri. - Dec. 14


      70 days!! :wd:

      Thank you for being here. You are a great help to so many of us.

      AF April 9, 2016


        Fri. - Dec. 14

        I once worked with a very wise recovering alcoholic man who also worked in alcoholism treatment. When his clients came to him with their doubts about sobriety, he would tell them to go have a drink or two. In that way, they would undoubtedly learn whether they were an alcoholic or not. The few who had the courage to try this experiment usually reported back pretty sheepishly about what they discovered. I admired him greatly. Because of him, I knew exactly what was happening to me as I sunk into alcoholic drinking, but I did it anyway.

        Mary, CONGRATULATIONS ON 70 DAYS!! What an accomplishment! I remember when you were just at day 5 or day 10, wondering if you could make it. Look how far you have come.:thumbs:

        Go2Goal, when I think of my problems nowadays, they usually don't include alcohol. That doesn't mean I'm not vigilant. It just means that I am dealing with day to day problems--all of those little (and sometimes) big things that I drowned in wine. I realized how much my life was at a standstill. My life is much the same in many ways, except I'm no longer on the hamster wheel, scrambling madly but getting nowhere. I know that if I were drinking, I would go back to that, and I don't think I could afford it, emotionally. I'd just hate myself. I'm really enjoying being thinner; I don't want to lose that, for sure. I don't always enjoy my life, but I am LIVING IT.

        At any rate, thanks again for all the congrats of yesterday. It's good to know you can inspire people. Just remember that I did it ODAT, just like everyone else has to.

        Hugs to all,:l


        PS: Hi Cindi, we were posting at the same time!
        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          Fri. - Dec. 14

          Kathy: Many thanks for your wise words. I know (for sure) that I couldn't go out & have a drink or 2. I love that we're learning to work through issues sober. It gets easier as we go along. I congratulated you on your 6 month mark yesterday but just wanted to second it today. Terrific!

          Cindi: Hi...hope you doing well. Keep going to those AA meetings if they are a help to you. Love, Mary
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            Fri. - Dec. 14

            Aloha Friday friends!

            really appreciate you wonderful people in my life in case you had any doubts

            My ribs got bruised in the gym last night and I remember countless times how that would be an excuse to break out the extra booze for the 'pain'. Acting like a sane person I just took a couple advil and did just fine and slept well.

            Mary always appreciate your words of vigilance
            Db you'll be home on the road can wear on you I know all too well
            Kathy you are a MWO rockstar you know
            GO2, anyone with a sense of humor like mine has to be great

            bye all....gotoa work for a few. Be well.
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              Fri. - Dec. 14

              Hello alll - Mary - congrats on 70 days! I remember when you were painfully at the beginning, with loads of doubt - and here you are - Yay!!!!

              And Kathy - congrats to you too on six months. You two gals are such an inspiration to everyone herer.

              Hi Go2, Cindi, Det! And all to follow - have a good Friday!
              The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                Fri. - Dec. 14

                Mary Congratulations on 70 days!!! That does have a nice ring to it!

                That is 10 weeks, you are doing great! I am real impressed with this group of people who have so many AF days strung together!

                P.S. Me, personally I don't have a problem with AA except that it is for life. I like a program like this , where I can move on when I feel ready. I am not an alcoholic, I am just chemically challenged.

                I still have my 30 day chip from AA. Never was able to make it to 60 though.

