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I drank last night

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    I drank last night

    I meant hugs with the :Ls, obviously haven't quite got the hang of the emoticons.



      I drank last night

      Cucko- It takes so much longer than 30 days to change lifestyle patterns. For most of us that is what drinking became, a part of who we are, a part of how we fit into social settings even God help us a part of our way of being.

      The important thing here is that you took away important information from the experience and it has given you new insights.

      Several people here have said, and rightfully, how stupid it is that we celebrate the birth of Chirst with excessive drink. But it is what it is and we must find ways to deal with it. Personally, I think the excessive drink comes more from the pressure to be perfect during the holidays and to live up to what we believe other's expectations of perfection is.

      I think that its very wise of you to recognize that its not necessarily the number of days, weeks, months or years AF that you have but the quality of life and growth that you have achieved during your sober time.

      Love and Peace


        I drank last night

        756~~~~~it's me.

        Many wise words have been spoken here.

        Last evening was a test taken probably a wee bit too early on your path.

        Expecting absolute sobriety of yourself in this situation: Christmas, friends, your own home, after 30+ days AF.......was not unrealistic but extremely difficult.

        Personally, I think you have passed your test with flying colours and I am proud of you!

        Someone said that sobriety is not just about not drinking. It's about attaining a peacefulness within your soul.

        Do not despair, my sweet, you are well on your way.

        magic xx :l
        ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
        I am in the next seat.
        My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


          I drank last night

          I am so totally impressed by your post and this is why I am back on MWO after a few months of trying to moderate. I have realized that I cannot do it, it is a slippery slope, I have to go AF and reading your post gives me encouragement. I am proud of you for getting back in there and being so honest.
          I am on "day one" as well..........we will take it as it comes, day by day :-)
          AF since 7/5/2009


            I drank last night

            Loved1, I'm willing to go day one with you. As you say day by day.



              I drank last night

              Cuckoo - As everyone has said, it's a learning experience. You could have gone one of two ways - keep experimenting and eventually slide down that slippery slope to the place you used to be, or - recognize yiour slip for what it was, and take appropriate action. Good for you.
              The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                I drank last night

                I don't think you have let anyone down, not even yourself.

                You have had an amazing month or so and have come a long long way, under difficult circumstances. When I read that you were hosting a party with old drinking friends I thought it may be difficult. But you socialized right through the night AF until the end before having a couple of glasses. I know it wasn't your goal, but it's not really a huge deal is it??
                The thing to focus on here is that you had a huge supply of booze with you and (I presume) an empty house once everyone had left?? I know I would have carried on drinking (even though I am AF, I KNOW I would not stop at 2 glasses!!), but you didn't. You have come along way, to stop, take stock of where you are, where you want to be and not just go 'to hell with it' and just carry on. Plus, you have hopped right back up on that wagon (and I bet ya the pup is right beside ya!!). We are here because we are human Chris, not perfect. Thinking of you xx

                Sober since 30/06/10


                  I drank last night

                  Hang in there, cuckoo. You will learn lots from this experience.

                  :l :l :l
                  AF as of August 5th, 2012


                    I drank last night

                    83, you haven't let anyone down. you are still my hero and I am honered to have been around while you achieved your 30 days. we don't 'zero-out' around here. 30 days and counting.

                    Best Wishes,

