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Sunday~December 16th

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    Sunday~December 16th

    Good morning, Absters,

    Maybe our Mary is sleeping in today, having a well-deserved rest. Mary, I want to thank you for being so consistent about keeping this thread going every day. It's a big commitment, and it is so inspiring for the rest of us.

    I imagine that some of our absters are either snowed or iced in this morning. I hope you didn't lose power and can get online and tell us your news. All we got here was a little freezing rain, and now it's just rain.

    I spent yesterday going through papers--filing and doing lots of shredding. I still have two more piles to go through today, so I guess I'll do that and watch football this afternoon. It feels good to be cleaning up. I really want to be more organized in 2008.

    Mary, Deter, Breez, Go2Goal and everyone else to come, have a wonderful day!


    AF as of August 5th, 2012

    Sunday~December 16th

    Kathy: We just said goodbye to our g-sons who stayed over last night. It was great fun: pizza, church, videos, treats. I could not have enjoyed them nearly as much if I were drinking...even a little. It's great being around the little ones wo/worrying about smelly breath or a headache.

    I really like this thread & appreciate your starting it in my absence. It firms up my committment every day to come here & share. If I'm inspiring (I've been called that), it's because my mind is clear & my spirit is able to come through. As you said last week in a post, we're working through issues instead of putting them on the back burner. So, nothing is clogging up my mind.

    We're snowed in (again). It'll be a good excuse to catch up on reading & knitting. mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012


      Sunday~December 16th

      I just read yesterday's daily thread. Everyone was so positive. I do think we set a good example for our g-sons (2 & 4). Thank you so much for being here. M
      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        Sunday~December 16th

        Wowsers I slept in too! that was great

        heya Kathy and Mary!

        delightful hangover free Sunday. snow is melting in the sun...perfectly still postcard perfect morning.
        I'm on the cookie diet now... Dx has come up with 9 different carbohydrate delights now...OMG! so yummy.
        Kathy, organization is my weakpoint so I'll join you in an organized 08!

        be well friends
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Sunday~December 16th

          Oops, forgot about your grandsons, Mary. Sorry, my middle name is Strainer-Brain. I thought my memory lapses would get better with being AF, but that's not been the case. It must be fun having grandchildren. Not having to worry about your breath or actions is a precious thing.

          A picture postcard morning--you make it sound verrrry nice, Deter. I've been on a bit of a cookie diet myself these days. I'll bet that Dx's cookies are to die for, though. And yes, I raise my blueberry green tea to an organized 2008 (or at least continued efforts toward attaining such ).


          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            Sunday~December 16th

            Big smiles back at you Kath!

            Busy day.

            Till tomorrow!
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

