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Wed. - Dec. 19 Missing Out

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    Wed. - Dec. 19 Missing Out

    Hi Everyone in Abs-land -

    I will take a stab at this discussion of Moderating your Abstinence...or was it Abstaining from Moderation? There inlies the conflict - it is nearly impossible to think about one and not the other.

    Yes, this is a daily thread for 30 day Abstaining efforts as it says in the title, (whether they continue abs or not - I think); but it is hard to keep any thread "pure", just like its hard to keep our thoughts just on one topic. I have been active here only for about 6 weeks and that ABs/Mod harange is almost a daily brain train. Its prevalent in many threads of various topics, and its a frequent conversation in chat. I do not think I am in a minority by being someone who is almost daily weighing the parameters of Mods/Abs.

    My point - this is a abs thread, but we support it all when the lines get fuzzy, which they most often are. For me, it just resembles life - very hard to keeps all the boxes lined up, labels straight, and contents pure - we try, but there ends up being a blending because I do think we intend NOT to 'exclude'.

    Ok, so its another AF day, whatever the number. I hope the evening is a peaceful for all of you,

    "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"


      Wed. - Dec. 19 Missing Out

      Deter, I understand what you are saying about even though you mess up you are doing alot better. I would like to drink only on special occasions to where I wouldn't have to see an ocassional drink or even just drinking on Friday or Saturday as a slip or falling off the wagon, but rather something I am doing on purpose.

      6 of one, half dozen of the other I suppose. Just framing.


        Wed. - Dec. 19 Missing Out

        That makes sense G2G.

        Well I am not going to think about this anymore. I still have 62 days left to get to 100 AF, so that is enough to concern myself with.

        Happy Af day everyone.


          Wed. - Dec. 19 Missing Out


          One day at a time, sister. You can get to your 100 and then decide.

          We will be behind you now and then, no doubts, no questions. Got it?

          You are doing awesome!!

          AF April 9, 2016


            Wed. - Dec. 19 Missing Out

            Got it Cindi, Thanks.

            I think I am thinking too much. Have to tell my brain to shut up for awhile.


              Wed. - Dec. 19 Missing Out

              I guess I should have made it known that my eventual goal is moderation, but I didn't know untill now.

              Sorry everyone, I could have handled things better.

              I hope everyone will accept my apology. Now I see it is just that there are more people on this monthly abstinence board have a goal of long terms abs then people who are doing an AF stint to that they can moderate better. That is all- no biggy.

              Again, sorry for the misunderstanding. My fault mostly.

              I am glad I found this group, things like this can blow over and we can all just get along.

              Happy Holidays everyone!

              (I have stuff to do so won't be on line for awhile.)


                Wed. - Dec. 19 Missing Out

                A 'natural high'? the only thing I think has ever come close to a 'high' is after a really good work-out. Whether a brisk walk on a treadmill or outside, or a session with the weights I don't know anything that can come close via chemicals - and belevie me, I have tried/used frequently many substances other than booze and know what these 'highs' feel like.
                Of course the experts will tell you that what one feels during or after exercising is your brains own release of natural endorphins - a close chemical cousin of HEROIN! But I'll take it!
                Please don't expect too much from feeling 'naturally high'. I think just being able to get out of bed every day and function to the best of our ability without killing ourselves or someone else is something to be thankful and happy for.


                  Wed. - Dec. 19 Missing Out

                  Chardan: I'm w/you. Just feeling peaceful, calm, & reasonably sane is enough for me. I love your kitty avatar. I find that when I look at pet photos or pet my dog, it calms me down almost as well as a sip of wine. Before I retired I used to keep a large photo of a very lovely cat right on my desk to look at when I felt stressed. Mary
                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012

