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Thursday 20 December at The Inn

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    Thursday 20 December at The Inn

    Good Evening Innmates!! Wow, Busy day here. Sorry to check in so late early day at work and not time to visit before now.

    BabyGirl Great going on 6 days!! Hang in there, hon, you can do this!

    Satori- Great to see your fun loving self around. I'm just glad you didn't say which song you sing during you scandelous performance or it would be stuck in my head all night!!

    Hannah- Sending you Condo selling JUJU, hope it works. Getting rid of old cloths is on the top of my to do list for the first of the year. I don't know why I insist on hanging on to some of this stuff.

    Cindi- I had no idea you were such a wicked woman!!

    Paula- Sorry you have been feeling unwell, but glad you're on the mend.

    Suze- Thanks for starting the thread and the tip on Long term Abstinence, if I ever get a minute, I'll check it out.

    Finding- My love whatever you do its always an adventure. Please report every detail.

    Ok off to do somthing about dinner. See you all in the am

    Love and Peace


      Thursday 20 December at The Inn


      Wicked? Me??!!!

      Surely you jest and don't call me Shirley!!

      I just ate the most wonderful dinner tonight. Scallops on a bed of homemade risotto with a delicate pesto sauce. Really funny, considering I am at a "hole in the wall" in Raleigh, NC!!

      If anyone ever gets here, I have found TWO wonderful places to eat. The 'BabyMoon' and 'Serenas.'

      I cannot recommend both enough. The Babymoon is an Italian restaurant, and I mean homemade Italian. Awesome. (I had Crab, Artichoke, peas, proscuitto ham linguine there...)

      Serenas, I had scallops to die for. They have so many unusual menu items here, I wish I was here after the holidays. The good thing for me, is that their plates are not the humongous, gigantic plates filled with the usual starch fillers, the scallops were the main event and they were delicious.

      Okay, enough about my dinners. :H

      Hope all are doing really well.

      AF April 9, 2016


        Thursday 20 December at The Inn

        Heya Rob! That's so sweet! Oooops! Does it mean that I'm as nuts as I fear!?!

        I'm all hair cutted anyways....really lovely. (Hair-do that is!) Hadsuch a larf with the guys in there - they're a brilliant group of (ex) surfer dudes...age and all that!....happen to us all!.... we were talking aobut the show How To Look Good you get it or like it in anywhere else? Start frumpy and end up a stunning babe sort of thing? He hade me laugh so much at saying it was fun but a bit dodgy for the boys; fall for a beautiful babe and kissy, cuddly - undo-y clothes...and find corsets and belts and figure making tights etc etc....what a con! It does seem a bit tough on the guys! But had to laugh at the idea of, after the wiggling and struggling to 'undo the hook at the back', the woman then slpurges all over the place - acres of unleashed flesh!!! Heck! Poor chaps! And we expect our chaps to be toned and svelte with no help at all?!?

        Anyways- you said all the details!!!

        Love to everyone -
        FMS xx
        :heart: c: :heart:
        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


          Thursday 20 December at The Inn

          Finding My Self;243306 wrote: And we expect our chaps to be toned and svelte with no help at all?!?

          Love to everyone -
          FMS xx
          Tee Hee Hee - and you thought that contraption I was wearing in that photo I posted a while ago was just a climbing harness!!!!????

          We have you lot all fooled too y'know!

          Love :l


          "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


            Thursday 20 December at The Inn

            Aw, Satori....shame! Have you got Furniture Disease after all?? Poor you. (You know, the one where your chest slips inot your drawers...! :H ) But clearly the full winch, kevlar and crampons are helping a lot.....

            Are you going to take a page in BB's 2008 calendar?

            :l FMS xx
            :heart: c: :heart:
            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


              Thursday 20 December at The Inn

              Yep - since BB offered to post a naked pic if she got 12 photos for the calendar - I have been posting photos like mad on the we need the guys thread!

              The only furniture disease I have is that none of ours is in the correct rooms of my house yet!

              Never mind - No1 Son comes back tonight - so I can get him to help me move it all back where it needs to be!

              Your new hair do looks very nice BTW! (the new technology I surrepticiously uploaded to your puter is working fine )

              See ya


              "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                Thursday 20 December at The Inn

                You're one great guy, Satori!! Commenting on a hair-cut! SWMBO has you very well trained!!

                I wondered what the strange eye was peering out from within my screen!! Cyclops!!

                Good luck with your furniture moving.... I'm off to the supermarket to get loads of boxes ofr 'filing' stuff away over Crimbo - I expect it'll still be there next last Crimbo's stuff is this! Sigh!

                One, two, lift!!...

                FMS xx
                :heart: c: :heart:
                "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

