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Sat. - Dec. 22

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    Sat. - Dec. 22

    Hi All: We're counting down to the holiday, & right about now I usually get a little restless. I think it's the hype & the fever pitch. I'm very much on my guard, because I know that I could easily fall victim to the "I need one to relax" attitude. I have a lot on my mind, but I know I have other alternatives to drinking in order to catch my breath. Good luck everyone whatever your goal (mod or abs). Love, Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Sat. - Dec. 22

    Happy Saturday Abland!

    Mary, if you can find this supplement I just tried it and it's great for relaxing:
    Twinlabs "GABA plus".
    Glad I got mine when I did...going to be a big help during holiday stresses and social pressures.

    Tkeene you sound very strong and resolved...fantatic.

    racing around today trying to get the house fixed up in what little sunlight we have this time of year. doing some entertaining for new years so naturally the broiler in my stove conked out...arg! must change menu now. so off to the hardware store for supplies.

    be well friends!
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      Sat. - Dec. 22

      TK: I too know that "just one" is never, ever that for me. I know that, so I will not drink. Mary
      PS: It's that simple.
      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        Sat. - Dec. 22

        My daughter will be coming with her hubby. I will make peanut brittle, divinity, and cheesecake tomarrow. Today is just my day for whatever. Just family so should be no problem except....this will be my first Christmas that my brother will not be alive. I think about him and hope he is fine and my mom and dad too.

        Yesterday I thought "To a be kid again and be with my family like we used to". My sister and I are left. No grandparents in our family and no parents and no brother. Yes I am "whining". Better to do that here than with some cheese and a full glass.

        Alright, yes be in the moment and thankful for what I have.


          Sat. - Dec. 22

          Hey JettaGirl and :welcome: . It's pretty normal to remember your loved ones at the holidays, so I don't think you're whining. I see it as sharing. It must be hard with both of your parents and now your brother gone. The first Christmas after is a hard one. I wish you peace as you celebrate Christmas.

          Mary, Deter, and tkeene, I must confess that I felt a pinch of envy when I went to the store tonight to get a few bottles of AF wine, with everyone looking happy and hauling tons of booze out of there for the holidays. I felt angry that I can't do that anymore and still have a sane life. Oh well. I don't think I'm in any REAL danger, though. I'll fight AL if I have to. I just wanted to tell everyone, because I know that sometimes it might look like it's easy for me, but not always.

          Anyway, I'm looking forward to my sister coming tomorrow to spend the week.

          Lots of love,:heart:

          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            Sat. - Dec. 22

            Jettagirl welcome! indeed it's a time for deep reflection and sometimes it's not just the good. somehow we do carry on, and there is light ahead.
            Heya Kathy...we are saving money with our AF wines and won't be waking up face down in the yard like some folks will be doing this holiday season LOL
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)

