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Sun. - Dec. 23

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    Sun. - Dec. 23

    It's the wee hours, & I can't sleep, so I thought I'd get in an early word to my 30 day friends. First, Kathy, I know how you feel when you see people stocking up on the holiday booze. For me, it's a little left-out feeling, but I know exactly the pit I would get back into if I even entertained the thought that I could indulge. This sobriety has been so hard-fought for me that I have to turn my eyes away when I see sights like that. I know it's probably the same for you.

    I've been thinking about habits...perhaps because I feel them beginning to break. Yes, I was addicted to alcohol (more psycholgical than physical), but the breaking of the drinking habit has been very, very difficult because:
    -When I was bored: I drank.
    -When I was alone: I drank.
    -When I had mindless chores to do: I drank.
    -When I was tired & stressed out: I drank.
    I did this over & over & over until I simply connected these situations w/drinking automatically. Now, when I'm bored, tired, stressed, etc., I have to find something else: petting the dog, knitting, reading, whatever. None of these activities is as automatic as drinking. It takes thought & planning, but I'm learning. Sometimes, my mind flails around looking for the right thing. It's getting easier. I've read that it takes many, many repetitions for a habit to be broken.

    Thank goodness for MWO. I would never have come this far without coming here each & every day & reading & sharing. Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Sun. - Dec. 23

    Happy sunday ABlanders!

    Mary it's quite remarkable isn't it? these habits that slowly become cemented in our brains...good or bad ones. You are doing so very well and it's great to hear your resolve.
    I've been slacking on exercise and that's not a good thing. I'm either injured or too busy this time of year...arg. that will change shortly for sure. exercise has been absolutely critical to my being happy and sober and I must NOT forget that.

    wow, a pretty white cat just walked across the snow outside my pretty. a good luck charm perhaps?

    be well friends!
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      Sun. - Dec. 23

      It makes me feel good that you understand, Mary, and you're right; it is a feeling of being left out. That is my choice, however, and what I ultimately want, even if it is frustrating periodically.

      I drank for all the reasons that you did too, and I drank because it was just what I did. Get home from work, open a bottle of wine. That was my life. I'm glad that I don't do it any more.

      Deter, I'm feeling like you--frustrated because I can't get into exercising the way I'd like. My shoulder is getting much better, but now my right wrist is acting up. I have to "ice it down" after a session on the computer even! I hope you are able to get back into it soon.

      My sister is here taking a nap while watching football. I'm going to wrap some presents while she does so. It's nice having her here again for a whole week. It's nice having Maddy here, too, although she is working the evening shift at the restaurant, so she is sacked out when I get up, and leaves for work before I get home. She gets home around the time I'm getting to bed. Oh well.

      Anyway, hugs to all the arrive later today!


      AF as of August 5th, 2012


        Sun. - Dec. 23

        Hello! 2 for me! can you credit it, fancy starting over just 2 days before Xmas. I need my head read!!
        last night we had a family party and everybody presumed my pinapple juice was spiked. It was easier to go along with that and i quite enjoyed knowing that it was alcohol free. I remember that feeling now, slightly self righteous. Have to watch that, it's another trap.
        Thank you to all my old friends that welcomed me back with love and support, and I now have to change the habits again Mary. Back to my books and cranberry juice, and yes, i too should exercise, Deter,that is another thing that "fell off the wagon". !!
        Christmas Eve here in Melbourne and the ham is glazed and the turkey stuffed. Now to prepare the table for tomorrow and then I will blow the cobwebs off my trusty treadly and go for a quick bike ride. Well, i don't want to over do it, now do I...
        What happened to 'Doggy Girl" ??
        Love Jane
        Jane :heart:


          Sun. - Dec. 23

          Jane: People leave fearing that we won't be accepting if they aren't doing abs "perfectly" whatever that is. I have a feeling doggiegirl will be back. M
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012

