Having a lazy morning here; it will be a laid-back Christmas. Maddy is working this morning at the restaurant, but she'll be home by 4pm, and we'll have dinner and open presents then. So I'm just doing a little last minute clean up and just prepping some of the food. My sister made me open one of my presents for the food prep--a Cuisinart blender/food processor combo. Needless-t0-say, I love it! It made chopping all those onions for the stuffing a much more pleasant task.
I see that no one has posted yet, so I assume that you are all busy with holiday stuff. I hope your day has some rest in it, and you enjoy the holiday joy and love of the season.
To my friends of other faiths, Ihope you enjoy your day off and do something that's lots of fun!

Lots of love,:heart: