While I swear to myself every year that I will not make New Years resolutions, I always do, its inevitable, a compulsion and more often then not a complete failure. I read somewhere that the best way to go about making resoultions is to resolve to do what you want and plan to and want to do so that you have built in success, such as eat more chocolate. Somehow this seems a little like cheating to me.
So I was browsing the stacks in the library yesterday, which is always a bad idea when you're trying not to make resolutions and ran across "The Zen of Organizing" and "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Organizing Your Life", . So ok maybe I'll make one small resolution this year.
How about you guys? Do you make/keep New Years Resolutions?
And by the way, we probably need to spiff up the Inn, I think we may have an influx of guests during the New Year.
Love and Peace