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Wednesday January 2nd at the INN

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    Wednesday January 2nd at the INN

    Good Morning INNmates!! Snowy morning here in Central Ohio.

    First of all WELCOME BACK JULY!!!

    We've really missed you around here! I'm glad that your travels were safe.

    Since things have been so quiet around here, I've been cruising around the board and have found many wonderful areas for newcomers wanting to become or stay AF. As the new year is a time for refection, I can't help but wonder if the Inn has outlived its usefulness to the MWO community.

    I know that its early days of the new year and perhaps my impaticience is showing so I think I'll re-evaluate mid-month.

    Let me know what you think.

    Love and Peace

    Wednesday January 2nd at the INN


    Inn or change? So long as there is a gathering place for those who seek AF goals, I'm in.

    Thanks for the welcome back.


    Day 161 AF


      Wednesday January 2nd at the INN

      Good morning, Rob and July, and all to come...

      A quick check in here this morning. I have one more busy week, then work should be slowing down a bit - at least to a managable pace. We had such a crazy holiday at the spa. It was very cool, had a bunch of celebrities and the like, so it was a great compliment! All very very impressed and have book again for next year. It was my first Christmas season and I am truly blessed to say it was a smashing success!

      What an emotional roller-coaster, though! Whew, that's all I can say. Am feeling so much better about the separation from husband, and know my decision is right, at least for today. We haven't really talked much, I'm just not ready. Right now I have to concentrate on getting myself balanced and I am.. Got a good workout today...

      Well, I will check in tonight. I am also going back on Topamax as of today. I stopped it about a month ago and I think for now I need to crank that back up. I need all the support I can get right now!

      Ok.. enjoy your days and do something nice for yourselves!



      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


        Wednesday January 2nd at the INN

        Hi guys, sorry I hadn't checked in yet today - busy, busy! Spent the better part of the day sorting out stuff in the garage - what to keep, what to give to our son, since he will be moving into a house with a garage, and we are moving into a condo w underground parking....

        Rob, I still like the Inn, it's sort of a "home" thread for me. But you are right, it is slowling down. Could be that more people will be "checking Inn" shortly, especially those that found the Christmas season hard. Your idea to reevaluate mid month is probably a good idea.

        And no matter what happens, we have appreciated all you ha
        ave done here. Thanks!

        Hi July, glad to see you, you a an important contributor here as well. And MM, glad to hear you sounding more grounded and in charge of your life. Hope you continue to grow and find strength and peace.

        The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


          Wednesday January 2nd at the INN

          Aw! the ted!

          I feel the same....The Inn feels like the home thread to me too.....and I am sure all the festivities have interupted transmission somewhat.....

          Hopefully a few more will drop by for some apres holiday R&R!!

          Love to all and good to see you July!

          Love FMS xx
          :heart: c: :heart:
          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


            Wednesday January 2nd at the INN

            Evenin All, What started out as cleaning the fridge and sraightning the cupboards turned into an all day organization frenzy in the kitchen!! I am really, really tired, I don't know if its from the work itself or all the thinking about what to do with the eight different types of mustard I have.

            Thanks for your insights folks, they are appreciated.

            Hannah, have you heard if the lady is going to buy your condo yet?

            MM- Sounds like you're having a wonderful season. I think once we make those really tough decisions, really good things can follow. Do you have a script for your topo, or do you get it overseas? I ended up increasing mine to 100mg and it is working great.

            Finding- How is your new year shaping up?

            See you all in the AM

            Love and Peace

