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Sat 5 Jan at The Inn

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    Sat 5 Jan at The Inn

    Hi Guys!

    Stopping for a bit of rest - honestly, don't know how we accumulate all this stuff! Moving is only about three weeks away now, and still nothing concrete on selling this place! I can just imagine the money out the window if we have two houses we are paying for!

    Seems like a few of us are into the cleaning house - how's it going Suze?

    #1 son left last night, is moved away - my hubby and I were pretty much devastated last night, and we ended up going out for supper and having a few glasses of wine. So, my AF streak didn't last very long, and I guess I am back at mods - which is okay - just takes a little more vigilance, and I totally relate to the people who say it is actually easier just to go completely AF. It really is, there is no planning involved, no wiggle room, so to speak. But, I must confess that one of the things that my hubby have always done together is go out for supper once a week and have a few glassses of wine - and when I wasn't having that glass of wine with him, it took all the enjoyment out of it. Sad, but true. It's an awfull thing to admit that it's that important in our relationship! I guess we were both so strung out with stress most of the time, that we needed to actually sit across the table with one another, no distractions, in order to make us stop and spend some time really talking - not one of us on the computer, and one of us watching TV, or whatever - but actually having a real conversation. And without that glass of wine, we didn't relax, it was sort of just eat the meal and get out of there -

    Sorry, shouldn't be talking about this on a thread that is intended to be AF. Just my own particular struggle. Anyone else find themself in this scenario?

    Well, off to tackle another closet - will try to check back later! Attached files [img]/converted_files/402385=2136-attachment.gif[/img]
    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


      Sat 5 Jan at The Inn

      Hi inmates!

      Sounds like you are all in the clean-out mode! I SO not in that mode this year. I am into me.. cleaning THAT house. Doing well. Settling into house without hubby.DD is at her Dad's, so it is a quiet night for MM!!

      I can't type much because my space bar is not working properly,so it is taking me about an HOUR just to type this... Will be here reading and one-liners tonight!!

      Love to all!!

      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


        Sat 5 Jan at The Inn

        Hi innmates, I haven't been around for a few days.Today is my birthday, been out for
        a nice meal tonight, enjoyed without al being present. Going off again tomorrow to see
        my sick brother, sadly this will be the last time I see him, as he is so very ill
        Love to you all Paula. xx


          Sat 5 Jan at The Inn

          Oh, Paula - My heart goes out to you and your family. I will be thining of you.

          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


            Sat 5 Jan at The Inn

            I am sure you are all tucked up in bed by now, but I am in California, just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed reading English again instead of American, I have been here for 7 long and difficult years, this is my day one and I need all the support I can get but just seeing someone call it Crimbo and posting a picture of that very fine stick has lifted my spirits no end.


              Sat 5 Jan at The Inn

              Hanlet - welcome! All will be well - looking froward to meeting you more over the days... I am soooooooh tired now I can barely type but wanted to say Hello!

              And to say, Paula, my heart goes out to you....what can we say...except that there will be/is a huge ammount of love heading your way from here.. and of course, Happy Birthday.

              Hannah - whatever is right for you and hubby....maybe AF is easier, but if a modding mod (by the sounds of it) works better...go for it. We're all here to find our 'own way out'...I'm right behind you as I am right behind supporting those who can't touch a drop. We are all amazing, fantastic, courageous, learning, brave and loving people here...and I am sure I am not alone in thinking we are all behind each other 100%. (Just bring you that offerrrr!!!)

              Ooops! It posted without me....where was I?

              Suze - I hope you're zzzzzing! And MM, I am with you on the Me Cleaning I think...and if that seems less daunting than my house, well, you can imagine the house! Ugh!

              Right. me to zzzzzzzzz too - I can't cope with any more typos!

              Love FMS xx
              :heart: c: :heart:
              "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

