Does anybody else have my unique problem? Wanting to go AF, but having a hubby who really wants you to have a few glasses of wine with him on our weekly evening out? I know this is not drinking out of control - not saying that - it's just that each and every time I have to beat the old Al beast back down, because you all know - it's easy to have 0 - 12 drinks, but very hard to have 2. In my own unique situation, I don't think there is any easy answer. I truly love my hubby, and cherish the time we have together on these evenings out, because we don't have a lot of time together, really.... So just keep the ol support and motivation there for me, someitmes I really need it. And I know several of you are probably thinking, well, if hubby loves me, he would ditch the glasses of wine on the eveninng out --- well, he would, and he has, and then I find we go through this period of not really being connected - do you know what I mean? Probably not a healthy way to have a marriage, but it's been that way for us for 29 years now, probably not going to change at this point. And honestly, I wouldn't trade him for the world - so if I have to face this weekly challenge, I will do it. But sometimes it's hard, and sometimes I do fall off "the wagon" so to speak, and have to right myself again.
Not meaning to sound so gloomy! Just sometimes wish things were easier, we did go through a period of 10 years AF before, and I find myself wondering why we couldn't do that again, but hubby doesn't seem to have that mindset right now, and not a damn thing I can do about it.
Geezzz, should probably delete that whole whiney thing, but it's the truth, so will let it stand...
Have a good Monday, my friends!
Who ever said life was easy?
Especially now, three weeks away from moving, and our old place hasn't sold yet. Yikes!!!! Not doing much for my nerves, self control, or sleeping at night.