Can I tell you! it has taken me, well FOREVER to wake up feeling like I am touching my bed, realxed in the morning. I have been waiting, hoping, wondering if it would ever happen to me -- and it finally did! OMG.. I have been sleeping like ....ELECTRIC GIRL... for years! Was it sleeping in a bed with someone that was making me stessed, was it the drinking and the sugar (my body does not like sugar - bad for MM), was it all the medication I took to relieve all the symptoms from the sypmtoms I was feeling?.. I have no freakin' idea (well, of course I do..) Now I am only taking L-Tryptophan 1500mg, and Melatonin 5mg, and a cup of tea. I woke up this morning and felt like I was connected, I was touching my sheets. I could feel every inch of my body touching the bed and it was calm from my head to my toes. WHEW! I can't even tell you how big that is!
Well, I'm off to meditate, take a nice shower, get my hair done, work, then come back home and go to bed.. can't wait!
Have an absolutely fantastic day everyone!