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Sun. - Jan. 27 - Daily Thread

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    Sun. - Jan. 27 - Daily Thread

    So....we're still buddies, right?....


      Sun. - Jan. 27 - Daily Thread


      I am proud of you that you did not drink today--for you. You have struggled in an honest way and that is not always possible. I admire your bravery in doing so.

      Also, I know Don has nothing but your best interests in mind. He like you, me and just about everybody here has recently (in the past year) fought these same battles.

      We are on the same team. Don just wants to make sure that you are game ready for each of your AF days that you choose to live ODAT.

      Good luck tomorrow.



        Sun. - Jan. 27 - Daily Thread

        Wow, just reading this thread exhausted me.......but I needed to hear all of it. Thanks Chief and Mary. I had no plans on drinking I did's just not fun anymore like it used to be .....years ago.......

        Everyone have a good AF sleep tonight. Good Night.
        Miss October :blinkylove:


          Sun. - Jan. 27 - Daily Thread

          Hey Indigo- Good to hear from you, its been a long time. It sounds as if no matter how slow you are making some progress. The last we heard from you you were unemployed, had no contact with your mom and it was not looking good as far as getting visitation with your daughter. Things are really starting to turn around for you!

          I hope you're getting treatment for your bipolar disorder, from what I understand, those highs and lows can be devastating. Keep in touch and let us know about your progress.

          Mary- It sounds as if you're getting lots of good advice. You are right though, you are the only one who can make the decision to get and remain AF. I wish you the best.

          Love and Peace

