First and FOREMOST
From Kathy-
Hey, if you take dance classes, let me know how it goes. I truly yearn to do that. I love dancing. It is good exercise, it is fun and it is good for the soul. (Oh, and if you meet some hot, single guy there, well....)
I hope you are "up" today, too. We have both been struggling this month. It has been horrid. I think the weather, the sun, the winter has been tough on us. However, we both have beautiful grandchildren we love, enjoy and care about. And, even though our kids are having problems, we love them, too.
I guess we love our hubbies in the midst of all this... LOL
Hang in there, Mary. If you stay depressed, I truly do think you might want to talk to your doc. However, do not just let him/her give you anti-Ds. Have them check you out. Blood tests, hormone tests, etc. Sometimes being depressed is natural and will go away by itself. However, sometimes it is not.
You are an intelligent woman. You know how to take care of yourself. Just do not let something that is fixable go unfixed and cause you to go back to drinking.
You might truly want to consider the supplements. I let myself get lax with them and in the last week after taking them, I am feeling wonderful.
I want you to feel wonderful, too. It "seems" odd but our diets and lifestyles cause the "need" for the supplements. I make sure my grandkids get their vitamins and minerals. Let's make sure we get ours.
Anyway, Mary, here are some MWO hugs :l :l to you. You truly hold a special place in my heart. A really special place. Someone who knows what a grand scheme it is. Grandchildren and hopefully (my parents have this) great grandchildren. They think there is nothing more special than those...
Det. DO NOT BLOW IT IN VEGAS. Mama Cindi is watching you, and trust me, I can be a real Mama. Read that "one touch biatch." I am sitting on your shoulder and watching.......
Everyone, please have a blessed, wonderful and love filled day.