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Sat 8th daily

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    Sat 8th daily

    off to an early start today. I 've very much enjoyed the Fridays posts and have read them again. my problem is that I have to understand how things work. the best I can figure so far is that I have a hyper-memory disfunction with my middle (primitive) brain that wants to revisit and continue the euphoria al gives me. Not even my doctor was capable to realize this. it seems alcoholism is one fo the most poorly understood of all diseases. I'm perplexed as to why that is. at any rate when I get better I've asked Dx to administer antibuse and we'll go from there. I'm also switching from campral to natrexone. I just hope I'm beetter by Monday for work.
    bee well my friends and thanks again for your generous supoort,

    Det. (the non drinking garlicy guy)
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)

    Sat 8th daily

    Hi Det and all to come.

    Am so sorry you`ve had a rough time, Det........get well soonest!!!

    Beautiful sunny day here in feeling sunny. lol

    Off out shopping for household stuff today. I seriously think I am addicted to shopping kidding!!!! Still, sure beats wasting my money on booze.:H

    Starlight Impress x


      Sat 8th daily

      hope you are well soon ,,,just keep telling yourslf you can do it
      ps l know what you mean st am addicted to shopping l go every day
      there is no shame in losing a fight,, only in winning


        Sat 8th daily

        Deter: You can do it. I don't try to understand the biology of my alcoholism. I just know that the more I'm sober, the easier it gets. Yes, I've had slips. However, any & all AF days I've accrued count toward breaking the drinking habit. In my experience, there is no high like an alcoholic high, but I don't need that kind of high to live. One day at a time I will not drink, & I'll get used to not having that rush of the first drink. After the first, it's all downhill for me anyway. The mental gymnastics of understanding all the ins & outs of alcoholism are fine, but the real work is just staying away from the drink. BTW, I love to cook & eat (I'm Italian-American), but I don't need wine to complete the meal. Soda, selzer, or water work just fine. Keep sober & keep posting. Love, Mary

        tk: Hope all is well w/you. We had our g-sons here last night (almost 3 & 4 yrs. old), & it was sober & fun. The last time they were here, I decided to drink to "relax." What was I thinking? It made everything harder...a no-brainer.

        Cindi: I hope you are well. I know how difficult the weekends can be.

        Love to all before & to come. Mary
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          Sat 8th daily

          Hi everyone

          Just popping in to say a quick hello. Taking my girls to see MIL tomorrow for a few days so I wont be able to post. One advantage of going down there is that there is no alcohol in the house. It makes it so so much easier. The cravings really got to me last night as hubby was there enjoying his glass of wine. I sat it out as long as I could and then got an AF beer. Once again it did the trick. As you said tkeene, DO WHATEVER IT TAKES.

          Enjoy the rest of the week-end everyone.



            Sat 8th daily

            Morning Det,

            So glad to hear you are beginning to feel better. I was heartbroken to see such a fine person, you, my dear, suffering so much. I know how much you want to stop drinking and I am so proud of your decision to take the antibuse for a while.

            This damn disease of alcohol is so perplexing??? Why the hell would anyone do this to themselves? Why would we choose a few minutes of oblivion and euphoria with all the consequences that follow? It is true insanity, I think. I also know, that we walk through that door of insanity and pain when we choose to pick up that first drink! It is the first drink that gets us everytime!

            One of the things that I admire most about you, Det, is that even with all that you have been through, you never seek pity. You never claim that your troubles are any worse or difficult to over come than anyone else's, even though some of us know a bit about all you have endured.

            Det, you are such a good soul, a true treasure. You have an amazing wife (I know you know this and appreciate the great love that you and Dx share!) All of us want you to live a happy, healthy life, filled with love and peace!

            Love to you and Dx,
            XXXXX Kate
            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

            AF 12/6/2007


              Sat 8th daily

              Deter, I think our subconscious mind tends to remember alcohol as a relief and a release, just like it really was once upon a time. Unfortunately, it doesn't remember all the bad stuff. We are sort of programmed in a subliminal way to want alcohol from all those years of drinking. That is the problem with addiction, even after several years of sobriety (from whatever substance, including nicotine). There are parts of the brain that do respond to addictive substances. I don't know what they are, but I'm sure there is research out there that you can find. I'm more comfy with the psychological perspective.

              It is only our conscious mind that can help break that cycle time and time again until we also have the subconscious tools to combat it. That's why it is good to still listen to the hypno tapes once in a while--to reinforce that stuff in our subconscious. But Mary is right too: why ask why? It is what it is. You drink and eventually you're screwed.

              Actually, I should follow my own thinking and probably listen to the tapes myself this weekend.:H I feel like some positive reinforcement would probably be a good thing for me.
              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                Sat 8th daily

                hiya friends, finally stoppedd shaking a bit. yowch. sure makes it tough to type! again so many wonderful insights here. I'll be saving these pages and consulting them often.

                that is so funny: why ask why? It is what it is. You drink and eventually you're screwed.
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Sat 8th daily

                  Hi there Non Drinking Garlicky Guy!! (Love that!)

                  So hope you're feeling better - and so wish you well; you sound so determined (!!!!!) and have so much going for you - I am so sure you can do this thing....

                  Go For It Garlicky!!!!!!!
                  FMS xxxx
                  :heart: c: :heart:
                  "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                    Sat 8th daily

                    Glad you're going forward, Det....Do what you have to do....make it a mission to get this resolved and behind you. We're all here for you..

           should buy me something.....


                      Sat 8th daily


                      Yes, do reread and read again. There is wisdom and compassion written all through those posts.

                      Take care of yourself,



                        Sat 8th daily

                        Det - go for it man - sobriety that is - full head on AF. I know you. You hate to lose. Don't lose this one man. You won't.

                        We all love you, Det. Put me at the top of that list.
                        Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                          Sat 8th daily


                          Sorry I'm a day behind.. I am really proud of how open and honest you are when it comes to your drinking. This will be the basis for your success! Time to use your will and determination to kick this thing to the curb once and for all.

                          Do whatever you have to do, my friend - and let us know what we can do.

                          All my love,

                          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.

