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Morning All!

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    Morning All!

    Just wanted to check in to say Hi!

    I'm feeling up are you?

    Those of you who read about my incident the other day.......Well i was thinking about that taxi driver who picked me up. What a kind man he was. Having asked him to take me to the nearest bridge, instead, he took me back to the cab office, we had a cigarette, then he relented as i begged him to take me to the hospital. He sat with me for 5 hours while i was waiting to see the doctors and then stayed with me while i talked to them. He didnt try anything on, he just listened to me and said that he understood. Later, the next day he rang my husband to check i was okay and sent me a text saying if i ever needed a chat he was there for me. How kind some people are!!!! I sent him some money yesterday to make up for the business he lost because he was helping me. I dont think i will ever ring him for a chat, i dont know him and my husband might think its not right, but i will remember him for a long time. I am thinking that he WAS my guardian some of you have said.

    There are some good people out there.

    Have a good day today all of you.

    Bella xxxx

    Morning All!


    Your post was the first I read today and it made me feel absolutely wonderful.

    Yes, there are wonderful, kind, caring and truly good people in the world. I am grateful that is who was sent to you that night... :l :l

    AF April 9, 2016


      Morning All!

      Bella, am so glad you met your "Guardian Angel" just when you needed him so greatly.

      Look after yourself.......things will improve for you, and one day soon, all this trauma will seem like a distant memory. You`re a lovely person and a damn good mum. :l

      Starlight Impress xxx


        Morning All!

        Good to hear from you Bella, so glad you are feeling up today (me too). Yes I believe you got that taxi driver as a guardian angel, you are so special.

        Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


          Morning All!

          Morning Bella (just)

          He sounds like a 'top' bloke! Didn't realise he sat with you at A and E as well, and for 5 hours!
          If only there were more people like that in the world who are willing to do unselfish acts to help others and expect nothing in return this crazy mixed up world would be a much better place.

          Stay positive B and keep posting and let us know how you are progressing with the counseling!!

          Love and Happiness
          "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
          Clean and sober 25th January 2009


            Morning All!

            I haven't arranged that counselling yet but i will do. I'm just going to leave it a week or so just until i have settled into being back in my normal environment! That might sound strange saying that but...i feel i need to enjoy the normal things of every day and i am a little scared of going as i will have to bring up what has been going on in my head and i kind of don't want to. ! Happy Monday everyone. Bella xxx


              Morning All!

              Bella - so glad you are having a good Monday - enjoying this sun!?!!!!! Yey!

              And so, so, so glad you were sent such a lovely Guardian Angel that night.....thanks for telling us about him; as Hippie says, restores a bit of faith in this crazy world!

              Hugs and courage for your counselling - I hope you are sent an eaually lovely angel to be your counsellor!

              Love FMS xx
              :heart: c: :heart:
              "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                Morning All!

                Happy monday xxx
                Mwo,s worst speller....


                  Morning All!

                  What a lovely man your cabbie was, Bella. He was sent specially for you that night. Please don't deprive yourself of the help available to you now.

                  Special hugs for you dear.:hug: :hug:

                  AF as of August 5th, 2012

