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Tue. - Feb. 12 - Daily Thread

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    Tue. - Feb. 12 - Daily Thread

    Cindi, I am sorry about your daughter but I am thrilled to hear it is a reversible condition. It sounds like the two of you will be an awesome support team for each other in maintaining your sobriety. :l
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Tue. - Feb. 12 - Daily Thread

      Thank you, everyone!!


      I am so afraid she won't be able to do AF. Geez. Why would I be afraid of that??

      Hmmm. Could it be mom has such a hard time?? Or her brother??? Or her uncles??

      It is just her life in jeopardy. The life of my little, tiny, 7.5 lb baby I put in my arms 26 years ago. The girl who grew up to be one of my best friends and the kindest people I know. Why should I worry and fret? (I would put a laughing face here but it doesn't fit.)

      How sad, huh, that this disease hits some of the most precious??

      AF April 9, 2016


        Tue. - Feb. 12 - Daily Thread

        Det - you can use antabuse 24 hours after your last drink. You cannot drink until you have stopped it for 7 days. I hope this helps. I am seeing my doctor this afternoon to get my prescription. I will wait until Friday morning before I start - this way I have had about 5 days of no drinking. I drank A LOT on Sunday, and I know there is still alcohol lingering in my system.

        All the best to you!


          Tue. - Feb. 12 - Daily Thread

          Cindi, I am so glad that Adrienne's condition is reversible, although she will have a lot of work to do. I hope that she is scared enough to do something about her drinking. I wish the doctors had added when they told her that she could drink after six months that she would be smart never to drink again.:damn: I mean why even tempt fate? I am so happy for you that you stayed sober yesterday. You deserve a big pat on the back for that! We'll all support you as you keep beating AL away from your door and keep praying for Adrienne. The best thing you can do for Adrienne is to take care of yourself and show her a good example--truly!

          Deter, here is a link about how to use antabuse and how long you should wait to take it, although personally, I would wait a LITTLE longer, myself: Antabuse Information from

          To all of you (Deter, Thankful, AFM, Janice, et al.) who can keep any alcohol in the house, you have my undying admiration. The only alcohol I have is some disgusting kind of cherry cordial that has been under my sink forever and cooking wine and cooking sherry (nasty).

          tk, I was tired for a long time, several months at least, but it got better, little by little. Sometimes I get tired now, but it's because I procrastinate, and then I feel overwhelmed. I thought that not drinking would cure me of this, but no......

          Anyway, everyone please join me today in celebrating 8 months of sobriety. I don't know how many days that is, somewhere in the 290's I think. Anyway, if I can do it, anyone can.

          Okay, gotta get back to work.

          :l :l
          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            Tue. - Feb. 12 - Daily Thread

            Think I spoke too soon......had drinking "thoughts" while doing housework this afternoon....however, that opened bottle of red is still there under the sink......JUST!!! Instead I put the hypnotic cd on for 45mins then came on here, then had a hot bath.......THINK the moment has passed!!!! Janicexxx
            AF since 9 May 2012
            Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


              Tue. - Feb. 12 - Daily Thread

              Again, congrats there Kathy! You are doing remarkably well!!

              Janice, good for you for riding out the craving. Why not just dump the wine out? For me, if I had wine or vodka in the house it would be screaming out my name - and I would eventually cave in to it. But good for you for distracting yourself!


                Tue. - Feb. 12 - Daily Thread

                I know I shoud really, there's just a part of me that thinks I can be "NORMAL" and keep wine in the cupboard!!!!!! Janicexxx
                AF since 9 May 2012
                Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                  Tue. - Feb. 12 - Daily Thread

                  Janice, I understand.... I really do. Maybe tell yourself it is there if you want it, but I don't want it right now.... that works for me when I am trying to kick the smoking. I carry a few with me, and just tell myself they are there if I want to have one. (although I eventually cave after a few weeks and smoke them anyway - go figure). You are doing great.... keep that strength coming!


                    Tue. - Feb. 12 - Daily Thread

                    Cindi: My son had a serious drug/drinking problem years ago, & we joined alanon. It helped a lot. Certainly, your AA meetings might be of help. Hopefully this illness is Adrienne's bottom. However, I echo what others have said. "Stay sober yourself!" Good Luck.

                    Thanks everyone for answering my question about booze in the home. Like everyone out there, it's diffierent for everyone.

                    Love, Mary
                    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                    October 3, 2012


                      Tue. - Feb. 12 - Daily Thread


                      Thank you. I truly hope Adrienne has reached her bottom, but doubt it. Hence my sadness.

                      And as for booze of any kind in the house? :H :H :H :H

                      What booze?? It wouldn't exist if I were there....

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        Tue. - Feb. 12 - Daily Thread

                        Hmmm, Could be Adrienne and Jay are like their mama?


                        AF April 9, 2016


                          Tue. - Feb. 12 - Daily Thread

                          Cindi, I'm glad to hear that Adrienne's liver damage can be reversed. I hope this is her bottom and she will stay sober.

                          I also wish the same for you. Now you have another reason to stay sober. I know you would not want Adrienne to think is ok to drink because mom did.
                          You can do this!


                            Tue. - Feb. 12 - Daily Thread


                            You and I have talked so much about this. You know how much I love you. Just remember how much all of these totally incredible people here love you also. You are going to stay sober for yourself and for Adrienne and we are all going to help you. Adrienne will get better and so will you. We are all here for both of you.
                            Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.

