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Sun. - Feb. 17 - Daily Thread

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    Sun. - Feb. 17 - Daily Thread

    Everyone: Our g-son finally went home last evening. He too ended up w/a fever, croupy cough, etc. I just hope my husband & I don't get it. I'm going to wash all his bedding in hot water & sanitize his room. The winter here in the NE USA can't end soon enough.

    I need a reality check. Do I sound like the abs police? I don't mean to, & I know this forum is 30 day (emphasis 30 day) abs. There isn't much interaction on the long-term abs forum, & I don't feel qualified (w/only 17 days of sobriety) to be there anyway. Also, I can't give up my 30 day community. What I'm trying to say is this: I can't drink, but that doesn't mean many of you out there can't get a handle on it & mod some day. Total abs is not for everyone...I just wanted to acknowledge that. I must admit that I avoid the 30 day mod forum, because I don't want to delude myself into thinking I can do that some day. I've tried countless times to mod for years & years. My drinking still escalated.

    I just wanted to get that out in the open. Whatever your goal, it's legitimate. What makes MWO unique is the degree of acceptance to whatever people are going through. If you are reading this during a hiatus from MWO, please feel free to come back into the community. It doesn't matter what kind of slip you've had...we've all been there.

    tk: Hope you are doing well. I know the weekends can be difficult. Just remember how awful you felt the last time you drank. That helps me stay away from it.

    Cindi: I know you have to travel tomorrow. Stay strong.

    Kathy: Thanks for being here so faithfully. I look forward to your posts.


    PS: Remember that if I don't start this thread it's because I'm embroiled in kids & g-kids. I'll be here at some point.
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Sun. - Feb. 17 - Daily Thread

    tk: I just found Cindi's thread that you were referring to. It's so troubling when people feel they have to leave MWO. Even though I haven't been perfect, this site has helped me so much. I have seen folks that I've cared about fall away. I won't mention names. I imagine them drinking, not getting better. Regardless of how many times I slip (which I won't), I'm coming back here, confessing, & starting again. The AF days I have count for something. They are breaking the hold...even if they aren't consequetive. Thanks for listening. Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012


      Sun. - Feb. 17 - Daily Thread

      Goodmorning all. I hope this finds everyone happy and well.

      Mary, here's hoping you stay healthy. This bug is still dragging me down. I've been waking up this week with a rash on my face and I've been puffy and swollen. My eyes will not stop tearing. Two days ago the rash moved to my forearms. I have know idea if the virus and the rash are related or not. This morning it seems to be better. I'm so sick of being sick!!!

      Tk, I'm with you. I post where I feel I can try to help or if the topic hits me. I never realize what the board is. Sometimes I don't feel very welcome in certain places because I get that "you are not part of the group" feeling sometimes. I don't post faithfully everyday, because (1) I've been so sick, (2) I sometimes feel so down that I don't want to post if I can't say anything positive. It's not because I don't care or I'm not not loyal.

      I too read that thread from Cindi. I'm worried about her. I keep praying for her and Adrienne. That's all we can do. I hope she at least checks in once in a while. Maybe today she'll realize that she shouldn't leave.

      I hope everyone has a great Sunday! Love to all. :h

      Love, Me
      Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


        Sun. - Feb. 17 - Daily Thread

        Top of the Sunday AB-friends!

        Cindi if you are listening please don't stray far no matter what your situation ok dear?

        Mary and Thankful sorry you are dealing with sickness in the household..makes things no fun for a bit.

        Tkeene, I'm with you, I post wherever it seems 'right' at the time.
        Mary you are so thoughtful I think you've done nothing but good things here and shouldn't worry yourself.

        Dx is home tonight and I'm so happy. so happy to see her and so happy that I've been on the road, with drinkers and without her company (all huge triggers in years past) and have come through healthy and totally AF. So happy I can finally cook her Valentiines dinner!

        I'm off to work today so I'll be out til tonight most likely.
        We become what we think.
        Be well everyone
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Sun. - Feb. 17 - Daily Thread

          Deter: I'm so happy your abs. You'll only shoot forward faster & faster. Keep going w/it. I too love to cook. Have fun w/it tonight. M
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            Sun. - Feb. 17 - Daily Thread

            Hello everyone,

            36 days AF! And I'm feeling OK. There have been a few days of temptation on the way, but I've taken the advice given on here and focussed on how bad I would feel if I gave in. It's worked for me so far.

            I see myself as on my second 30 day period of abs, so I hope you don't mind my coming here.

            Retteacher - I think your experiences and the way you learn from them, and the way you write of your learning here, is IMO important to this part of the site, both for the new 30 dayers taking their first steps, and for slightly older hands like me

            Best wishes to all,



              Sun. - Feb. 17 - Daily Thread

              Dee, big welcome and huge congrads!!!!
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Sun. - Feb. 17 - Daily Thread

                Dee: Thank you so much & congrats. It's people like who make me keep going & feel happy. Love, Mary
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  Sun. - Feb. 17 - Daily Thread

                  tk: Do what is best for you. I'll probably be here when you feel you might want to touch bases. Take care.

                  Love, Mary
                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    Sun. - Feb. 17 - Daily Thread


                    I am dealing with the same thing.

                    I am suffering lots of depression right now.

                    I haven't had depression in a long time. Not handling it well at all. Not at all. Ended up crying most of the night. Hubby at a loss and worried.

                    You know I do love and care about all of you very much. It has nothing to do with you.

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      Sun. - Feb. 17 - Daily Thread

                      Tk and Cindi- Sometimes a break from the boads is needed. We tend to cycle here. People seem to be moving forward steadily and then things start to get rocky and we see fewer and fewer long term abstainers.

                      For those of us who feel such gratitude to MWO we also feel a committment to bolster others who are trying to obtain and maintain the AF lifestyle and when we hit one of the "low" cycles, it can wear on the spirit.

                      Sometimes a break to focus on building whatever is a normal life for yourself or attending to those closest to you must be your priority.

                      We will always be here in some form or fashion. Please know that both of you have contributed greatly to the community and we will always be here for you.

                      Love and Peace


                        Sun. - Feb. 17 - Daily Thread

                        Cindi, glad to hear from you. I've battled depression for my whole life myself. and getting the right meds/treatment can be a real circus until you get the right combo. Please know there is light at the end of this tunnel.

                        TKeene, hope you don't get too far a way...will be thinking of you,

                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)

