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Sun. - Feb. 24 - Daily Thread

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    Sun. - Feb. 24 - Daily Thread

    Yesterday, I went up the wine aisle in the supermarket. As I looked at all the bottles on the shelf, I realized that buying one would be the equivalent of throwing $10 or $15 in the trash. Buying a bottle would mean that I'd drink the whole thing myself & get sick in mind, body & spirit. Instead, I can use that $10 or $15 to:
    -Take the g-sons out for breakfast.
    -Buy a pound of shrimp & make something delicious.
    -Get some fine chocolates for a special treat.

    There are so many better ways to use my money than to continue to destroy myself. This morning, I'm meeting a girlfriend, & we're going to walk our dogs. We always laugh & have fun. It's a sparkling cold winter day, & there's a fresh blanket of snow. What could be better?

    And, oh, BTW, I don't have a hangover.

    Love, Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Sun. - Feb. 24 - Daily Thread

    Good job, Mary...


      Sun. - Feb. 24 - Daily Thread

      Amen to that Mary

      nice to see you and Chief here on such a fine Sunday. Admiring our 8 inches of fresh snow from last night twinkling brightly in the sun. Soon I'll have to pack for Tuesday as I'm back on the road for 2 or 3 days. Doing it AF is such a relief I can't even explain it.

      before when I'd drive buzzed or hungover from the night before I'd think: if I get in an auto accident I'm going to be the guilty one no matter what because my BAC is elevated. yeesh, what a monkey to have on your back.

      just say NO to monkeys. LOL

      be well my friends.
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        Sun. - Feb. 24 - Daily Thread

        Hi everyone

        Have had a busy but lovely Sunday. Did a two hour hike with hubby and dogs which I really enjoyed.

        It is indeed getting easier to say NO. We were out for dinner last night. My hubby ordered wine. He tasted and said it was fine and then the girl offered me a glass and I said NO thank you. She then took my wine glass and my daughters glasses away. I could not believe it was that easy. I know I have a great excuse with lent but half of the time I was saying yes because I felt I should. I would have loved the glass of wine with dinner that was never the problem. The problem was the bottle I would have had at home afterwards!! Last night it wasnt an issue and I woke this morning hangover free. Bliss.



          Sun. - Feb. 24 - Daily Thread

          Rustop: The wine I drank w/people was also never the problem for me either. It unfortunately acted as a trigger for the bottle that I'd consume on my own. No, the social drink here & there just can't happen for me. It just opens a whole pandora's box of temptation.

          Deter: You seem so at peace w/the AF life you've adopted. I think once we realize that's our lot in life, the complication of when, where, & how to drink is eliminated. You're doing so well. Keep it up.

          Love, Mary
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012

