Wow, it's great to see so many new people on today.
:welcome: to Aysha, Lefty, Morning Fairy, Iddy Paws, and derrygirl.
Morning Fairy, I live in Maryland, too. I get some of my supps at the Vitamin Shoppe. I recommend it for supps. I've gotten GABA from there. I'd say the book is the most important too, if you can afford to download it.
Aysha, congrats on your 1st day. It's a very special day. It's hard, but so worth it!
Mary, I couldn't sleep last night either. The old daylight saving time thing. I'm glad that Buddy won. What a trip! Sounds like fun.
Cindi, I'm praying for you, girl. I know you can make it. You sound scared but really motivated. I'm envious of your snow!
Hi Boyz, how are you doing??
Lefty, you qualified from the moment you decided that you wanted Abs, as Mary said. Congrats on your days AF. You'll have to tell us more about Shick-Shadel; I've never heard of it.
Charlee, you sound like you are doing well, and you're on the right path.
Good for you, Janice, on getting through the party last night. It sounds like you had a really good time.
Morning Fairy, I'm glad you found the site too. Good for you on Day 3. That is just great already. Listen to Thankful, she knows what she is talking about.
Hugs to you Thankful!
Thanks for your story, Iddy Paws, and congratulations on your 3 months of sobriety this time around. our past certainly says that you can do it!
Congrats on Day5 derrygirl. You sound like you are doing well. Just don't stop trying, and you'll do fine. I am enjoying reading a lot more too, these days, and I remember what I've read, which is an added bonus.
tea, would you come help me clean my cupboards when you're done? I'm afraid that sobriety has not helped me be more organized or motivated when it comes to taking care of my house.
Anyway, it seems like everyone is doing okay. So am I. I've got to get my act together and do some billing this afternoon, but otherwise, it's a beautiful, but chilly day.