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Friday - March 14th

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    Friday - March 14th

    Rise and shine Abbers!!

    Get ready for the weekend mine is going to be all those fun spring chores. Let's make good here and have a great AF day!
    Is Addiction Really a Disease?
    Watch this and find out....

    Friday - March 14th

    Hi 4TheBoyz and everyone to follow. 14 AF days and feeling pretty good. Hope I can make it through the weekend- Saturday night being the hardest. Looking forward to getting alot done today before the gang of teenagers invade my house for the weekend. I was laughing at the mention yesterday of being a closet nondrinker. Not because what you are going through is funny at all but because it is the complete oppositeof my situation with my husband. He gets totally disgusted with me if he even thinks I had a drink and I haven't even had one. But actually out in public I do feel that stress of not wanting to be singled out as the one who is not drinking. It's pretty ridiculous- but reality- that alcohol is such an ingrained essential part of socializing. I guess you don't really fully appreciate that unless you try to stop. Looking forward to reading and hearing everyones' thoughts and hope noone has too much of a struggle today. Aquamarine
    AF SINCE 3/16/2016


      Friday - March 14th

      Hi 4theboyz & Aqua!! Just a quick visit today as loads to do. I've been on my own all week but everyone is landing tonight - hubby, both kids back from uni, and my mum-in-law and brother-in-law, so it will be lovely to have some noise in the house again!! Although, it does mean less time on here over the weekend!! Everyone will be drinking wine tomorrow night but I won't be. If I don't get on tomorrow have a good weekend everyone......(hope I do, I need my MWO fix!!!).

      love Janicexxx
      AF since 9 May 2012
      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


        Friday - March 14th

        Good morning all!

        Yeah, socializing while drinking is kind of like an oxymoron. AL gives us the courage to mingle and we think we sound witty and intelligent. When in reality we should never drink when we socialize because we really sound stupid and pathetic. And I don't care what you say, it doesn't improve our dance moves! lol

        I wish society would remove the stigma of us thinking "we deserve a drink" after a hard day's work or if we are experiencing any pain (physically or emotionally). What we really deserve is to not put that poison in our bodies. We deserve to be good to ourselves and reward ourselves, not hurt. It really makes me sad when I see people who have been AF awhile say something like, "well I haven't drank for so long so I figured I deserved a couple of drinks". Ugghhh! To think their mindset is that they deserve that torture. That just makes me want to cry.

        Stay strong people. The weekend is just 2 additional days of the week, that's all. And you deserve to be healthy and happy!!

        Love, Me
        Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


          Friday - March 14th

          Good Morning Everyone,

          Happy AF Friday. Thankful, loved what you said about using drink as a reward for not drinking - it is twisted logic. It's like a dieter who rewards herself with cake. I will reward my not drinking with a nice long run.

          Big weekend here - busy - always - 4 kids.

          Thanks for keeping me grounded everyone,

          Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


            Friday - March 14th

            I've just been feeling so great being AF. Today is one of those days when I feel like absolutely nothing could possibly induce me to drink. I don't feel like any kind of a stick-in-the-mud not drinking around others who do. If I did try to social drink, I know (for sure) that I'd drink so much that I'd be hiding in a corner in fear that I'd say or do something stupid. It's such a gift not being paranoid anymore. Stay strong everyone & don't worry about people wondering why you don't drink. You don't owe anyone an explanation. It's your life to live as you choose. Remember: "Wisdom, Courage, Strength."

            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              Friday - March 14th

              Hello all you Booze Bustin' abbers! Oh it's good to be back. Well, Day 1 isn't easy, Week 1 won't be easy, you all know the drill. But I'm looking forward to sobriety again.

              Hi 4theboyz and thank you again for posting in My New Story. I hope you have some nice weekend plans for what looks to be a great spring weekend in IL.

              Aqua - congratulations on Day 14. Keep leading me on the path, OK? I had to sort of laugh reading about your hubby getting miffed if he thinks you've had a drink even if you haven't. Well, that probably didn't sound right cuz I know that's not funny. But anyway...Mr. Doggy used to blame ANY and EVERY mistake I ever made on drinking. Let's say he walked into my office and I'm concentrating on doing book keeping work or something, so not really listening to whatever he said. Later - when I didn't know what he said, it was always "because you were drinking...." When I did my first 60 Day AF stint, I would still sometimes forget things, or not pay attention and have no idea what he said, etc. It was so NICE when those incidents were Guilt Free. Hopefully that makes sense... anyway...

              Janice - it's so good go be back and finding you sounding to happy with your life. I still have lots of catching up to do, but I hope all is really great for you!! Have fun welcoming your family home and have a fun weekend!

              Thankful - LOL on how drinking makes us *think* we're so much better at things - especially that dancing part. :egad: ITA with Beck about how goofy it is to reward not drinking with drinking. I've sure done plenty of that stupidity.

              Hi Beck. 4 kids would make me :nutso: Heck, 4 dogs make me :nutso: some days.... Rewarding your not drinking with a long run something I would only do if someone were chasing me.

              Hi Mary!! It's good to *see* you again. I have always loved your words of wisdom - and the reminder that we don't owe anyone explanations for not drinking is a good pearl. I'm looking forward to catching up.

              tkeene - Glad to hear that your weekends are easier for you. ENJOY!! How are things in doggy land? We found out yesterday that our old Beagle is probably in a fair amount of pain (although he handles it better than I would) in his joints. He also has a heart murmer. We have some new things we will be doing to hopefully make his little life more comfortable, but I'm in tears already as he is Mommy's Boy and I just dread what is eventually coming (that which I am not ready to directly speak of). Otherwise the pack is all good. Gary is training both of the Shepherds in Schutzhund now - Kimba is doing MUCH better since her spaying last summer - we suspect she must have been hiding a fair amount of pain with the cysts they discovered. The mutt is still the boss around here.

              Day 1 AF for me. I'm popping Kudzu and L-Glut and eating small low carb things at regular intervals.

              Happy AF day to all who are yet to come.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Friday - March 14th

                Aloha Friday ABadabadoooos!

                DoggyGirl!! so nice to have you back.

                I got in late last night so here's my post again:

                -shuttle bus to hotel $15.00
                - gourmet Italian antipasti for two at Mario Batali's "B&B" $75.00
                - doing Vegas totally alcohol free without a single regret:


                Dx and I have had such a great time getting to know Prest4time and Morrisson in Vegas. we had a ball to say the least. I can honestly say I'd never have had near that great of a time had I been drinking/hung over. I was relaxed, calm, and aware. I did eat too much and drink too much coffee though. ooops

                interesting thread today. I could go on for a while but here's my quick two cents: you really must NOT let the influences and comments of others endanger your quest for sobriety and health. Even if they are your husband, mom etc. They cannot possibly know what you are going though.
                I was reminded of this when listening to "think and grow rich" by Napolean Hill. He reminds the reader that they must form an air tight seal against negative influence as it is destructive and distracting to our path.
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Friday - March 14th


                  Sorry so late but I have actually been busy today!! I just wanted to say hi and tell everyone to have a great weekend!!! Talk to you all Monday!!

                  I have a very busy, fun weekend planned, AF and I intend to thoroughly enjoy it!!!


                  :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                    Friday - March 14th

                    Doggy Girl: Welcome back & good luck. This is a great thread if you want sobriety. It's really working for me. Mary

                    PS: Cindi: How did the doc appt. go? Ok, I hope.
                    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                    October 3, 2012


                      Friday - March 14th

                      determinater- ur my hero. Sober Vegas...awesome. i just recently told my friend that the day i could get on a dance floor and have a good time sober would be the day that i know that i have absolutley no need for alcohol...i'm adding vegas to that list of non-drinking goals


                        Friday - March 14th

                        Hi All,

                        It's been a good day. Maddy is sitting on the couch watching TV, and it really feels good to have her home. She seems happy to be home too.

                        I've been to a number of social events since stopping, and usually I have brought my own AF wine to keep temptation at bay. I was surprised to note that usually 1/3 to 1/2 of the people were not drinking alcoholic drinks, and they were having a good time. I think we are very self-conscious because we have been heavy drinkers and we often hang out with people who drink a fair amount as well. Many people aren't drinking or drinking very little these days. Once you are comfortable with not drinking, you will start to notice.

                        It's good to see you back, DoggyGirl!

                        Anyway, I was talking with my mom today, and I told her that some people were saying prayers for her and Yvette here on MWO (per my other thread). She was very moved, and she sends a very big thank you and God Bless You to everyone. I think it really blew her away, actually. So I thank you too.

                        Well, I'm tired tonight, but tomorrow, I'm off to the gym.

                        :l :l
                        AF as of August 5th, 2012

