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Question for you all

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    Question for you all

    :new:Hi I'n new on this board. I'm 31, married and have two beautiful children, youngest only 5 months. My vice is wine, I started up 1 month after giving birth, have always been a drinker but has gotten worse over last 3 years. Well 4 months on and I am on at least a bottle of wine a night, mostly more. Last night was my final straw, I drank 1 bottle of wine and then sneaked out to buy another (unbeknown to hubby who was completely sober). This morning I feel guilty, a bad mother, a bad wife - oh just about everything bad really. My question is - I am on medication for post natal depression and don't know whether I can use the medication on this programme. Has any of you gone cold turkey and if so can I have your comments about how you felt. I am not drinking tonight but I am really scared as to how my physical and mental state will be. I really want to join this thread and abstain. Your advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for listening.

    Question for you all

    I don't think there should be a problem with this program and taking meds for PND, but I would talk to your doctor. Doctors know that depression and alcoholism go hand in hand.
    Goal 1: Today
    Goal 2: Tomorrow


      Question for you all

      hi seto23
      you are still young and you haven't been drinking heavily for too long. I don't think you will experience to much physically.

      a lot of members here are on anti depressants. being sober if better for you if you are taking anti depression drugs.

      I am glad you are aware that it's becoming a problem, sneaking out and buying more booze is a sign of a problem.

      be well and keep in touch with us.
      welcome too
      You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


        Question for you all

        Seto: I drank as much as or more than you for many more years. The sneaking, hiding, & lieing was soul-destroying. That's the main reason I stopped. I didn't use any of the supps or meds...just my usual multi-vits. I have managed to be AF almost 50 days so far, & I feel better than I have in many a year (in spite of some fairly significant personal problems).

        My advice:
        -Come to MWO every day.
        -The daily thread here at the 30 day abs forum is great.
        -Read & post. If you have problems air them here.
        -Read books etc. about alcohol abuse.
        -Ask for suggestions as to how to deal w/cravings.

        Good luck. MWO has been a lifeline for me. Mary
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          Question for you all


          Your post hits pretty close to home, I just hate to see you make the same mistakes I did only I waited 11 years too many before I recognized the need for change - good luck kiddo!
          Is Addiction Really a Disease?
          Watch this and find out....


            Question for you all


            Welcome. You are in the right place.

            I drank quite heavily for about 6 years. A bottle of wine a night? sure. Until I moved a few months ago, i lived in Southern Italy. I quit cold turkey 46 days ago. As far as physical symptoms, i really did not have any - just trouble sleeping, irritability. Mary's advice is excellent. I would add knowing what your triggers are. There are just some things that make us want to drink - boredom, loneliness, fights with spouses - the list can be really long. If you know what starts the drinking, you can develop a strategy to deal with it -i.e. some other way to handle it. Also many of us have what we refer to as our witching hour when we crave alcohol (mine is actually 4-7 pm) again develop a strategy to deal with it - exercise - whatever you think will work for you.

            Good for you not letting this go on too long.

            Good luck,

            Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


              Question for you all


              Youre in good company here. Just jump right in. The first few days are the toughest. Many people report that days 4-5 are the biggest stumbling block, I know it was for me.

              Mary, Beck and others have given you sound and tried advise. I only add commitment. You have to commit yourself to remaining AF (alcohol free) if that is what you desire. Some here try moderation after a sustained period, say 60 or 90 days, others (like me) remain AF. AF for me is the only way. Some choose one day at a time and there are many threads that delve into that. Others, me again, believe that the way to go is to take the plunge and make a life commitment.

              I made two goals for myself last summer. 1) 30 days AF and if successful 2) lifetime AF. I attained goal one with help from everyone here and I'm working on goal two. I have read here that the change in thinking to "I'm a nondrinker" is what comes to us in time and I think that is true.

              Good luck, take the plunge the water is fine. It is tough at times but it gets easier most days and the place you find yourself in demands change, doesn't it? It is worth the hard work. It is the best present you can give yourself, your children, your marriage--I promise.

              Take care,


              Day 240 AF


                Question for you all

                hi there..seto123..welcome . and yes i have gone cold turkey.and i was hard but i was able to handle in my own way and there were a few tricks that i came up with on my own . i well post more later got to go
                :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                  Question for you all

                  hi there new person, i was on the Wine Diet after my 2nd child. the stress of being a parent, hormones out of whack, add a husband thats never satisfied and the bottle is the best quick fix. be careful, it creeps up like a BIG BOMB. eating disorder, like all my disorders grew me into a wine queen. be careful and learn from here before its too late. :h

                  don't i sound smart?


                    Question for you all

                    Best to you

                    Welcome Seto

                    I quit cold Turkey Jan 1st and didn't start taking the full list of supplements etc. from MWO until 6 weeks later but did start the CD's right away. The only supplement I was on in the beginning was the L-Glut and 5-HTP (which would be the natural form of a anti depressant). You can do it. Many of us have. The supplements did make it easier I found once I started them.

                    Best to you
                    AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                    Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                    (from the Movie "Once")


                      Question for you all

                      Hi there
                      A big thank you for all your replies and words of advice. I have tried moderating over the past month or so but it worked for only the first week. I can't control myself once I take the first drink, sometimes I need less but most of the time I need more. It has to be all or nothing, I have come to this decision today. Last night hubby came in with a bottle of wine and offered me a glass, I admit I had two glasses but the effects were nothing and I thought "Why bother". I have to drink to get drunk and I am not a nice drunk at that. That's why I have to do this. I have had a heart to heart with my hubs and he is going to support me, he's not a big drinker so it will be easy for him to abstain in front of me. Exercise is going to be my distraction for the "Craving time", my time is usually 8 - 10 pm when the little ones are in bed. I am a keen runner and can easily do 3-4 miles (this is with hangover), I have worked it out so I can go to the gym between the "craving time" luckily my gym is open late!! I just want to remind you all of the feelings you feel after a "heavy night" drinking. I felt suicidal, panicky, paranoid, sick (vomited a few times), looked like s*** (dark circles, puffy face), didn't go anywhere as I felt so paronoid, ashamed and guilty for my family. Those are just a few of the things I felt, just wanted to share this with you as you all seem to be doing so well and sound so positive. It really is not worth it to pick up that first drink is it? I'm sure with all your support I can do this. I have wrote down all my feelings from yesterday to remind me of how I feel when I drink and the reasons why I shouldn't pick up the first drink. So today is the first day of my 30 day AF, wish me luck. Once again thanks for your advice and supportXX


                        Question for you all

                        I tried mod over & over. At the end of my drinking, I never put an unfinished bottle back in the fridge. Instead I drank it all. Abs is the only path for me. M
                        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                        October 3, 2012

