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Monday - March 24th

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    Monday - March 24th

    It's another Monday and anybody feel like dancing?!!

    I would if I could but I have to work but we can pretend. I hope we all get through the week AF especially today. Enjoy!
    Is Addiction Really a Disease?
    Watch this and find out....

    Monday - March 24th

    Ok..lets pretend!!
    Not looking forward to this week as there is so much on the "to do" list, and I am not even getting my day off!!..I am trying to learn to take things in stride, taking it as it comes. I think I am winning the war, even though I seem to lose a few battles along the way. I am attempting to teach myself that I am only one person, and can only do so much in a least I am doing it sober!!!!
    Off to work, hope everyone has a good day.....
    sobriety date 11-04-07


      Monday - March 24th

      Hi 4theboyz & Charlee, well its day 27 for me today....I did post on yesterday's thread about my few days away which included a big family wedding. Managed to stay AF. Janicexxx
      AF since 9 May 2012
      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


        Monday - March 24th

        Good morning (well, here it's morning anyway!) 4tb, Charlee and Janice!

        It's day 11 AF for me. It feels SO GOOD to wake up without a hangover.

        4tb and Charlee - what the hell! Dance at work! Show 'em how happy and crazy you are!

        Janice, hope you had fun at the wedding. I haven't been around much in the last week so am only now catching up. Congratulations on 27 AF days!!

        Have a great day everyone!

        Day 11
        * * * * * * * * * * *
        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Monday - March 24th

          Well done DG on the 11 days - they soon start to stack up once you get started!!
          AF since 9 May 2012
          Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


            Monday - March 24th

            Hello everyone,

            Charlee, I get what you are can only do so much. It took me a long time to ask for help and delegate at work. I can just be plain stubborn. It took its toll and I would reward myself for making it through the jam packed days with AL. Sober baby steps-makes sense to me. and don't beat yourself up if you don't get everything done. perfection is consuming.

            DG - 11 days - wonderful.

            Seems like we are all chalking up the days here in Absville.

            Today is DAY 50! for me.

            Enjoy everyone,

            Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


              Monday - March 24th

              Hi Everyone- Day 24 for me. Charlee- Realizing that you only get so much done in a day and that that is alright was a huge thing for me. I would get so overwhelmed with how much I had to do and trying to be a perfectionist about everything that I would actually get nothing done. I didn't realize at all how the alcohol was effecting this either. But I think it really was. I took a workshop in Vispanna meditation recently and they really stress being in the present. You can get so caught up in spending most hours of the day thinking about all these little things that in reality you are not really living your life. It really rang home with me.
              Janice- Great job on the wedding, those can be tough, at least in my family. And you enjoyed yourself too, that's great.
              DoggyGirl-Congrats on Day 11. You sound like you feel really good. Are you finding this time around being AF easier than before?
              Beck- Congrats on Day 50! I was terrible at delegating at work. I would help everyone with their work, then do mine, not delegate to anyone, and leave hours later than everyone.Not a good way to do things, and extremely stressful.
              4TheBoyz-Not sure what day you are on but I know you are getting up there. Great Job!
              It's so much better being around your children when you are not drinking. That is probably the greatest benefit and driving force for me.
              Reteacher- I know you will not be here this week and I know this thread means alot to you.
              So I'm sending out positive thoughts to you with your parents and hope all is going well for you.
              Take Care And Stay Strong Everyone! Aquamarine
              AF SINCE 3/16/2016


                Monday - March 24th

                Good Afternoon Fellow Abbers!!

                Yet another happily sober day for me today!!

                I spent the day with my daughter. She was much better today and I quietly talked to her about rehab/detox and other alternatives. She is so frustrated with herself because she doesn't drink every day, however, she then binges. When she binges, she blacks out and becomes basically unmanageable.

                I will continue showing her that sobriety is soooo much better than drunk. I will also try to get her to a doctor. A good doctor, like mine. I have an appt tomorrow and will bring her situation up with him and see if he has any suggestions.

                Okay, enough of that. Today I am sober, tomorrow I will be sober and I will be taking my Antabuse every single day!!

                AF April 9, 2016


                  Monday - March 24th

                  Hi All--I'm back from Easter holiday, and yesterday was filled with lots of driving. I'm AF and feeling good about it. It was great to see friends and family.

                  Cindi, I am so pleased that you were able to stay sober through your daughter's binge. It is also really great to see you. I've missed you a lot.

                  I'd love to dance 4tBz. I don't get to dance nearly enough as it is. Happy Af week to you too.

                  Charlee, I commiserate with you on the "to-do" list. I'm glad that you are having a good attitude about yours though. It will probably get better the more AF time you have.

                  :goodjob: Janice! Well done for you on getting through the wedding.

                  DoggyGirl, congrats on your Day 11!

                  Same to you, Beck, on Day 50. That is a real milestone!

                  Aquamarine, all the best on Day 24. You're almost to 30!

                  I'm still doing the AF thing. I don't think about it that much anymore. I am really having to focus on my tendency to procrastinate and get distracted--a problem I had when drinking and that continues now. It affects everything, from the state of my home to getting the more boring parts of my work done. Oh well, so much for that.

                  It's good to see people feeling positive and getting through difficult situations w/o drinking. I'll be having one of those come up in April that will be with my ex-husband. I'll talk more about it as the time comes.

                  :l :l
                  AF as of August 5th, 2012


                    Monday - March 24th

                    stressed out.

                    this is what i had today...

                    6 campral.
                    8 kudzu
                    4 topamax
                    3 neurontin

                    i am just calming down, thank you!



                      Monday - March 24th

                      So how many times can I do this - am coming back to this site after trying it again on my own for 1


                        Monday - March 24th

                        year. I remember how encouraging this site was - I just need to make sure that I read the threads before any social event. That seems to be what triggers me - I get caught up in the excitement of the social situation. Also nice to see so many pet pictures!


                          Monday - March 24th

                          wow! I got so distracted that i didn't even log in yet. Kwazy Monday for sure, but not a bad one. A Monday with no hangover just can't be that bad

                          DogLvr, what do you mean by how many times can you do this? just curious. Glad to have you here at any rate.

                          be well friends
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            Monday - March 24th

                            Just how many times I can keep trying and failing and trying and failing. I did a great 3 month stint - but unless I am consciously focused on no-alc then I just go all out.

