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Booze Busters Kick Butt - Week of 3/24

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    Booze Busters Kick Butt - Week of 3/24

    Morning Guys

    It was my day 5 yesterday and I fell off the wagon last night. I didn't go over the top I only had a couple but still I did it so there it is. Very annoyed with myself but want to get back on track - does this happen to most of you???????? I think I am learning what my triggers are - I need to change my social habits for a while at least until I get this thing really under control.

    Congratulations to all you Booze Busters who are keeping it up- a big WELL DONE xx

    Well back to Day 1 again for me (i know I'll kick this thing some how) xx

    ps - I love this site - its the 1st thing I think about when I wake up!


      Booze Busters Kick Butt - Week of 3/24

      Seen the Light,

      Yep. Those falls have happened to all of us.

      Just jump back on and keep on keepin' on!!

      Giving up quitting is when you lose the war.

      AF April 9, 2016


        Booze Busters Kick Butt - Week of 3/24

        Anyone heard from our Head Boozebuster - Doggygirl????

        AF since 9 May 2012
        Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


          Booze Busters Kick Butt - Week of 3/24

          Green suit

          I am wearing a very ugly green suit. Had a couple of glasses of wine last night. Really wasnt worth it. Have been very stressed about a few things. Autistic son has been very naughty, he does not understand how his actions effect others, so we really have a difficult time dealing with his exploits. At any rate, the wine wasn't very good, not worth giving back my 12 days.

          SO~ Seen the light, were in this together. Day 1...I am trying again.

          on my way:argh:
          Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


            Booze Busters Kick Butt - Week of 3/24

            Hi guys!!

            Just thought I would pop in and say hello...

            Doggy must be in a trance with her iceskating.. that little nut!!

            Seen the light! - that day 5 is a kicker.. it got me many times, more than I would like to admit. Just know that going in this time. be ready for it and make sure you stay here. Don't let the thoughts get too far in your mind. Come here. I think I stayed pretty much logged on the first 7 days, then really stayed close for the first two weeks. It does get easier, really. But know that hurdle is there and get a running start this time!

            On my way - I can't imagine how hard it must be for you at times. It is amazing the further and further we get the more we realize how NOT worth it it really is. I had a slip on day 63 this time - man was I mad at my self. Talk about not being worth it! Anyway, it is really imprtant that you realize it and just hop back on, like you have. Good for you. You will do it! It is so worth dealing with all the obstacles we have in life with a clear head... We are lucky we have the ability to do that.

            Cindi - You are doing so well, sweetie! I am really proud of the way you have grabbed it by the horns this time. You are a tru inspiration for those that think they just can't do it - you show them that if there is a will there is a way - you go girl!

            Hannah!!! Nice to see you, sister.. we don't get to connect as much anymore.. Sounds like you are doing really well. But what the heck are you doing up in the middle of the frickin' night!! Stay in touch.. is there an ISLAND in our future??

            All the best to everyone else her in this 30-day booze bustin challenge. When you hit yor mark.. come on over to the 30-90day thread - we are havin' fun there, too!

            Good luck, and remember: never, ever, ever, ever give up!


            Day 84
            Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


              Booze Busters Kick Butt - Week of 3/24

              Sors all, missed yesterday was proudly babysitting.... tra la la la the total joy of being sober AND being trusted to turn up, be capable etc etc - AND.... tra la la apparently I am a COOL sitter, according to the 8 year old - Fantastic feeling... Day ???? feeling too good to even count.

              Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                Booze Busters Kick Butt - Week of 3/24

                Get a grip!!!!!!

                Doesn't matter how long your posts are. did it work???? no, write 6000 words if you ike.

                Stop trying to be a saviour.


                  Booze Busters Kick Butt - Week of 3/24

                  Sorry Candlewick, who are you talking to?

                  Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                    Booze Busters Kick Butt - Week of 3/24

                    Day 4

                    :heart::heart::heart::heart: Whoa, squeeked through another one!! So, far it's been almost fun to feel Al come up behind again today with 100 really GOOD reasons for me to sneak a swallow: didn't do it.

                    What a silly and deadly game I've ben playing for so many years. This time, moving along this well traveled road, I have a basket full of new ways to be thinking about things and I feel very upbeat about this forum. :thanks: to all of you. Be well and see you tomorrow! g


                      Booze Busters Kick Butt - Week of 3/24

                      Morning all!

                      I've woke up feeling good again - I've not woken up feeling this good on a Monday for ages now. As I said before I had a slip on Saturday and am now starting my Day2 again - Here's to another week AF xx

                      Cindi - Thank you for your kind encouragement.

                      ON my way - Come on we can do this together this time!!!

                      See you in the morning xx

                      P.S. Where is Doggy Girl ???


                        Booze Busters Kick Butt - Week of 3/24

                        Good morning

                        Day 2, kids out the door for school and will be enroute to preschool shortly. I have a lot to catch up on this week.
                        MM, thanks for the encouragement!
                        Seen the light, glad we can do this together! I did not go over board either but cant see mods in my future. I know I can do this as long as I can keep the coffee:H
                        DG, are you alright?

                        A very happy and sober work week to all!

                        On my way
                        Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                          Booze Busters Kick Butt - Week of 3/24

                          Day 11 A/F!!!

                          Hi Boozebusters, like Doggygirl I am on day 11 A/F and its going great thanks partly to antabuse and also to sheer determination! Whenever I start worrying how I will cope after antabuse I think 'one day at a time' instead. Has anyone developed a craving for sweet foods? I never ate much chocolate until now!

                          Got my one year old daughter into a good bedtime routine now and actually have the energy to stay up after she's asleep...

                          Have been invited to 2 parties held by notoriously heavy drinkers on April 11th and 19th and can't decide whether to go or not- help!

                          carry on the good work everyone!
                          "It's amazing what you can get done just by getting on and doing it!" - (anon):new:


                            Booze Busters Kick Butt - Week of 3/24

                            Well done Foxy on 11 days - I just thought I'd send you a quick note - I also have a big party (can,t get out of it its mums 60th!) on 12th April - all the family and a lot of my friends will be there - and yes they are all heavy drinkers too! Gonna be hard work but I want to do this - let's support each other and get through it together - whatd,ya think?

                            See you all in the morning x


                              Booze Busters Kick Butt - Week of 3/24

                              Day 5

                              :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: Half way across the first line here.
                              I went to sleep last night marveling over how much time I spend thinking about drinking, hiding, sneaking, buying and wrapping bottles in newspaper and making special trips to the recycling center.

                              Nobody can handle all of that garbage in their lives and be happy. So, I've had 5 days of freedom, and, I am still following the same mindset... just not physically doing it. I've got some really deep grooves here.

                              I do feel much better physically. Did some mild cardio this AM and a good walk this afternoon while the sun is shining. My prayers are for all of us g:h


                                Booze Busters Kick Butt - Week of 3/24

                                Hi Guys - there is a new thread, week of 3/31, started. Get yourselves there!!!
                                The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

