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day 5

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    day 5

    hey guys. Im on day five af. i take antabuse when i do these periods free of alcohol. it works amazingly! when something when wrong the othe rday, i was like "ERR i just wanna go out and have a drink".. BUT.. i cant! im really recommending it. Im taking a month off bc my bf moved in with me for awhile, and hes an alcohlic, drinking everyday . therefore, id drinmk with him and we'd watch movies, while i drank a bottle of wine about five days a week. the smaller one. came to about four full glasses of wine. but hes moving back to his own apartment in newark, and this happened before. I then just avoid bringing alcohol in the house, and i go back to my drinking twice a week with friends at the bars. i dont enjoy drinking by myself, its rather depressing. so i wont be bringing alcohol in the house.
    and no im not just saying that, becaus this happened before. but i definiteloy need a month off from it to get it out of my system. right now my body is used to almost everyday drinking. SO i just wanted to say that, i feel great! geez! my depression is gone, i dont act so empotional and dont feel so NEEDy with the boyfriend. its amazing what negative effects alcohol can have on you. i attended an aa meeting last night. an open one. im only 26, and it was mostly older people. i wish there was a younger group one. there prob is somewhere. not that the older people are any different, but i want to make friends that i can hang out with that arent alcoholics. but i do love the meetings. i am also a spiritual person, a catholic, and i appreciate the twelve steps having to d owith God and surrendering. i felt spiritual after we left, after the group said the our father together.
    talk to yas lates!

    day 5


    its amazing what negative effects alcohol can have on you.
    I am on day 11 and using Antabuse. I, too, am much less depressed than when I was drinking.

    I am planning to go AF for life, though, because my alcoholism is very advanced.

    I also take Gabapentin, which really seems to help with my anxiety, which helps with reducing my cravings.

    Glad you are feeling so good. 30 days AF is a great goal!!

    AF April 9, 2016


      day 5

      great job on 5 days stay strong and god bless you
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        day 5

        thanks guys! six days now, antabuse is a godsend , at least for a long time until you learn how to deal with going out to peoples houses and watching people drink.. antabuse is great. i will look at that message board u were talking about. im dying rihgt now-at jersey at my bfs parents house and theyre all drinking wine.. ugh, dying dying! so moody and depressed today especially now. sucks. i really dont know if i could do this for life at this time in my life. its so damn hard. i can make my drinking down to twice a week out to bars with friends, and i easily avoid drinking everyday once i get back into that habit of not bringing it home. howeveer my problem s when i go out i can tstop and get to drunk.

