Oh, is this only Day 4??? I feel so good that it MUST be longer.... eating ice cream from the carton instead of wine from the bottle... better get out to the garden and start moving some real dirt!! Love you all. g.
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Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of 3/31
Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of 3/31
Oh, is this only Day 4??? I feel so good that it MUST be longer.... eating ice cream from the carton instead of wine from the bottle... better get out to the garden and start moving some real dirt!! Love you all. g.
Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of 3/31
:sigh:hi guys...Day 5 here and maybe I've got a bad reaction to all the fresh air,excercise and clean living because I HURT ALL OVER. Aspirin is just about the only thing I can take, besides wine of course. I'll try for a couple of aspirin, some sweet tea and pray that something interesting is on TV. It's still a gorgeous afternoon out there, but no more wheelbarrowing for me today. You all beand watch out for that creep AL. :h
Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of 3/31
Saturday morning here in sunny So. CA and just checking in. Starting Day 5 AF. Hope you are all well and enjoying your weekends! G, stretch a lot and drink lots a water, but you probably already know that : ) Thanks for your email.I went to my doctor and told him I had a serious drinking problem and that I was in desperate need of a solution. He said, 'Stop drinking.' I said, 'I don't get it..' He said, 'Go home and think about it.'
Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of 3/31
My back is really out:upset: I crawled out of bed this morning at 6 am and have been trying to do some stretches to no available. Thanks, Mac, for the reminder that I need water not wine to get better:H:H I think all of the west coast is having a beautiful day! How about the rest of you? :h
Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of 3/31
Beautiful here too, but did not enjoy it because I feel like crap today too.I don't know if I am coming down with something or what. I am not a big sweets eater, but last night I ate a bunch of junk. I slept ok, but woke up at 5:30. I started to paint, but just had no energy and I am so achy. Today is day 7 Af so I figure it shouldn't have anything to do with AL. Maybe just all that sugar I ate last night.
Goal 1: Today
Goal 2: Tomorrow
Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of 3/31
Good morning everyone (afternoon to barebone and kaddy across the pond). Day 6 AF and felling good. I wish I could sleep in a bit later, but this is MUCH better than the alternative!! Lukale, definitely a sugar 'hangover'. I get that when I eat bad or even forget to take my supplements.
G, you moving around better today?? :H:H
It's strange, my desire for AL is completely gone now; no cravings whatsoever. I imagine it's now that I should be on highest alert, right?I went to my doctor and told him I had a serious drinking problem and that I was in desperate need of a solution. He said, 'Stop drinking.' I said, 'I don't get it..' He said, 'Go home and think about it.'
Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of 3/31
Mac, I find that is the time I need to be more vigilant for some reason. When I feel like crap and really want a drink, it is really hard to fight it off, but I do. When I am happy and feeling great, AL sneaks up and bites me in my monkey ass.Goal 1: Today
Goal 2: Tomorrow
Booze Busters 30 Day AF Challenge - Week of 3/31
Thanks L, I will watch my ass this week! : )I went to my doctor and told him I had a serious drinking problem and that I was in desperate need of a solution. He said, 'Stop drinking.' I said, 'I don't get it..' He said, 'Go home and think about it.'