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Saturday 5th April

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    Saturday 5th April

    Another beautiful spring morning here in England....hoping to get out in the garden again later. Leaving the exercise today cause I feel so having a free day today.

    Day 39 and grateful for every morning I get up feeling good. Just started Eckhart Tolle "The Power of Now". Don't know whats happening to me but those negative thoughts are few and far between is good!! This time of the year does help though doesn't it.....I don't know, it just gives you Hope.

    love and best wishes to everyone for a great Saturday,

    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

    Saturday 5th April

    Hi Janice and everyone else to come

    I'm posting on so many threads that it is hard to keep up with everyone. It's great to see you doing so well Janice. Well done on your 39 days. You are right this time of the year does help. It's spring and new beginnings. I have a busy day planned. We have been stock piling junk and need to fill a skip. Very rewarding to see all that junk banished. I am waging an all out war on junk and that includes Al and junk food!! Want to loose about 10lbs before the summer. You would think just banishing Al and all the exercise I do would do it but I have a terrible sweet tooth and that does not help.

    Have a great week-end everyone.



      Saturday 5th April

      Morning Janice, Rustop...all to follow
      Dreary here in NE CT, can't wait for some nice weather to finally get outside myself. Janice 39 days, you are doing just awesome.....Rustop, I here ya with the sweet tooth...what started out with cravings after giving up AL, has turned into another nightly "habit"......I keep saying I am not going to buy the sweets, but seems I always come home from groceries with something.....Guess I need to tackle with the same energy as I do with dealing with AL......Oh the similarities!!!

      Hoping everyone has a great weekend..
      sobriety date 11-04-07


        Saturday 5th April

        Good Morning all!

        Got to check in and run, I'm off with the Boyz to take them to their last bowling match of their season - Yeah! Pain level was off the charts yesterday but today looks I'm gonna have a good day. Planning on having another relaxing AF day hope you all do to!

        Big AF Smiles today everyone!!
        Is Addiction Really a Disease?
        Watch this and find out....


          Saturday 5th April

          Hi Everyone. Just checking in, have a hectic day, as does everyone else I predict. Hockey season just ended but of course now they have hockey tryouts for next year and baseball starts today. I'm going to try to get back on later today. Hope everyone has a positive day. Stay Strong! Aquamarine
          AF SINCE 3/16/2016


            Saturday 5th April

            hi all, hope u have had a pleasant day so far. i had horse riding this morning which i injoyed. then i had nice nap in afternoon. really i should of went to gym instead. hopefully i will get back on track.

            like somone said, i too got sugar cravings and its a pest. it shouldnt be the AL because ive been off it long enough. guess its my sugar levels playing up again today.

            anyway ill stop rambling, have a good AF day. see u all tomorrow.

            day 36 AF


              Saturday 5th April

              Good Morning Absters,

              I can't believe it's almost noon here and I have accomplished so little !!!!

              Janice, Congratulations!!!!! Tomorrow you're at 40 days!!!!! You sound quite optimistic. I know the past couple of months have been hard and I always felt an affinity with you as, I believe, we have kids of a similar age and I know that the loss of your father left you reeling for a while. My dad died two years ago and his death impacted me in a way I did not anticipate. It took at least a year until I could think about him without weeping. Today i have to visit my mother,whose altzheimers disease has steadily gotten worse. Unfortunately, the visit is not something I look foward to and that makes me feel guilty.Today the guilt won't make me drink though!!!! Anyway each day you sound better and better. I hope to follow in your sober footsteps!!

              Rustop, I started de-junking the house 10 days ago and have found the more you slog through the junk the more you find. It's a tough job but cathartic!!!! You feel so light after the process. Good luck today.

              Boyz, hope the pain is better today. There is nothing worse than being in pain!! Good luck with the bowling!!!

              Charlee, I'm a bit north of you and indeed the weather is dreary. I could tolerate it but for the fact that the weatherman said this morning that today would be a better day (weather-wise) than tomorrow. As the days progress it can only get better though.

              Aquamarine, I feel for you as I will be busy this evening taking two of my sons to hockey tryouts. I'm actually grateful as the tryouts last from 6-9 and that should keep me away from the wine at I time when I would normally struggle. I don't watch the tryouts though so I might try to run to the mall or go to the bookstore. Hope the kids have good tryouts!!!!

              Everyone to come,I wish you a relaxing AF Sat. This will be my challenge of the week so I'm armored up to resist temptation.



                Saturday 5th April

                Happy Saturday ABomatics!

                Janice, thanks for the lovely kick-start today. I've never been to England but would love to some day. Dx and I want to travel everywhere!

                Feeling great and AF today. Tomorrow is day 60
                off to my martial arts class today so I'm just trying not to hurt myself as I've been on the road working all week and not really in shape but getting there slowly.

                Last night I invented something strange and yummy that I just have to share: roasted chicken thighs on a bed of sauteed: mushrooms, apples, kumquats, walnuts, green olives,garlic and fennel seeds.
                hows that for weird!?! it was really aromatic and yummy. sort of a "Tuscany meets North Africa" perhaps?

                be well friends!
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Saturday 5th April

                  Deter: That dish sounds great! I love to cook also but am not quite as daring as you. I'm very proud of the 60 day milestone. Good for you! Mary

                  PS: Tomorrow we're going to a get-together w/our old gourmet club friends. I know the wine will be flowing. I have a plan & will stick to it. M
                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    Saturday 5th April

                    Reading through today's posts made me laugh out loud.

                    I have gained weight since I quit drinking. OMG. Chocolate!! My dreaded and hated enemy these days. (What is hilarious is it always makes me sick with the "sugar dump" us gp patients get, but the cravings are overhwelming!! Charlee, right on, just like AL. )

                    I renewed my L-Glut and have added it back to my already formidable repertoire of supplements and drugs. sigh, just one more thing to take every day.

                    Exercise!! I keep putting off going to Curves and keep avoiding outside because 40 and grey and wet is just not "my thing."


                    Det - SO AWESOME ON 60!! When you get right down to it, if you remove the few, and I mean really few, binges you have had since you went to rehab, I think that MOST of the year was sober. So pre-congrats on the 60 days in a row and a huge congrats on tackling this beast and never giving up. I am so glad you have Dx by your side, you are one lucky person. I'll bet being sober with her is a whole lot more fun than being blacked out.

                    Mary - I know you had the drinking thought yesterday so be prepared and plan well for tomorrow. I am grateful you talk so openly about your drinking feelings. It is helping me to plan down the road when they come up.

                    Well. Got little to no sleep last night due to daughter and hubby fight and her drinking. Had to find out where she ended up. I am a mom, after all. Everything is quiet this morning but it will happen again.

                    I have a "not enough sleep" headache and hubby is getting on my nerves.

                    That is okay, though, because once again I have popped my Antabuse, my Gabapentin, and my husband won't shut up right now. LOL So, I will be sober yet one more day!!

                    Love to all of you,
                    AF April 9, 2016


                      Saturday 5th April

                      Hi Everyone,

                      Another running around day with the girls - 1st day of spring soccer. So I run around like crazy to soccer fields all over the county until end of May. I love that they get such great exercise.

                      I managed to get my run in yesterday and today!!! De-stresses me.

                      On the Booze Busters thread, DG asked me if I was in for another 30 days AF. Of course I am, I am not leaving here because this actually works for me.

                      Det - great on going 60 days! It feels great, doesn't it. Oh, and go to England. I was lucky enough to live there for 4 years. I get back as often as I can. Not sure how I would handle a pub now, though.

                      Mary and Janet - be careful tonight.

                      Wishing you all a great AF Saturday,

                      Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


                        Saturday 5th April

                        Hi, just thought I'd check in.....busy day here....felt "strange" at 5ish......don't know if it was a coincedence but I noticed hubby had his glass of white poured and I was aware of it. Felt moody, down, didn't know why, just didn't feel right. Snapped a bit at him and I think he could sense my mood - in fact I'm sure he could! Prepared dinner and told myself there was nothing wrong feeling like this....afterall, can't be on top of the world all the time eh? A few weeks ago I would have associated this feeling = I want a drink now! Anyway I just rode it out and feel fine now.

                        Vino, hope your visit to see your mam went okay? My father-in-law was in the early stages of alzeimhers when he was killed 2yrs ago. Alzeimhers is a terrible, terrible certainly shouldn't feel guilty. :l

                        Well I'm off to bed.....going to do the hypno again - its great for getting me relaxed and off to sleep but somehow I don't think thats the idea!!! I think I'll have to do them during the day but don't seem to get the undisturbed time to myself.

                        Night night everyone, sleep tight, see you tomorrow.....Janicexxx
                        AF since 9 May 2012
                        Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

