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Weight loss?

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    Weight loss?

    I love reading all your posts every day, but I'm still trying to make it for a 30-day stretch. The longest I've had so far was 24 days, and I'm starting again today.

    I want to do the 30 days along with eating a healthy diet....not dieting, just eating whole, mostly unprocessed foods and no junk.

    I know it's possible to gain weight when you stop drinking because of a craving for sweets, but my question to you is: Has anyone lost weight just by going AF? I'm going to try it and see what happens, and if I can make myself report in here on my progress, maybe I'll make it the whole 30 days (and longer) this time, and if I can leave the sugar alone, lose a few pounds in the process.

    Thanks for the inspiration you give all the time......

    Weight loss?

    when i cut down my drinking for the first 6 weeks and then i started AF i lost 2 stone in 2 months.

    i didnt have a craving for sugar then, i actually didnt eat much as i had no appetite. so my sugar levels wasnt a problem. but now they are but thats due to my diet and that, not alcohol anymore.

    good luck in getting that 30 days.


      Weight loss?

      Alcohol is a big culprit in weight gain. When I went AF for 5 months last year, I lost 20 pounds! I also had more energy, did lots of walking and ate things that were not refined. Lots of whole grains, and proteins... and of course lots of veggies.

      Alcohol is empty calories....

      After the last few weeks of drinking off and on, I can tell that I am starting to gain some weight back. With the day after drinking, I am eating way too much junk, which in turns makes me gain weight.

      I am going back on track. Time to do a "Spring Cleaning" on my ol' body....


        Weight loss?

        I haven't had a long time AF (6 weeks) but I dropped 7 lbs pretty quickly just by putting down the glass. I'm simply consuming fewer calories at night, sitting on the couch. I think I've been eating a bit more during the day, and I'm drinking more fruit juice as opposed to low calorie or calorie free beverages, but for now, I'm going with the flow.

        I was even thinking this weekend how nice it might be to take a walk after supper - before that would be unimaginable. (of course it's still dark and chilly now, but in another few weeks it will be nice!)
        The untold want, by life and land ne?er granted,
        Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.

        W Whitman

        90+ days yay!


          Weight loss?

          In the first 6 months I lost 50lbs ! and still ate junk (didn't want to but still did eat it..)......

          it was all alcohol .... yeeeuuukkkk

          ?We are one another's angels?
          Sober since 29/04/2007


            Weight loss?

            I've lost 22 lbs. simply by not drinking. I don't keep sweets in the house or I'd gobble them down. If I get the munchies at night, I have to settle for some pistascio nuts or toast. I wanted to lose this weight for so long, and going AF was the answer to my prayers!

            :l :l
            AF as of August 5th, 2012


              Weight loss?

              Wow! Thanks everyone for the answers. It was way more than I expected! How impressive that you all lost weight without dieting....that's a lot incentive to keep me on track, because I'd be happy if not drinking resulted in losing only a couple of pounds a month.

              I want to go for the 30 days, try to eat healthy food, and see just how good I can feel after 30 days. As bad as AL makes me feel, it should be awesome!

              Maybe your stories about the weight loss will help someone else get on track, too. Thanks!


                Weight loss?

                most people i would guess lose weight.. i am doing a month af and also staying on 15-1700 cals per day in order to lose five to ten pounds. so far im disappointed.. i used to lose weight much quicker. i wonder if its my age.. im only 26 though..anyway, with that number of calories per day ive lose about two pounds in two weeks. (no alcohol obviousally) im on antabuse-the lifesaver in my mind.


                  Weight loss?

                  Me145....a pound a week sounds good to me. Think how quickly that will add up. Sometimes I wonder if alcohol, being a depressant, depresses the metabolism. If that's true, we'd gain more weight than just what the alcohol calories would add. I'm not going to try to restrict calories...want to give it 30 days and see what happens. Good for you on the two weeks AF!


                    Weight loss?

                    HI Juli,

                    I had a couple of (male) friends who were serious bodybuilding types (drool, but we won't go there!) and they drank very rarely.

                    A few years back I undertook a serious exercise plan - and they nagged me to get on this special diet of eating 6 times a day, lots of chicken breast and rice and said that my weight would fly off. Oh and, absolutely no drinking of any alcohol. They promised me that it wasn't just the empty calories that got in the way, but the content of the drink and how your body metabolized it and how it affected how you metabolized other food.

                    Naturally I didn't follow their nutrition (alcohol) advice, I did manage to get very shaped up - but it took a very long time.

                    (then I stopped and the weight came back and the muscle went away) :H

                    Personally, my plan is to hit one demon at a time. But if you can do both (quit AL and diet) good on you!
                    The untold want, by life and land ne?er granted,
                    Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.

                    W Whitman

                    90+ days yay!


                      Weight loss?

                      juli - not only is the weight loss a good motivator.... your hair, your skin, your eyes, everything about your physical self starts to look & feel so much better. It is a great self esteem booster.

                      Your emotional health is better in the long run as well.

                      I am soooooo going back to AF - day 2 done now. (yeah, kind of let things slide a bit over the last couple of months, having a few drinks every couple of weeks - but they would be quite a bit on the most part and for two evenings in a row.....).

                      But - I am ready for a good overhaul. I am soooo ready to start living again, and feeling good.

                      30 days is a great goal to start with, BTW. I initially went for 30, felt so good that I ended up doing over 5 months. I didn't have a 'real slip' until after 8 months. I can remember how great it felt. I encourage everyone to set out with small goals (less pressure on yourself) and then decide how you feel from there.


                        Weight loss?

                        me145, 1500-1700 calories seems high, are u doing any excercise at all? with that calorie range u would need to burn at least 3400 cals in a week to lose a pound. and u being 26 aww to be young again. ur still young hun and unless u have illness ur body amd metrobolic rate should be fine. as somone said in the end it does all count up, but if ur looking for results and bit speedier is that ur cals should be around 1200-1300 and thats with excercise. anyway i hope that helped. im just learning all this stuff myself.


                          Weight loss?

                          Day 2 AF here, and I felt pretty blah most of the day, but by evening I was feeling much better. Accountable, yes I want to see all of what can change in 30 days. I know from experience how much the energy level, focus, and general attitude toward life changes after a week or two, and you're right....I look so much better and healthier after just a week or so. I really want this experiment to see how good I'll feel, and to see if eliminating the alcohol results in some weight loss. I think looking at it this way may be a motivator to finally get to that 30 days!


                            Weight loss?

                            Hey Guys -

                            If you want even more motivation - I can happily report that the good stuff just keeps on coming well past 30 days.

                            I have lost 12 pounds since I went AF - doesn't sound a lot - but I was pretty lean to start with - I am now down to around 12% body fat.
                            That is only 1% more than I was in my late 20's while racing at half marathon distance and competing in triathlons.
                            In fact - am back training for triathlons again - something I have not done for MANY years!

                            I have MUCH more energy - and as a result am able to exercise more than I have been for many years.
                            And - even tho I am exercising much harder - I seem less prone to injury than I was while drinking.

                            I am finding things that involve motor skills are improving.
                            While drinking I was at a plateau with my guitar playing - I am now improving again in leaps and bounds.

                            I have also found that I have been able to take my skiing to a new level this season - again after many years of "samey" performance.
                            (Although that may have been due to trying to keep up with my crazy 16 year old son! )

                            I am also climbing better than I have in years - probably because of the lower weight to lug up the rock!

                            Many people have commented on my appearance, I apparently look younger and healthier than I have done for a long time - I only just noticed recently that the whites of my eyes are actually white again instead of tired and pink looking as they used to be.
                            (I certainly FEEL younger and healthier!)

                            So - keep at it - the benefits just keep on coming!




                            (coming up fast on 9 months AF )
                            "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                              Weight loss?


                              Tried to stop drinking this year but just managed a day here or there. I totally stopped drinking about a month ago with 1 slip. I have lost roughly 10 pounds in a month. I eat when I want but eat a balanced diet. I run 2 to 6 miles a day, swim and ride bike a couple times a week. Used to run a few marathons a year and a tri or 2 so I have a bit of direction. Been in shape before and want to get back there. It is incredibly motivating to see your body shape, complexion, physical aliments and energy level improve.

                              I think the exercise is the key, it seems to balance and enlighten... makes me less restless. I am around people all day. I have a very stressful job; it gives me alone time to think.

                              Wish you luck in your endeavor

                              On my way
                              Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!

