I got a nice surprise last night. My son's coming home for the weekend (even though he just went back last week!). All his housemates are away so he's coming home to watch The Masters with his Dad!! So, I'm off to get food shopping!!
Hope everyone is good today - WantrealMeaning, its good to have you back on the boards; Barebones, keep posting, know you're not feeling so good right now; Beck, don't apologise - thats what we're all here for!! Mary - hope everything goes well next week for your husband's op. You must be shattered with all the babysitting!!
Second-chance, know what you mean about going to sleep AF. That is one of the main differences for me - waking in the night is no problem now, its so lovely being able to get back to sleep without having those awful panic/anxiety attacks - they were such long nights and I'm so glad they're in the past.
Had another afternoon in the garden working yesterday; it was hubby's day off and he worked too. When we came in, he couldn't wait for his glass of wine and I tootled off to my bath with a glass of tonic water. He later said he was so proud of me and what I was doing and that there was no way he could not have had a drink after working so hard like we did.......(Aaw!!)
Enjoy your Friday everyone.....I'll be back on later.